
The Uchiha brothers and magical England

Sasuke dies as a result of a blow from Kaguya. Suddenly he and Itachi are transported to the world of magic and begin life anew. Now the Uchiha are Snape's sons, and magical England will have to experience the power of Sharigan! Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Luna.25

Charlottess · Livros e literatura
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26 Chs

The Feast of the Luna and Valentine's Day

Luna's birthday was slowly creeping up. The brothers had prepared presents in advance and created a festive programme. When Luna came down to the living room, she was greeted by balloons with various animals drawn on them, including magical ones, and the song "Happy Birthday to You!".

The bewildered girl didn't know what to say out of joy. After the death of his wife, Luna's father withdrew into himself, and although he gradually came out of depression and began to pay more and more attention to her, the joyful atmosphere that reigned in the house before the sad event disappeared. The gift of "Vision" didn't help her make many friends because the children either didn't understand what she meant or were angry that she knew about their secrets. And the visions of the moon often took her out of her usual world, and those who noticed it considered her "out of the world". This was why, apart from her parents and a couple of their friends, no one wished her a happy birthday, much less a birthday party. Lovegood blushed, noticing how interested, and sometimes enviously, the Ravenclaws in the living room were looking at her. Despite her overflowing happiness, the girl realised that news of how she had been congratulated would spread around the school at Nundu speed. You bet the Prince twins had condescended to congratulate the 'strange Ravenclaw'!

Constant distrust of her words had long ago accustomed Luna to not paying attention to the opinions of people around her, except those she could call close, so she walked over to her friends and thanked them warmly for the surprise.

- This was far from over! Itachi and Sasuke have a whole programme for you! - Theo grinned through his teeth.

- It's a surprise," Dakota hissed at his friend, "you don't have to spill everything right away!

- But I didn't tell her anything! - Theo took offence.

Wanting to end their argument, Luna asked:

- 'So, where do we go next?

We'll run into the canteen for breakfast and then walk. Today is Sunday; we all have our homework done so we can move out safely," replied Sasuke, who was beginning to get annoyed by his friends' bickering.

Sensing his brother's tension, Itachi took Luna under his elbow and led her into the Great Hall. Sasuke stood on the other side, and Theo and Dakota, who had noticed his friends leaving, left the argument and hurried after them. After eating breakfast, the Ravenclaws returned to the living room to change. Before Luna disappeared into the girls' bedroom, the Princes handed her a box in holiday wrapping. The girl's bickering about how they had already given her beautiful balloons as a gift was cut short.

- Hn, firstly, they were jewellery, not a proper gift. Secondly, there's something inside that you'll need today," Sasuke told her.

Unwrapping the gift, the girl saw a black hat and mittens. Putting them on, she felt that they were not only soft and comfortable but also quite warm.

- Thank you so much," Luna smiled, "this means a lot to me!

The boys went to their rooms, and ten minutes later, they were back in the living room. As they exited the tower, they saw Draco, also dressed for the walk.

- Congratulations, Miss Lovegood, on your birthday. Let me give you a present," Malfoy handed Luna a small box.

Inside was a brooch in the shape of a cat. Her friends had learnt of Luna's love of cats in the summer when she saw Itachi and Sasuke's pets. Noticing the knizzles, she walked over to them and picked one up. To her luck, it was Shika who happily spent the entire afternoon in her arms

- Couldn't you have done it a little less pathetic? - Theo asked.

- 'Malfoys don't do anything half-assed,' Draco replied pompously.

Luna laughed at his pouty look and said:

- 'Thank you very much, Heir Malfoy. I enjoyed your gift,

Luna crouched down in a curtsy, and Draco bowed to her.

- 'Well, let's hurry up. Everything should be ready by now,' Malfoy said, switching to his usual tone.

The friends entered the courtyard, where the Weasley twins were already waiting. Draco nodded to the redheads, and the Princes said a brief hello. The brothers were pleased that the redheaded twins had found common ground with their friend. At first, Draco had been reluctant to have anything to do with this family, remembering the experience with their younger brother and the run-in at Flourish and Blotts. Still, Itachi and Sasuke had convinced him to socialise with them, and gradually Malfoy had thawed and even started to make friendly banter with them when they met. The vote for the wittiest paper organised by the Princes played a significant role in this. Draco was the representative of the Slytherin faculty, through whom the Weasleys received information about the bets from the green faculty, so they were in constant contact and slowly, their communication was getting better. The Weasleys noted Malfoy's intelligence and sharp tongue, and Draco was impressed by their cleverness and enterprise.

Seeing the red-haired twins, Luna greeted them with a smile:

- It's good to see you. Are you going for a walk with us too?

- No," Sasuke answered for them, "Fred and George helped us prepare a surprise for you.

- Really? - The girl was surprised," I'd love to see what you guys came up with.

The Weasleys' smiles grew even wider. They took the girl under their arms and led her into the schoolyard, where two snow forts stood tall. Standing in front of her were Lee Jordan, Krebb and Goyle.

- We ...

- ...made ...

- ...for you...

- ...snow ...

- ...fight!

While Weasley and Malfoy were telling Krebb and Goyle the rules of a snowball fight, noticing Lovegood's pensive look, Sasuke asked the girl:

- Do you like the present?

Luna's lips stretched in a smile:

- Very much! I've often seen other kids playing snowballs, but they've never wanted to invite me to play. Besides, these forts are so beautiful!

- We...




-...liked it!

One after another, the red-haired twins said.

- Let's divide into teams," Itachi took the organising role.

- We...


-...to be...

-...on the same...

-...team! - said the Weasley twins.

- Hn. Then Itachi and I will be on the other one," Sasuke smirked, "And you, Luna, who are you with?

- I'm with you," the girl replied.

- I'll be with the Weasleys," Lee Jordan stated.

- And I'm with the Princes," Draco said.

- Then we'll have four people on the team, and Fred and George will have three," Itachi counted, "I suggest we send Vincent and Gregory to the Weasley team.

Everyone agreed and hurried to take their positions.

- So," Itachi began, "Sasuke and Draco will guard the fortress from the front, and you, Luna, will make sure no one comes at us from the rear. In an attack, you must take turns to stay energised.

- What are you going to do? - Draco asked.

- I'll examine the enemy's fortifications up close. See to it that they are focused on you.

The friends nodded. Malfoy and the younger Prince stepped forward and began pelting the opponents' fortress with snowballs. Itachi stealthily stepped out and began to approach Team Weasley's fortress. Ten minutes later, he returned.

- Weasley and Lee Jordan are watching from the front. Krebb and Goyle are guarding the other side. The snowdrifts have been cleared, so there's no way to get in unnoticed," Itachi told him.

- Hmm, I see. We'll go head-on," Sasuke summed up.

At that time, they saw the red-haired twins coming out of the fortress.

- Hn, I guess they decided to make the first move," Sasuke grinned.

The princes began to fire snowballs at their opponents. The Weasleys did not fail to respond, and the confrontation turned into an active phase. Gradually, other Hogwarts students began to arrive. They split up and joined the teams. Flitwick and McGonagall, who had noticed the commotion, went out into the courtyard, and one of the snowballs hit the charms professor. McGonagall wanted to stop the snowball fight, but the little professor created a large snowball and threw it towards his attacker, laughing and joining the battle. The transfiguration professor, who decided not to be left out, created her own snowball and joined in the game.

The students and faculty didn't notice lunchtime had passed and only came to their senses when their stomachs rumbled with hunger. Stopping the battle, McGonagall announced:

- We will now go to the Great Hall for lunch. I'll organise everything this time, but you will go hungry if you miss meal time one more time.

The children hurried back to the castle. While the Professor of Transfiguration gave orders, Flitwick helped the children dry their clothes, and they rushed into the Great Hall in a merry bunch.

After lunch, Lee Jordan, Fred and George said goodbye to their friends and did business. Draco sent Krebb and Goyle to the drawing-room, and the group moved to the Rectory, where they sang songs until it was time for dinner. Once they had eaten, the brothers swept Luna under their arms and headed for the kitchen along with Theo, Dakota and Draco. There a huge cake prepared for her by the elves was waiting for the girl. Tears came to Luna's eyes from happiness, and she hugged her friends tightly.

The whole day was filled with fun and joy. Itachi and Sasuke had a great time with their friends. The contrast with the fourteenth of February was all the more vivid.

From the very morning, the shinobi's gut had been signalling to the twins that nothing good was in store for them. Entering the Great Hall with Theo and Dakota, the Princes were dumbfounded by the abundance of hearts and pink. At first, the brothers didn't understand what was going on, as the previous Valentine's Day had not featured so many decorations, but a glance at Loconce, who was dressed in poisonous pink, made it all clear to them. The ZOTI professor wished everyone a happy holiday and thanked those who had sent him greeting cards. When the letter carriers hired by Locons showed up, the twins couldn't wait to get out of this madhouse. Looking at the faculty table, they realised they had completely shared their mood. When Locons tried to include his colleagues in his celebratory programme, Professors McGonagall and Stebel hurried out of the room, the charms professor hiding his face in his palms and the others trying to blend into the area so the line wouldn't reach them.

"Hn, Dad looks like he's ready to poison someone," Sasuke thought as he looked at his angry father, whom Lokons offered to talk about the Charms, "The bill to the peacock is mounting."

After a quick breakfast, the twins and their friends hurried off to class. During the day, they often desired to escape from the castle to the Forbidden Forest, to be at least there in silence and not to hear the terrible singing of the dwarves, and only pride kept them from escaping. Adding to the list of troubles was the fact that the Princes had become quite famous during their first year, and after the voting for the best answer to the Loconce test, their popularity at Hogwarts approached that of the famous Boy Who Survived, so many of their peers, as well as female students from the first and third year, sent them Valentine's cards. To avoid the ZOTI professor's letter carriers, the brothers looped around the school all day, which added another item to their list of grievances against the Lokons.

After lunch, the twins, having learnt that Draco had a date with a Gryffindor, decided to go with him to congratulate Hermione on her recovery. They suspected her 'illness' was due to improper potion preparation but decided not to emphasise it. As they approached the classroom, they saw Harry snatching the bag from the hands of a gnome singing a song. From the violent tug, the strap broke, and many things scattered across the floor. The princes helped Harry gather his things, noting that he had a strange old notebook that absorbed ink, but deciding that it was a gift from the red-haired family in the form of an enchanted diary, they didn't ask anything. They went over to Hermione and wished her well.

The rest of the busy day passed in similar turmoil, and the brothers looked forward to the end of it.