

"Now for the second rule,no one is allowed to be less than ten meters away from my office.", principal Mollis said."Either the staff or students,no one."

When that was said,the teachers looked at each other.They were wondering why they were included in that rule.

For the third rule.",the principal continued.Everyine was expecting another weird rule and it was so.

"No singing allowed within school premises."

Becky was the one most shocked.What's bad consequence was there in singing?She was known as the best singer in the singer in the school so if was banned,what should she be proud of?Being smart?She has been once criticized for that in Grade 4

"And for th last rule,no phones allowed.",

principal Mollis finally announced.Everyone minds were blown.Amart phones have always been allowed in all high school so why was it different now?

"I hope no questions.",he said before continuing,"since there isn't,I hope you all follow it strictly."with that he left the hall with the vice principal.

Everyone in the hall were still immersed with the shock of the new rules.The bell rang for class,and everyone disparsed to their various classes.

As the trio took their seats in their class,the class teacher,Miss Wills entered.

"I'm sorry guys but to follow the new principal's rules,your phones should be submitted to this box.It will be given to you after school.",she announced.Everyone reluctantly submitted their phones except Becky.

"Miss miller ,I'll advise you to drop your phone as other did.",Miss Wills ordered.

"But it's not fair,I can't carry out chemistry research without my phone.",Becky cried.

"Just submit it.",Terra advised Becky.

Becky went to the box and dropped her phone before taking her seat.This wasn't just fair. One,she can't sing and now her phone have been confiscated.She felt that she was the only one deeply hurt by the new principal's rules.

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