

"I'll go wash the veggies.", Monesia took the vegetable and started washing them.

They both continue cooking in silence.After cooking for some while,they brought the food to the table and sat down to start eating.

Monesia noticed her mom was still in a bad mood."Mom,I'm sorry.I won't mention him again."

Mina didn't respond and reached out for the steamed carrots.Knowning her mom well, Monesia didn't continued talking and focused on eating.

After dinner, Monesia cleared and cleaned the dishes before joining her mom in the living room.As she sat down beside her mom she noticed her mom focused on the show showing on the television,American got talent.

Monesia cleared her throat before speaking,"Mom,who do you like among the judges."Mina didn't respond but Monesia continued."I like this show,it so unique."

Feeling tired of hearing Monesia's words, Mina switched off the tv and gestured for Monesia to move closer.

Monesia placed her head on her mom's lap as her mom combed her hair with her fingers gently.

"I know you are trying to make me feel better but remember this Monesia,I have always loved you and will always as a mother.",Mina stared at her daughter's blonde hair before continuing,"I know you always try your best not to remind me of your dad but I think I am the problem.I have to move on to make you feel comfortable.I know all this all this year's,you always wanted a dad and I deprived you but someday Monesia, someday I'll make it up to you."

Monesia looked up to see her mom holding back tears that welled up in her eyes.She sat straight and brushed her mom's cheek with her fingers and comforted her mom,"mom, it's true I wanted a dad but now I know I have you and I will never give you up for a dad."

Upon hearing that,Mina allowed her tears to freely flow out.She has always felt guilty all this year's for allowing Monesia to be without a dad.She felt that as a mother,she hasn't done all the things necessary to fill that gap for Monesia.

Noticing her mom shedding tears, Monesia hugged her mom and whispered into her mom's ear

"I am always's here for you"

A/N:Hello truth finders,I am xiao.Evem though I haven't been seeing comments,I will try to continue writing I hope you guys cheer me up with more comments.

bye,au revoir,and 再见