
The Two Kings: Cursed Jade

This is a tale of a young hero, born a peasant and an outcast (the lowest bracket of life), in a society where nobles and kings rule the world. Bran lived his life like every normal young boy, unaware of his destiny and happy to be with his family and loved ones. However, all that changed when he came across a powerful jade, wanted by the forces of good and evil. With the re-appearance of another powerful jade into the world, the balance of power tips once again, as an unspoken evil (a calamity) rises to fulfil a thousand year curse owed to her by the kingdom.

aghadinuno_Michael · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


It was once said that there was a time when men, gods, and beasts lived together. It was at a time when the sun rested high up in the sky and never came down. Its presence in the heavens, bolstered happiness among the three races that they became friendly neighbors. Under the magnificent ray of this sun, the three races found their hearts beat as one, and their tongues singing songs of praises for each other. Nothing they sang, said, or did, was ever hidden from the sun and in truth nothing had to be.

The beasts of the air, those of the earth and sea and even those underneaths the earth aided men and gods in their travels and heavy lifting. Men in their different colors and sizes provided food, wine, and other form of entertainments which the three parties cherished. While God's moved the bodies of the world to suit the living conditions that men and beast desired, they also taught men tricks, which came to be known as magic.

With magic nothing but a whisper away from the gifted tongues of both young and old, men had the power to wish themselves a better life, one free from any suffering or toil. However, all changed when the curious mind of men set their gaze on the sun, the ever steady sun which neither, rose nor fell.

In a little show of madness, Men dared both gods and beast on the idea of a sunless heaven.

"How magnificent would it be to look up at the clouds without the ray of the sun blinding us", they said.

"How wonderful a sight would it be to see the gods dance in the heavens, where no sun can dim the glow of their beauty", they said.

"And for the great dragons that combed the skies, seeing the flames from their belly ripple across the clear sky would only put the rainbows to shame", they said.

Enticed by the charming tongues of men, both gods and beast nodded to the idea, and as such, a magical wish was put forward.

"May the beautiful Sun above fall so we can look to the heavens without strain to our eyes!" They called and wished, with their hands raised up to the sky in their small gathering of hundreds.

As soon as the word was uttered, the ground quaked and the air stiffened. The sun slowly dropped from the sky until all became dark, and it was only then that they realize that they had doomed the world.

Their smiles faded away until it all became screams. The freezing arms of darkness embraced them, and in their heart grew a loneliness that they had never felt before. Darkness was finally born and with it came his seven calamities, Demons of pure evil whose appetite for chaos had no end.

A rift tore among the three races that they nurtured malice against each other. Within each of them, none could survive the cold claws of the 7 calamities alone, and as such they themselves became possessed by the evil. Beasts became monsters of insatiable appetite for flesh and blood, Men creatures possessed by their appetite, desires and dreams, and god's devil's and minions for the seven Calamities.

It was all but lost in a world once beautiful and prosperous.

In an attempt to restore what was once lost, Five elder gods came together in other to bring back the sun. But to achieve that, a sacrifice had to be made. The three races had to bring each one a precious material, which they could not do without.

The breath of a Fire dragon.

The beating heart of a Man.

And The immortal soul of a god.

With the three material present, a pact was made. The world got its sun back, but not in the way it used to be. Furthermore, the sun bestowed upon the three races a will of his In return for their sacrifice.

In the deep forge of Allocard, three Sun Jade's were created.

For each race, a sun jade was passed on, and within it lied the will of the sun.

This will contained immense power, that it gifted its wielders strange skills and strength, and the power to fend off the seven calamities of darkness.

With it peace returned to the land and evil was cast away, never to return again, or so they thought.