
Rejected Kiss

Sebastian touched the doorknob, noticing the door had been replaced after he destroyed it before leaving. When he opened it, he found himself inside a dark room.

The curtain had been closed shut. The sunlight sneaked to cast a line on the bed... where the fair lady was still fast asleep.

He walked in, unconsciously holding his foot from making a sound. His finger parted the bed canopy's curtain to reveal the beauty within.

He thought the flame had been extinguished, but he was surprised by the bursting blaze reignited inside him as he saw her again.

When he left, he was in a terrible mood.

It could be because he failed to bring her along, but also because he realized how obsessed he was about her. It didn't hurt his pride; it just bothered him when he discovered he could still find a new addiction.

And she was a dangerously interesting drug.