
The Turbulent Life

A poetry book about me and my life, my struggles and experiences

Hazel_Ann_Arias · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Just Say Goodbye

They want to know my body

They don't want my heart

They want between my legs

They don't want to know the brain between my ears

They don't know who I am

And they never will Im sure

They'll come and go like seasons

More time passes by

More men like them come and go

I will never let them in

I will never show

My heart my soul my mind

Every time I meet them

I say goodbye

I know they'll be here for a few

I know they'll leave quick too

Once they see I'm not easy

They leave and take my hope

That men will be different

That someone will love me

For who I am

For all I can be

For all I can give

Should I build more walls?

Or should I build a castle?

Place the inner me inside

And hide for all of time

Time passes in seasons

Every season seems the same

I bet you none of them remember my name.

Who I am you'll never see

Because the castle in me will become too strong

The waiting list will be long.

You'll have to wait till the end of time

So please just say goodbye.

I won't let you in

I won't show you

The me I am in the dark

It's not your fault

It's those that came before

The ones who tried to treat me like I'm a whore

So hopeless is how I've been since the dawn of time

Walk away, just say goodbye....