
The New Student

Chapter 2: The New Student

Considering the weird dreams she's been having, Nezuko could hardly believe her eyes when she saw Natha Phantom walking into their classroom. Natha's resemblance to Athan, the man in her dreams, was uncanny. But instead of black hair and blue eyes, Natha had grey hair and green eyes. Despite this difference, Nezuko couldn't shake off the feeling that Natha was somehow familiar to her.

The class went silent as Natha introduced himself and asked to sit beside Nezuko. Nezuko was surprised but happy to have someone sit beside her. The teacher, however, was hesitant to allow it. "Are you sure you want to sit beside her?" the teacher asked Natha, eyeing Nezuko nervously.

Natha simply nodded his head. "Yes, I am sure," he replied sternly.

Nezuko couldn't believe that Natha was willing to sit beside her even after hearing what her classmates had to say. Ever since the incident in her third grade, Nezuko had become the school's outcast, with very few people willing to talk to her, let alone sit beside her. It wasn't her fault that her ears and tail had appeared, it was just something that had happened to her.

Natha, however, didn't seem to care about any of that. He pulled out a chair, sat beside Nezuko, and started talking to her. "Hi," Natha said with a smile. Nezuko looked at him in surprise. "U-uhm, hi?" She stuttered, suddenly shy.

Natha's smile only grew wider. "I hope we can be friends," he said, waving his hand in the air excitedly.

Nezuko was a bit taken aback by Natha's sudden enthusiasm. However, she couldn't help but feel grateful that someone was willing to be her friend. "Y-yeah, me too," she replied, smiling.

Natha and Nezuko spent the rest of the class talking and getting to know each other. They found out that they shared a love for animals and nature, and that they had a lot in common when it came to their favorite TV shows and music. As the class ended, they exchanged phone numbers and made plans to hang out after school.

As they walked out of the classroom, Nezuko noticed a figure in the shadows. She couldn't make out who it was, but she had the feeling that she was being watched. Natha must have noticed it too because he looked around, his expression growing tense.

"Nezuko, do you feel like we're being followed?" Natha asked, his eyes scanning the area.

Nezuko nodded her head. "Yeah, I feel like someone's watching us," she replied, her voice quivering slightly.

Natha took Nezuko's hand and pulled her under a nearby tree. "Stay here," he said, pulling out a knife. Nezuko's eyes widened in shock. She had never seen anyone carry a knife before.

Before she could ask Natha any questions, he ran off in the direction of the figure, leaving Nezuko alone under the tree. Nezuko was confused and scared. She had no idea what was going on or why Natha would go off like that.

She sat under the tree, waiting for Natha to return. A few minutes later, Natha appeared, looking relieved. "It's okay, Nezuko. We can go now," he said, tucking the knife back into his pocket.

Nezuko couldn't help but feel uneasy about the whole thing. Natha was acting strange, and she couldn't understand why he had a knife with him.

As they walked home, Natha kept looking around, as if he was afraid they were being followed. Nezuko tried to ask him some questions, but he simply replied that it was nothing and changed the subject.

When they arrived at Nezuko's house, Natha said goodbye and walked away. Nezuko watched him walk away, feeling unsure about their friendship.

Throughout the day, Nezuko couldn't shake off the feeling that Natha was different from the rest of the students. Something about his demeanor and the way he looked at her made her feel as if he knew more than he was letting on.

The next day, as Natha walked into the classroom, Nezuko found herself feeling apprehensive about him. She decided to keep her distance from him and observe him from afar.

As the day went on, Nezuko watched Natha from a distance, observing his behavior and mannerisms. She noticed that he was always on high alert, as if he was constantly waiting for something to happen.

At the end of the day, Natha walked up to Nezuko and handed her a folded piece of paper. "What's this?" She asked, unfolding the paper.

"It's a map," Natha replied. "I want to take you somewhere. It's a surprise."

Nezuko was taken aback by Natha's sudden invitation. She had barely known him for two days, and he already wanted to take her somewhere? "I don't know, Natha. I'm not sure I want to go somewhere with someone I barely know," she said hesitantly.

Natha's expression changed, and his eyes grew sad. "I understand," he said, turning around to leave.

Nezuko felt guilty for hurting Natha's feelings, so she called out to him. "Wait, Natha. Maybe we can go tomorrow. I just need to ask my dad first."

Natha turned around, his face lighting up. "Really? That would be great," he said, smiling.

As Natha walked away, Nezuko couldn't help but feel as if she was making a huge mistake. Something in her gut was telling her that Natha wasn't who he said he was, and that going anywhere with him would be a bad idea.

The next day, Nezuko had made up her mind not to go anywhere with Natha. She walked into the classroom, ready to tell him that she couldn't go, but she was met with a surprise.

Natha wasn't there. He had disappeared without a trace. Nezuko and Lucifer searched everywhere for him, but he was nowhere to be found.

As days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, Natha remained missing. No one knew where he had gone or why he had left so suddenly.

Nezuko couldn't help but feel guilty for not going with Natha that day. If she had gone, maybe Natha wouldn't have disappeared. She spent countless nights thinking about Natha and what could have happened to him.

Eventually, she realized that she couldn't keep living in guilt and uncertainty. She had to find Natha and find out what had happened to him.

To be continued.....