
Portal opening

It was a bright and cold night, I decided to step out of the house to get something to eat, I walked to the nearest sore and went for some snacks I always had snacks at my home but today I had nothing, I have been indoor for days helping my friend with a project. I took my load from the counter and went back straight home I had to read the novel before tomorrow morning for the presentation of the project but I was dead tired. I switched on my laptop and click on the novel, I read half of it and got more tired but I couldn't stop, I had to read, read and read, who am I kidding I am human after all, before I knew it my brain got a whole of me and I slept off .

The next morning I opened my feeling the sun directly at my face, I stood up quickly realizing I would be late for the presentation and my alarm didn't wake me up, slowly I looked around I wasn't in my room I was somewhere else somewhere different and I was scared I began panicking and started slapping my self thinking maybe it's a dream, it's just a dream, I screamed out loud to ease the fear in my heart and almost immediately three people ran into the room I immediately stood up with my hands in a fighting position ready to disfigure anyone who dared touch me. "Your highness" , I heard one of the people say, I became more confuse. The one behind her back who seemed to be the head of all told the guard behind her to go call the prince that the princess was awake. I came down from the bed and stared at all of them but they had their heads down like they were afraid to look at me or something. " Who are you and where am I" was the only question that left my mouth I stared at their dressing it looked so ancient. The people at my front immediately began to quiver the youngest one was crying uncontrollably I felt bad even though I did nothing. The eldest one stared at me " your highness, don't you remember where you are" she said shaking. "I know I was in my home then I ended up here" i said looking around. I know what to do I immediately sprinted out of the large room and they followed behind begging me to stop, but I didn't these people are crazy calling me your highness and all that , I wasn't watching where I was running to cause I had something on my mind, I immediately bumped into something hard and fell immediately hitting my butt in the floor. I stood up rubbing my butt, "ouch my butt, watch it you sucker, what the heck" I was clearly at fault but was to angry to admit it. "Your highness" , you should watch where you are going ", I looked up at the person who said those words, "your highness? All of you are crazy " I said immediately and took off I had to get out of here. " your highness " I stopped in my tracks staring at the man before me, what the.., how did he, where did he come from I said staring back and front. "What's this", I said in anger , "what do you want from me?". The man looked at me in surprise, " I want nothing from you, you are my wife whatever that is yours is mine, take her to her room", "yes your highness" . Am I married, when did this happen, I asked myself looking confused, I didn't like what was happening. I looked out the window this is a dream and I can wake up, slowly I walked towards the window and jumped off it, " your highness " was what I heard those people yelling, but I didn't care I will soon be free I said laughing loudly, I closed my eyes waiting to wake up but all I felt was a hand around my waist ,I opened my eyes and realized it was the same man who stopped me earlier how does he keep doing that, "do you want to leave me so badly" he said with a grin. "What?". Before I knew it we were back in the same room that I ran out from, he dropped me on the bed and left, the only thing I heard was him telling the guards not to let me out.

I needed to leave here but first I had to understand my situation, I looked at the lady beside me, " hey , what's your name". The lady stared at me like I was crazy before I knew it she started crying again " your highness, I am sorry I shouldn't have let you run off on your own". Don't tell me that just tell me your name okay ", I said begining to feel annoyed. " ok, Louis, your highness ", "Louis isn't that a boy's name?". She looked at me crying again, "oh, stop crying, first tell me which street is this", street? This is not a street your highness this the great kingdom Regalion and you are married to it's third prince ", she replied me with pride . Wait did she just say Regalion isn't that the name of the kingdom in the novel we wrote or am I overthinking. "What's the third prince name ", I asked to be sure . "Your highness it's not right to say the prince name", she replied looking around. "Ahhh, is that so", "yes your highness ", she replied shaking her head. "Alright is he known as the tyrant prince ", I asked again. She nodded her head cautiously. My heart began beating fast, " is his name Lucius", I asked again, and she nodded her head, I immediately fainted, I was in my own story, what am I doing here, what sort of portal opening is this .