
One Day in the World of Barbarians (2)

With a Halo appearing on top of her head before it settled behind it, Erin unleashed one of her Halo Skills.

The Shadow Daggers I saw from her before grew numerous and started flying around her as if they came to life. Erin then pointed her finger towards me, marking me as the target of those blades. 

A few seconds later, the Shadow Daggers as if acknowledging that order really lunged straight at me while leaving a dark trail of her energy.

Since I didn't have any orbs with me this time and my stats were sufficiently lower than hers, I had to make do with every skill and ability in my arsenal.

"That Halo, I knew for sure you'll fit in that Hidden Village full of shinobi."

She made it look like kunais, I wonder where she was drawing her inspiration when she created those daggers.