
Small Chaosworld

Three days later, the silhouette of Earth or even the sun of the Solar System was already nowhere in sight from the windows of the Space Vessel.

With most of them experiencing traveling through space for the first time, the first three days of our journey became a sightseeing tour without any mishaps happening.

We passed through planets, different star systems and saw some Space Beasts peacefully resting somewhere.

And although Jayna had already experienced traveling through space during our previous lives, her curiosity over new things would never be sated. She even pulled Avelin, Dannae and Noelle with her as they went from window to window to talk about any heavenly bodies they would see.

Naturally, even if we started from a desolate part of the Universe, we encountered at least four Space Vessels that were most likely from those Invasive Worlds going to Earth. Those four Space Vessels had the gall to try and attack us.