
The Twin Dragon Chronicles

This is the story of Longwei’s younger twin sister and the adoptive daughter of Lei. She and Longwei grew up and worked hard to earn the title of the Dragon Warrior but when the twins are rejected the title Longwei lashes out but what about her. Will she join her brother on his destructive way standing by the only biological family she has left. Or will she side with her adoptive family along with Ling and the Furious 5 to become an enemy in her twin brothers eyes.

DreamingBunny · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Splitting Paths

     Mei's eyes flew open as she looked around to find herself back under the Peach Tree but noticed that the sun was just beginning to rise. She sighed remembering everything that just happened, as she was trying to process what had happened Master Oogway appeared behind her "Hello granddaughter" he said as he slowly made his way over to her, she turned around looking at Master Oogway as he made his way next to her "Grandpa Oogway what are you-" she asked but was interrupted by Oogway "I have been watching you for awhile...I know of the conflict within you" he said as he sat down next to her, she sighs once again as she looks down at the Valley of Peace as the sun was slowly rising "I don't want to hurt you or Shifu, or Tigress..not even the Valley that hates me...but..." she clenches her paws into a fist "...but I want my big brother...I miss him so much..." Oogway looked up towards the sky "...You see the stars in the sky" he said pointing to the last remaining stars, Mei looked up at the sky "Yes..." Oogway smiles slightly "When the dawn rises they are gone but yet they remain..though some may say all the stars look the same..none of them are...just because one star burns out quickly..does not mean the others will go so easily...each of them form something greater than itself whether big or small...though it may never see the vital role it plays doesn't mean it's the same as all the rest and it doesn't make it any less beautiful" he said as he looks at the village below, Mei laid flat on her back as she watches the stars fade away "Let me tell you a story..." Mei sat up ready to listen to Oogway's story she never really heard much about his past so she was curious on what he was about to say "When I was younger I had someone I considered my brother he was my closest friend his name..was Kai. We lead a mighty army but one day we were ambushed...I was badly wounded, Kai carried me for days searching for help until we came upon a secret village high in the mountains, and inhabited by panda's, who used their mastery of chi to heal me. I was fascinated by the power, I was taught by the panda's how to use it, but Kai..." Oogway looked at the ground sadly "Kai was solely interested in increasing his own power, which he discovered he could do by taking the chi of others" Mei looked at him shocked she didn't realize that he had to fight someone he considered family there was nothing you could really hate about Oogway he's always been such a nice turtle to everyone leaving those thoughts behind she continued on listening to the rest of his story "That was when I realized I had to stop Kai even if it meant losing my only family...we engaged in a fierce battle that shook the Earth and in the end, I triumphed banishing Kai to the Spirit Realm...I lost my friend...my brother...but I saved so many lives in the process...You and your brother share the same blood...you look like your brother...and have the same rage as your brother...but...the difference between the two of you is that you are not blinded by what you want..even when you were a child you always put your brother's needs before your own..I saw how hard you trained..how much you wanted to be The Dragon Warrior...but no matter what you wished for your brother more than anything to take this title and that is why you are different your love for your family outweighs your desires...but now your family is split in two the question that remains is...which side will you take...this choice is not easy...but I will not sway you...this is something you must figure out for yourself" he stood up and placed his hand on her shoulder giving her a gentle smile "But I know that you will make the right choice" he told her as he walked back to the Jade Palace.

    Mei watched him for a bit before getting up and heading back herself talking with Grandpa Oogway along the way "Grandpa Oogway...I'm sorry for the passive aggressiveness I've shown towards you and dad all these years" Master Oogway smiled "It is alright I know losing a loved one is not easy and it is not easy to forgive the ones who caused it..but you have to remember yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift" Mei playfully rolls her eyes as she smiled at Oogway "Is that why it's called the present" Master Oogway chuckled softly "Yes..yes it is" As they walked back to the Jade Palace they talked about what she saw while she meditated Master Oogway listened intently as they reached the doors of the Jade Palace they entered and saw Master Shifu waiting for them "Master Oogway, Mei good morning" Shifu bows to his daughter, Mei bows to her father out of respect "Good Morning father there is something that..I must talk to you about.." Shifu looked at her confused "Yes?" Mei told him everything that she told Oogway and a decision that she had made while talking to Oogway "Father I think...I may need to go away for awhile to...find my center...to find inner peace with myself..." Shifu looked at her shocked first Tai Lung and now Mei he couldn't believe that his child was going to leave him he had already lost one he didn't want to lose the only one he had left. Mei saw the sadness in his eyes not many people could read Shifu except people who truly took time to read him over the years, she got down on her knees hugged her father "I need to do this father...I will return I promise it's just...as I am...I'm unstable...and I could not live with myself if I hurt you or Grandpa Oogway or my little sister" Master Shifu smiled sadly at the mention of this, though still sad to see her go he knew that he had to "Alright my daughter" he said as he hugged her back "stay safe on your journey" she smiled as she let him go "I will father" she stood as she looked back at Oogway "I will start packing after I inform Tigress of my leaving" Master Shifu nodded "Of course" he said as Mei walked to her bedroom. Oogway smiled as he looked to Shifu as he walked up to him "She's all grown up Shifu" Shifu sighs regretfully "Yes..she is...Master Oogway what if-" he said before being interrupted by Oogway "She won't" Shifu turned to Oogway with a worried look on his face "but how do you-" he said but again was interrupted by Oogway "Because I see a lot of you in her...have faith Shifu" Oogway said looking at Shifu and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, Shifu sighs once again "I do have faith Master Oogway...I just don't want to lose my last child..." he said as he walked off in the opposite direction with Master Oogway following behind him.