
The Ultimatum App

Elliot_thegreat · Fantasia
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3 Chs


Myles was so angry at this stupid prank someone was pulling that he saw red. He pulled his arm back and threw his phone across the room. He didn't realize what he had done until he did it, and luckily he had a smash proof phone. He picked up his phone and walked back over to his bed, sitting down and trying to smile until tears came to his eyes. He read somewhere that smiling increases pain tolerance, and makes things hurt less, but it wasn't working. He burst out into tears and the only thing he could do was try to stay quiet so he wouldn't wake his mom.

He cried for 15 minutes straight, images of earlier that day flashing through his mind. He felt crushed, and like there was no point. So when he looked at his screen and saw the message again, he said fuck it and responded to the app. 'My day was shitty, and I blame you. You were the reason I stayed home, making you the reason I was able to try to surprise Dylan. But I guess if I'm giving you the blame I should also give you credit, so thanks I guess. At least now I know I was being played.' He sighed and sniffled as he wiped the tears from his eyes, but then he heard a knock on the door. He walked out of his room as quickly and quietly as possible, then looked through the peephole and saw none other than the disgusting asshole known as Dylan.

He scoffed and just walked away, but the knocking got more persistent until eventually it was accompanied by Dylan calling Myles' name. He finally ran to the door and flung it upon, punching Dylan square in the nose. "You have 10 seconds to get the fuck off my property and tell yourself to never, ne-ver-, talk to me, contact me, or look at me ever again. Got it you lying bastard?" Dylan looked at him with a shocked expression and said, "How fucking dare you? I did nothing wrong, you were the one who thought we were something. I came here to give you a second chance to be forgiven so you could have what you wanted, but now I wouldn't take you back if my life depended on it."

"Take me back, Dylan? How dare YOU?" Myles said. "You asshole. Get away from my house before I call the cops. Now." Dylan scoffed and turned around to walk away, then spun around and punched Myles in the gut. "Just remember that you had your chance when you start thinking about coming crawling back." Myles scoffed and almost slammed the door but thought of his mother. He closed the door angrily, but when he finally went to his room he burst back into tears. He wasn't ready to see Dylan again, and now he felt worse than ever. He grabbed his phone to text one of his friends and ask them to come over, but when he grabbed his phone there was another message from the app. 'Today's ultimatum, would you rather A. Talk to Dylan or B. Talk to the girl he kissed? Have fun with this one Myles, I sure will.'

Myles' stomach dropped and he started to cry without any feeling other than pure fury. This prank was going too far. So he responded, 'I'm done with this app and with whoever you are, so tell me who the fuck you are right now before I destroy this phone.' The app responded almost immediately. 'I'll make you a deal, if you get through 50 ultimatums, I'll give you a hint as to who I am. Sound good?' Myles was fuming, but the fury turned to pure fear when he got another message. 'Don't be so angry Myles, I'm not a monster or anything. ( ;' He started to panic and his face went pale. He put his phone down and ran out of the room. Was someone watching him? Through the windows or through cameras? This was terrifying. If this was actually Dylan, and it was seeming more and more like it was, was he fucking stalking him?

Myles needed to call the police, but he was too scared to even touch his phone. It was terrifying to think that he was being watched. He needed to leave, so he quickly woke his mother up and told her that it was an emergency, and she needed to get in the car. She questioned what was going on but he just repeatedly told her that she needed to get in the car, and that's when he saw it. Dylan's car across the street, with Dylan and binoculars inside it. Watching him. And just as Dylan noticed him looking and started to get out of the car, he got another message, meaning..it couldn't be Dylan.