
The Uknown Traveler

A man wakes up in an unknown world, with no sign of Humanity in sight.

Fallen_Angel_6405 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

In the Unkown

The chirps of insects and the roars of beasts resound throughout the green, boundless forest. The hundred feet tall trees created a canopy, protecting the inhabitants from the blazing sun and the torrential downpours. Occasionally, speeding rivers break the monotony, but only for a moment.

Inside this crazy domain lies the body of a man, sound asleep in a remote part of the jungle, surrounded by a rainbow of flowers. Small critters crawl across his body, almost as if they were ready to devour him. Thankfully, a crystal rain drop fell on his head, raising him from his death like sleep.

His eyes finally flicker open, allowing him to finally notice his surroundings. It is a beautiful woodland area, with flowers everywhere. Above the flowers are rainbow trees, with crystal fruits on their buds.

"Where am I?" he muttered, holding his head in pain.

I was at home with my family. I went outside, then darkness. What is happening? .... oh, I'm so hungry and thirsty.... Is this crystal fruit edible?

He picked up the fruit. It was so clear that you could see through it. It emitted a nice aroma that made one's mouth salivate. It looked like it would be so juicy if only he could sink his teeth in it.

However, his common sense told him otherwise. The more captivating the fruit, the deadlier the poison. Temporarily, he set the fruit to the side, and he tried to find a source of water. As he observed the flowers and the trees, he saw many small animals running through the bushes.

"At least I know where I'm going to get food...."

He noticed that the forest was sloped in a direction, so he decided to head up the hill in hope of finding a stream. He trekked for more than 4 kilometers, gradually becoming weary. As he was close to collapsing, he heard the sound of rushing water. Life instantly returned to his dead eyes. The stream was at a boundary between the rainbow forest and what looked like dark trees, as if they would swallow him alive if he would venture close. He climbed down the rocky bank to the stream and started to drown himself in the glass-like water. He saw his face in the reflection. It was an ordinary face, not particularly handsome or ugly, just average. He had black hair with a set of bright blue eyes. He was about 5 feet 9 inches tall, a totally average build.

After he finished drinking, he fell on his back, grasping for whatever air his lungs could latch onto. After a few minutes, a thought finally entered his mind....

"What do I do now?"

He peered over to the dark forest, but just one look screamed danger at him. He decided to head back into the rainbow forest for the time being. After an hour and a half, he returned. He started to take stock of what he had on him.

"I have some crystal fruit.... no


He had no food, no shelter, and water is kilometers from his current location. It was not looking good...

He decided that since he did not know how to trap or hunt animals, he needed to test the crystal fruit. He ripped apart the fruit into a small fingernail size chunck, the. held it up to his mouth.

"Down the hatch...?"

As the fruit slid down his throat, it excreted succulent juice everywhere, it was extremely refreshing. He decided to wait there to see what the the side effects were. After ten minutes, he started to feel bubbly , then excruciating pain assaulted his entire body in waves.


He felt as if his guts were being torn apart piece by piece, until the pain was too much to bear, he fainted.

After an eternity, he finally regained consciousness. He observed his body and found no immediate problems, only that he needed to do nature's business. After cleansing what looked like black goo from his body, he decided to never ever try the fruits again.

However, his food problem was. Not solved, so he decided he needed to venture from the rainbow forest. The way near the stream was clearly out, so only the clearing in front was the only option.

As he entered to what seemed to be open space, he saw a sight he will never forget.
