
8.The Escape Plan...

I stayed behind with T-Dog on the roof to watch Merle . While the other went down to check the sewer's.

"Hey princess."


"So what's your deal".

I look at Merle with a blank expression.

"I'm from the military."

"I can see that"He laughed at me.

"Then why the hell are you calling me princess when I'm clearly not one."

T-Dog laughs at my comeback.

"It's fun to see how your face reacts to it, Your one eye twitch, and your face turns red."He smirks at me.

I roll my eyes keeping my mouth shut. What an asshole.

"Just Ignore him"

"I like you, princess haha you have that same attitude as my baby bro".

"Well ain't that nice," I say sarcastically to him.

"Hey, T-Dog try the signal again."

"Okay, anybody out there? Hello? Does anybody read? I'm hoping to hear somebody's voice 'cause I'm getting sick and tired of hearing mine."

I laugh at T-Dog.

"Yeah, well, that makes two of us. Why don't you knock that crap off? You're giving me a headache, boy"

"Why don't you pull your head out of your ass? Maybe your headache will go away."I say looking at him.

Merle chuckles.

"Try some positivity for a change. Damn."T-Dog says backing me up.

"I'll tell you what... You two get me out of these cuffs and I'll be all "Sammy Sunshine" positive for you. Hey, see that hacksaw over there in that toolbag? Get it for me, hmm? Make it worth your while. What do you say? Come on. Get me out of these things."

"As if, and I want a billion dollars, I'm sorry Asshole it ain't happening, and so you can beat T's ass again? Or call him nigger again? I don't think so."

"Come on now. It wasn't personal. It's just that his kind and my kind ain't meant to mix. That's all. It doesn't mean we can't... Work together, parley, as long as there's some kind of mutual gain involved. So... about that hacksaw...'

I was about to comment on what Merle said but T-Dog beat me to it

"I guess you want me to get that rifle over there too so you can shoot that cop when he comes back up, huh?"

"Huh," Merle says confused.

The group run through the door

"Any luck"

Glenn shakes his head no.

Rick looks down the building looking for something.

"That construction site, those trucks... They always keep keys on hand."Rick says.

"You'll never make it past the walkers." Morales looks at Rick like he's crazy.

"You got me out of that tank."

"Yeah, but they were feeding and chasing Melody. They were distracted."Glenn says looking at him and then me.

"Yeah, and I'm sorry to say this but I ain't gonna do that again"

"Can we distract them again?" Rick asks looking at me and Glenn.

"Right. Listen to him. He's onto something. A diversion, like on "Hogan's Heroes." Merle says with a smirk on his face.

"God. Give it a rest."Jacqui says fed up with Merle shit.

"They're drawn by the sound, right?"

"Right, like dogs. They hear a sound, they come." Glenn says.

"What else?"

"Aside from they hear you? They see you, smell you and if they catch you, they eat you."I say looking at Rick.

"They can tell us by smell? "Rick ask

"Can't you? They smell dead, we don't. It's pretty distinct. That's why I covered myself up when I escape the building."I look at the group.

"That's a great idea Melody," Rick says giving me a smile.

"But it was gross cutting up the dead bastard"

The whole group runs back to the store, except me I don't want to see or smell that shit again and who's gonna watch the Redneck.

"We're alone again, princess"

"Do you ever shut up?"

Merle laughs at me with amusement in his eyes.

"Nah, princess maybe if you take these handcuffs off maybe I'll shut up".He says winking at me.


"Dude you are like an old man and seriously not my type."

"Oh common darlin, don't be like that"

"Stop with the nicknames"

I'm starting to get mad.

I look down the roof with my sniper, seeing Rick and Glenn walk outside. They walk past two Walkers that are so close to them. The Walkers briefly look at them, but the Walkers smell dead on them so they don't bother. Rick and Glenn crawl under a bus and come out on the other side where a huge hoard of Walkers is waiting for them. Rick and Glenn continue to shuffle through the crowd without any Walkers noticing that they are alive.

The group enters and joins me by the roof looking down at the Walkers, Glenn, and Rick.

"Hey, what's happening, man?" I hear Merle ask no one specific.

No one answers him.

Ha, yeah asshole it's called we are ignoring you.

"Hey, T-Dog, try that C.B.," Morales says.

" Hey, come on. Talk to me, y'all."

We ignore Merle.

"Base camp, this is T-Dog. Does anybody hear me? Can anybody out there hear me?"

We notice Glenn and Rick.


Thunder rumbles in the sky there are a few dark clouds in the sky.

oh shit, they better hurry.

"That asshole is out on the street with the handcuff keys? "

T-Dog shows him the key he has.

Radio squawks.

" Hello, base camp! Can anybody out there hear me? Base camp, this is T-Dog. Does anybody hear me?"

There was a voice on the other side" Hello? Hello? The reception's bad on this end. Repeat. Repeat."

"Shane, is that you? "

"We're in some deep shit. We're trapped in the department store. There are geeks all over the place. Hundreds of 'em. We're surrounded."

No answer.

We see Glenn and Rick are still walking through several Walkers. While Rick and Glenn continue to shuffle down the street, rain starts to fall on them.


I and the others are still watching Rick and Glenn.

"Oh, man. It's just a cloudburst. We get 'em all the time. It'll pass real quick."Morales says

I'm still looking through the scope of my sniper following Rick and Glenn.

The Walkers are starting to get a whiff of life walking past them and they start to get a little more aggressive towards Rick and Glenn as they try to figure out if they are dead or alive.


One of them starts to charge at them and Rick proceeds to crush its skull with the ax. Rick and Glenn take off down the street with Rick killing more with the ax and Glenn killing with a crowbar he has.

"Come on, come on, come on," Morales says panic beside me.

The two throw their weapons over the fence and climb over it before the Walkers are able to get them.

Rick pulls Merle's pistol and kills more Walkers with it. Glenn finds the keys to the truck and throws them to Rick.

They enter the truck as some Walkers start climbing over the fence and running after them. One of them reaches the truck and taps on Glenn's window. The two speed away before the walkers catch up.

I relax and breathe again. I didn't even know I was holding my breath.

"They're leaving us."Andrea panics

"Calm your tits blondie they ain't leaving us, "I say to her with amusement in my eyes.

"You think you funny" she comes too close to me for my liking.

"Well, I think I'm hilarious"

T-Dog pushes her away from me.

"What? What?" Merle starts to panic.


"Where are they going? Where are they going?"Morales panic.

Now everyone's panicking.

Seriously, is this n Oprah Winfrey show.

"No no, come back."

"Chill, blondie geez"

"My name is Andrea, not Blondie."

"Blondie says what, "I say quickly



We heard a noisy sound of a car alarm driving by the store.

"Those roll-up doors at the front of the store facing the street… Meet us there and be ready."

We heard Glenn's voice through the radio.

The group heads down towards the loading dock to make their escape.

"Come on! Let's go, let's go!" Morales screams at us.

I was ready to leave, but stop when I hear Merle calling out to Morales to let him free.

"Hey, you can't leave me here! I'm not fooling, man! Morales! Hey, man! Don't do this!"

" Come on," Andrea yell at us

Andrea and Jacqui leave the roof.

"Hey, that's my gun. You can't leave me. Don't leave me here, you guys."He begs for his life.

I look at them. Helpless

I know he's a dick but common his human.

" come on,"Andrea yell again.

"I'm coming! We've gotta go!"Morales says to me and T-Dog

Morales leaves the roof, while I and T-Dog are hesitating.

"Morales! You can't leave me like this, man! Hey, T-Dog, princess. No, man. You can't leave me, man. You can't leave me here… Not like this. You can't, man. It's not human. Come on, don't do this."

I look at T-Dog.

"Let him free, his right these aren't human to leave him like this. He may be a dick and deserve everything coming his way but not like this."I say emotionless

T-Dog groans, but go to free Dixon.

"Come on, T. thank you, princess. Come on! Come on, yeah! Yeah! Come on! Co… That's it! Yes! Come on, baby! Come on."

However, when he runs back towards Merle, he trips. The handcuff key falls out of his hand and ends up dropping down a drain.


"Son of a bitch! You did that on purpose!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"You lie! You did it on purpose!"

"It was an accident!"

I look at the two-man argument.

"Come on T we have to go"I yell at him waiting at the door for him.

"Don't leave me, man! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! come on princess help me! You liar!"

"I'm sorry. Man, I'm sorry."

"Don't leave me!"

"I'm sorry."

He runs from Merle.

"Damn you all! Don't leave me, man! Don't leave… don't leave me!"

In an effort to try and help Merle, he chains the door to the roof shut.

"Hey! What are you doing, man? You're gonna rot in hell! You're gonna rot in hell! Come back, man!"

We ignore Merle begging and run down the stairs to join the rest of the group just in time before the Walkers break through the second set of doors and storm the store.

"Hey, wait for us! Walkers enter the store."

I yell at them.

"They're here! Let's go! They're in here!"T-Dog guiding me where the group is.

Rick bangs on the door.

"Let's go! Open the door!"

"We've gotta go!"

Rick picks up Morales, Jacqui, Andrea, T-Dog, and me.

"I'm in!"I say to Rick

I close the back before the Walkers can get to us and then we made our escape.

As we drive away, everyone notices Merle is missing.

"I dropped the damn key,"T-Dog says lowering his head of guilt

Realizing there is nothing that we can do, the group drives away from Atlanta.

"Hey Rick"


"Up ahead you must stop."

"Uhm why"

"My truck is there, I hide it in the forest bushes nearby.'"


" Where's Glenn?" Andrea ask.

When her words leave her mouth we hear a car driving by at full speed with a happy Glenn listening to music and screaming.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah-hoo-hoo!"


Hey, weirdos.

I have decided to write long chapters I hope you all don't mind.

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Bye Bye

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