

*sexual content, gore, reverse harem* Satrya had taken over the body of her sister who was legally pronounced dead...with this, the downside becomes, a woman who is ignorant in the way of the world she has entered into. The upside; Tasties, grand Matriarch, World core and most importantly Mates. With the bits and pieces of her sister’s memories, Satrya is sort of surviving in a world that she had once looked at from within the darkness. Spending time to gain the knowledge that she lacks while failing at times. This story is about how Satrya learns through trial and error on becoming the Grand Matriach of the Lyricals, her previous life and survival with her mates. Side note: this book is a reverse harem. if this is not your cup of tea, do not continue reading further if you find it offensive. This book also includes smut. With all-male leads ending up with female lead. Satrya also has both explicit language and scenes... but as it goes on... It will be explained, in better detail. So don’t feel annoyed with the amount of fs she uses. This is my first published book, so please don’t rate me to hard...??? Original work by me

Classificações insuficientes
152 Chs

It will not hurt... much

(multiple pov) 

(To get everything across pov will be changing constantly so be prepared!) 

I had never eaten the dark ones before my injury. There was a strange feeling I had felt back then. 

It felt that if I ate them, I would be sated, but I found them too hideous. Well, now I have no reservations. 

Happily, I bent over once more and continued with my wonderfully delicious meal. 

Another arm was torn off.

The crush of bone continued to be heard, the wonderful tearing of this glorious flesh.

The legs were next to vacate the body, quite large and muscular, but it was still easy to bite and tear. 

I contemplated a bit before I reached in and tore out the heart and bit into it, grimacing when the blood splashed on the attire I wore, but recovered because the heart provided me with much more energy than those limbs combined. 

Instantly I grew excited, devouring the heart in one go and reach for the kidneys, ah~