
The Two Sides of Fate: Hero and Demon Queen

In a pulse-pounding turn of events, John is abruptly whisked away into a bizarre yet eerily familiar realm, reminiscent of a game he once conquered. Staggered by his bewildering new existence, he soon uncovers a startling truth: he now inhabits not one, but two distinct bodies, each derived from his past game avatars. Embodied as Evilian, the fierce demon queen who once ruled the entire world, John must come to grips with the overwhelming power at his fingertips. Simultaneously, he finds himself inhabiting Joharis, a former low-level character who has now become a valiant human hero, summoned from a distant world to prevent Evilian's cataclysmic return. As John grapples with the staggering implications of his dual existence, he finds himself thrust into the heart of a complex, perilous political landscape. With both sides of his identity destined to collide in a cataclysmic confrontation. Will he be able to avert the seemingly inevitable clash and ingeniously weave a path forward in this captivating new world? Warning: It is important to mention that this novel is primarily an experimental undertaking of mine. The release of subsequent chapters will occur solely at my discretion, without a consistent schedule. Therefore, it should not be expected that there will be regular updates. At times, a new chapter may be posted on a weekly basis, whereas at other times, there may be an extended period of abandonment before the release of several chapters in one day. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that this marks my first attempt at writing a novel and English is not my native language. As a result, the quality of writing may fluctuate.

Rin_Elwyn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

The Journey Begins

As Evilian emerged from inner parts of her 'hideout', she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as she gazed upon the magnificent castle that she had left behind. What had once started as a simple house had transformed into a colossal structure that took over three hours to explore. The design was heavily influenced by the dark gothic style, with tall spires, intricate carvings, and ominous gargoyles that adorned its walls, emanating a foreboding aura.

The castle was located within a vast cavern, teeming with a diverse range of flora and fauna. Regrettably, with no one to tend to it, the once-manicured grounds had transformed into a verdant subterranean jungle. The expansive meadow that once stretched out before the castle was now a distant memory.

Above, the cavern's ceiling was dotted with countless smaller crystals, each one shining brightly in the darkness and creating the illusion of a starry sky. At the centre of it all floated a colossal crystal orb, serving as the primary light source and gradually dimming and brightening to mimic the natural cycle of day and night.

Evilian gazed at the unmaintained grounds with a furrowed brow. "What happened to the garden? It's completely overgrown," she muttered to herself, trying to figure out what had gone wrong.

"Mistress," Luxuria, Evilian's trusted aide, spoke up as she entered the throne room. Her voice was heavy with regret. "We had to shut down the servicing golems to preserve the castle's magic array. Without you, we couldn't recharge it," she explained. "We tried to maintain the castle without the golems, but after five hundred years, most of the servants left. Only Acedia and I remained." She finished, her voice trailing off.

Evilian shifted her attention towards Lux and Ace, flashing them a gentle smile. "There's no need to worry," she reassured them. "I don't blame you or anyone else for the state of the castle." She let out a soft sigh, her expression pensive. "Besides who would want to serve under a ruler who slumbered for half a millenium?"

Ace stood with a confident grin on his face, his casual tone belying the deep loyalty he held for his older sister. "You know who, sis. We'd stick by you no matter what, even if we had to wait ten times as long," he declared, puffing up his chest.

Lux, standing nearby with a stoic expression, added with a tone of utmost professionalism. "I can attest to that, Mistress. Serving you brings me great joy, and I will continue to do so without hesitation."

Evilian's laughter echoed through the cavern. "It warms my heart to have such loyal companions," she said with a smile, her eyes flickering between Luxuria and Ace. "Indeed, I doubt I could rid myself of you two even if I tried." With a determined stride, she made her way towards the surface.

As the sun began to set, they've finally emerged from the intricate tunnels Evilian had carved out back in game. It had taken her several hours to navigate through the many cave-ins that had blocked her path. Fortunately, she was able to use her magic to clear them with the same ease she commanded it back at the throne room.

Her thoughts drifted towards the mastery of magic she had achieved. In-game she was well-versed in the theoretical aspects of magic, but due to the limitations of VR technology, her spells were activated through mere gestures and voice commands. However, now in the real world, she had to consider a multitude of other factors such as mental imagery and flow of energy. Despite this, she was able to flawlessly execute spells as if she had been honing them since childhood.

On the other hand, what was truly perplexing was that Joharis seemed to struggle with even the most basic spells, unable to gather mana correctly. She couldn't help but wonder if this was due to differences in their physiology or if some other factor was at play. Regardless, it was clear that Joharis had a long way to go in mastering magic.

Evilian decided to let Joharis figure things out on his own and instead turned her focus to her current objective. As she contemplated the best way to get there, her mind drifted to the idea of using her wings. Despite feeling a sense of apprehension at the thought of using them for the first time and potentially making a fool of herself, she was confident that her instincts would work the same way they did with magic.

Evilian felt a surge of power coursing through her veins as she spread her arms wide and closed her eyes. She concentrated on the air around her, sensing its subtle movements and currents. Then, with a loud snap, she unleashed her demonic wings from her back. They were large and black, with a purplish hue at the tips. She opened her eyes and looked at them in awe, then flapped them experimentally. She felt herself lifting off the ground, flying for the first time in her life. She glanced at Lux and Ace, who had also sprouted their own wings and were following her closely.

"Wow! This is amazing!" she exclaimed, feeling a rush of adrenaline and joy. She soared higher and higher, enjoying the freedom and exhilaration of flying. The wind caressed her face and hair as she flew over trees, and rivers. She laughed out loud, feeling like she was living in a dream.

She looked ahead and saw a small village in the distance. It was Oni Village according to the map. She remembered that Oni were supposed to be vegetarian pacifists in the game world, unlike their usual depiction as violent ogres.

Evilian wondered what they would be like here. Would they be friendly or hostile? Would they welcome them or attack them? She decided to be cautious but curious. After all, she had nothing to fear with her wings and skills.

She touched down gently at the edge of the village, careful not to draw any eyes to her dark wings. Even though it was late at night, the village was bustling with activity and laughter. The Oni seemed blissfully unaware of the bloody conflicts that raged among the other demon clans. She wondered how they managed to keep their peace and happiness in such a chaotic world.

As she walked along the dirt road, she noticed a group of children playing with a ball. They stopped and stared at her as she approached, their eyes wide with curiosity and wonder. She smiled at them and waved her hand. "Hello there," she said in a friendly tone.

Hearing her voice, the children quickly surrounded Evilian and her companions, bombarding them with questions. "Who are you?" "Where are you from?" "Why do you have wings?" "Are you a succubus?" "Do you want to play with us?" were fascinated by her appearance and aura, which clearly marked her as a high-ranking demon. Evilian tried to answer their questions politely, but she was getting impatient. She wanted to learn more about this place, figure out why the village was still regarded as under her influence. She looked around for an adult who could help her, but none seemed to be nearby.

On the other hand, Ace was enjoying the attention. He laughed and played with the children, showing off his fangs and his speed. He even let them touch his hair and his ears. He was happy to make new friends in this strange world. Lux, however, was feeling awkward and uncomfortable. She was not used to interacting with children, especially ones that were so lively and curious. She tried to maintain her professional demeanour, but she could not help but smile at their innocent expressions and gestures.

Suddenly, Evilian heard a loud whistle that pierced through the air. The children stopped their chatter and looked up. They saw a tall and muscular Oni man walking towards them. He had short black hair and horns that pointed upwards. He wore a leather vest and pants and carried a large axe on his back. He looked stern and serious, but his eyes twinkled with kindness.

"Alright, kids, that's enough," he said in a firm voice. "You're bothering our guests." The children pouted and protested, but they obeyed him and ran away. He turned to Evilian and her companions and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry about that," he said in a friendly tone. "They're just curious and excited to see new faces. They don't mean any harm." He extended his hand to Evilian and introduced himself. "I am Riku, chief of the guard. May I inquire what brings demons such as you to our humble village?"

Evilian smiled and said truthfully. "Actually, we didn't have a clear goal for coming here. I was simply interested in this place, like how people live here and what occurred to these lands." She looked around with admiration and astonishment. "But I never imagined this place would be so peaceful and pleasant."

Riku nodded and said warmly. "I see. Well, I'm glad you came here. It's not often we get visitors from outside, especially ones as honest and kind as you. You're welcome to stay here as long as you like." Riku's expression turned more serious as he continued, "This village owes its peace to the Great Demon Queen. No demon lord dared to wage war on these lands due to rumours that she's still slumbering here. Because of that we've been able to maintain a peaceful community here." He then smiled again and added, "But enough about that. Let me show you around the village."

Evilian's eyes widened in surprise at Riku's words. She had never imagined that she would continue to have such a significant impact on the world even after 500 years.

Riku led the way as he took Evilian and her companions around the village. They passed by various shops, houses, and even a small park where children from before were playing. As they walked, Riku told them about the village's history and how it came to be. Evilian listened intently, fascinated by the history of this place.

As they approached a small temple, Riku gestured for them to stop. "This is our humble shrine dedicated to the Great Demon Queen Evilian," he said with a respectful bow. "We take great pride in maintaining it." Hearing this Evilian felt a mix of emotions as she gazed at the shrine. She was proud of her achievements, and she knew she had been worshipped as a saint in the game, but now that the game world had become a reality, it didn't feel like she earned it.

Evilian's attention was drawn back to the present as she felt Luxuria's warm breath on her ear. The succubus had a sly yet respectful expression on her face as she whispered, "My queen, would you like to reveal your true identity to these villagers? They would surely be delighted to see you once again."

Pausing for a moment, Evilian considered Lux's suggestion. While the idea of reclaiming her Demon Queen title was tempting, she realized that her actions would have a significant impact on the lives of the people in this world. After a brief moment of contemplation, she whispered back to Luxuria, "Not yet. I want to see how this world has changed before revealing myself."

Evilian refocused her attention on Riku as he continued to guide them through the village's winding streets. "Excuse me, Riku," she spoke up. "Do you know of any place where we could stay for the night? Although we don't require sleep, it's quite late and we still haven't decided on what to do."

Riku scratched his head thoughtfully before replying. "Well, our village is rather small, so we don't have a proper inn. But I believe we have a single room available that you can use."

Evilian nodded, appreciating Riku's effort to accommodate them. "That would be great. Please lead the way." She followed Riku, the soft crunch of grass underfoot, towards their temporary lodging for the night.

Riku led them to a small building that served as the local inn before leaving them to their own devices. As they entered, a cheerful female Oni with red skin greeted them, but they decided not to trouble her and simply rented a room. Fortunately, Evilian was still able to use inventory magic and access her vast amounts of gold, though the value had likely inflated over the past 500 years. The innkeeper nearly had a heart attack when Evilian paid five gold, a standard price she remembered from the game.

Once the innkeeper showed them to their room, Evilian turned to her companions, Lux and Ace. "Do either of you have any information about where the rest of our companions might be sealed?" she asked, her mind already racing with plans for the next day.

Lux discreetly coughed before responding. "Regrettably, we have very little intelligence, your highness. We have never left your side ever since you entered into your prolonged slumber," she stated, her voice tranquil and unwavering. Yet, her expression was betraying a hint of regret for her lack of knowledge.

Ace interjected with a boyish grin. "But rumours have it that the Sins were sealed in various parts of this world, waiting for someone to release them," he said with enthusiasm. "Maybe we can gather more information from the villagers or explore the surrounding areas to uncover any leads."

"We'll tackle that task tomorrow. For now, let's just rest," said Evilian, before stretching out on the bed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm her mind and let go of her worries for the moment. Lux and Ace followed her lead, settling down in the room and preparing to rest for the night.

As the night wore on, Evilian lay restless in bed, unable to find solace in sleep. Her mind was fraught with anxiety, plagued by questions of her purpose and the impact she would have on the people of this world. Despite the rhythmic sounds of Lux and Ace's gentle breathing, she remained wide awake, her thoughts spiralling out of control. Finally, she slipped out of bed and ventured outside, hoping that a brisk walk would help clear her troubled mind.

The moon hung high in the sky, its silvery light casting an ethereal glow over the peaceful village. Evilian meandered aimlessly, lost in a sea of contemplation. She was aware that the journey ahead would be perilous, fraught with many dangers and uncertainties. Nevertheless, she remained resolute in her determination to reunite with her companions, no matter the cost. The soft rustling of leaves and chirping of crickets filled the still night air, providing a serene backdrop to her tumultuous thoughts.

Few minutes Before the night gave way to morning, Evilian returned to the inn and climbed back into bed, her mind finally calm enough to drift off to sleep. When she awoke, the sun was already high in the sky, casting its warm glow over the village. She stretched her arms and legs, feeling refreshed and ready to face the day ahead.

Castle in the dark

A secret world underground

Magic is alive

Rin_Elwyncreators' thoughts