
Chapter 7 Haha

Translator: 549690339

Huangfu Zheng hung up the phone and looked pensive. Logically speaking, with that woman under Song Qiangyuan's surveillance, indeed she couldn't do anything further.

He had some faith in Song Qiangyuan's abilities.

But if that hacker wasn't the woman, then who could it be? Could there really be someone else helping her?

"Brother, it's time for us to board the plane," Qin Tingjie came over and said to Huangfu Zheng.

Huangfu Zheng glanced at him, then strode towards the VIP channel.

He decided not to dwell on the things he couldn't figure out for now. After all, in a few hours, he would see that woman again.

The thought of encountering that cunning woman upon his arrival in Beijing ignited a burning eagerness in Huangfu Zheng's sharp eyes, and his heart began to flutter.

The delight of last night was something he would never forget for the rest of his life.

Hmph, once he got to Beijing, he would have to press that woman into the bed and... keep her from getting out for three days and nights. Then see if she would dare to run away again...

When Tang Anzhi was brought to a luxurious villa, she didn't say anything more, only staring at Song Qiangyuan with a sneering smile for a while.

Then she shrugged and casually strolled around the villa.

Song Qiangyuan felt somewhat awkward under Tang Anzhi's gaze, but fortunately, she withdrew her eyes in time and stopped watching him. Otherwise, his faint heart would really be unable to stand it; her gaze was just as oppressive as his boss's.

It was no wonder she caught his boss's eye. They weren't ordinary people and just couldn't fit in the same door.

Look at her composure; she sure had a big heart!

"Miss Tang, please stay here for now. Once the investigation is clear, we will let you go," Song Qiangyuan said seriously to the person who was wandering around.

Upon hearing this, Tang Anzhi turned around, smiling at Song Qiangyuan, "Uncle, I wonder if you could give me back that phone. Otherwise, I would be very bored staying here, and when I get bored, my mood turns bad. And when my mood is bad, I might not behave like a good citizen, you know what I mean…"

Damn, Song Qiangyuan looked incredulously at Tang Anzhi—had he just been threatened by this sweet-smiling woman before him?

"Uncle, have you considered what I said? It's just a phone. Is it necessary to think so long? I'm not a criminal, you know?"

Bro, help! Hurry and see what a remarkable piece of work the woman you're interested in is; he can't hold on much longer.

Especially after seeing Tang Anzhi's eager and excited expression, Song Qiangyuan hurriedly took out a phone from his pocket, placed it on the table, and said, "I'm confiscating yours for now. You can use this one. I'll step out for a moment." Then he quickly turned and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Once he was gone, Tang Anzhi's lips curled into a smirk, and she let out a cold laugh. Then she walked over to the table and picked up the phone.

With a twist of her palm, the phone twirled several times in the center of her hand, and she muttered to herself, "Not bad, the latest fruit-brand phone. Now I won't have problems with games lagging."

Then she slowly moved to the couch, sat down, and nestled herself into it.

When she had first entered, she already knew it would be hard to get out just by remembering the passcodes.

Because this door had been crazily set with a combination of passwords, iris and fingerprint scans as security measures.

How afraid of death does one have to be to secure a house like this!

She secretly despised the owner of the house in her heart, of course, certain that it must belong to the man from last night.

No wonder she couldn't find any information. It wasn't that her skills weren't up to par, but because that man's identity was significantly protected at a top level.

That's why he could mobilize the police.

Actually, those three types of security measures on the door, she could easily break them if she wanted to, but she decided not to do that.

If she hacked the door, wouldn't it be blatantly revealing that she was the hacker?

Even if they were already suspicious, she didn't want to admit it just yet.

One must always keep a few cards up their sleeve.

Moreover, if that man had such a complicated identity, then even if she tried to escape, she probably couldn't succeed. It was better to face him and clear things up rather than get entangled indefinitely. She definitely didn't fancy that.

Right now, she was really not keen on anything to do with men; she wanted nothing to do with them.

Ordinarily, three hours for Huangfu Zheng wouldn't feel that long, but this time, it seemed particularly dragging.

Never before had he felt such an eagerness to return.

It was the first time Qin Tingjie saw his boss this restless.

His lips twitched several times uncertainly.

He would bet his toes that the boss was definitely lovesick. His expression and demeanor were clearly those of someone about to meet their beloved.

Heh, he never imagined that just one night's sleep had kindled feelings.

Is this what they call "love at first sleep"?

He didn't know that the boss not only had a virgin complex but also had one for maidens.

As soon as they got off the plane and into the car sent to pick them up, Huangfu Zheng immediately ordered the driver in a deep voice, "Xiaoliu, to Jingting Garden."

"Yes, young master," the driver Xiaoliu quickly replied. He steered the car in a different direction, heading towards Jingting Garden.

It was originally the lady of the house who wanted Xiaoliu to take the young master home.

For some reason, Huangfu Zheng felt his heart racing at the thought of meeting that woman soon.

This phenomenon was not a good sign.

At that moment, Xiaoliu's phone rang in the car.

Xiaoliu was driving when he saw the number on the screen; it was a call from the lady of the house.

One hand quickly answered, "Madam, I've picked up the young master. He is not going home right now..." Then, turning to Huangfu Zheng, he said, "Young master, it's the lady of the house. She wishes to speak with you."

Huangfu Zheng frowned slightly, then reached out to take the phone, his face somber as he asked, "What is it?"