
The True Way To Cultivate

Feng Wei has been reincarnated into the world of immortal cultivators with a sign-in system. “Unfilial disciple! You want to go and search for opportunities? I will give you opportunities!" (I am very lazy so chapters may take a while, but recently I have updating relatively often)

The_Grey_Deity · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


"Why do you need to chase that so-called jade beauty? Why can't you be content with the 6 women that you already have?!" Roared Feng Wei while he read a disgusting cultivation novel. "Sigh, these main characters are getting dumber every day. If I were them I wouldn't court death every day by offending the rich young masters and their jade beauties."

As Feng Wei was saying this his doctor looked at him weirdly. "Sir, you only have a few days or weeks left. Are you sure that you only want a video posted of you ridiculing all those cultivation novel authors?"

"Of course I am sure, those bastards need to hear how much us cultured men hate them. Here, look at this." Said Feng Wei as he pulled up notes on his phone and showed it to the doctor. "These are all different novel names, look at them all! All these novels are horrible!" He yelled as he tapped at the novel names. "All the main character does is pick up girls and slap faces. It is truly despicable. There is almost no plot, all it is is repeated face slapping."

As Feng Wei continued to rant and show many different notes, the doctor only thought about why he didn't listen to the nurse and still came here to confirm his last request. "Listen sir, I would love to sit here and listen to you, but I am in need at the…the.. surgery room. Yeah, so I need to go and help with a surgery soon, goodbye." After saying that the doctor quickly left the room.

'That guy definitely didn't want to listen to me, but it is important to hear how stupid these authors are.' As Feng Wei was thinking he only got more angry at the stupidity of the authors, but just as his anger reached its peak, he suddenly felt himself become light headed and he slowly lost consciousness.

When Feng Wei came to his senses he noticed that he was in a void like space. "What, where am I?" Asked Feng Wei as he looked around, but there was nothing in this space, and nobody to reply. "How did I end up here? I remember that I was lying in my hospital bed and then I started to get light headed… oh, I must have died." He said.

'Wait if I am dead does that mean that I can get reincarnated?' Thought Feng Wei with an indescribable look of joy on his face. 'According to the novels that I have read I should get reincarnated; however, some of the main characters had to wait for billions of years before then. I hope I don't have to wait too long.'

After staying in that spot for a while and sorting his thoughts, Feng Wei decided that he should probably wait here. After all if he is supposed to be reincarnated but isn't where he is supposed to be he may lose his only chance. 'Alright, I will stay here for as long as it takes.' He thought with a look of determination, but as time began to pass that determined look started to fade.

"It's already been so long, where is my reincarnation?" Feng Wei asked aloud hoping for some answer. He had asked questions like these many times while he was here, but this time he actually got a reply.

"Sorry for the delay, one of the gods under my control went berserk, so I had to take care of him." Upon hearing this new voice Feng Wei was extremely excited, but upon hearing what it said he was filled with fear. 'Gods can go berserk? That sounds very dangerous, but I probably wont ever meet such a god so it doesn't matter.'

"I see, I am sorry for your troubles ROB." Feng Wei replied with the most respectful look he could make. "Oh no, it should be me apologizing. I made you wait for 3 hours, so for this misdeed of mine, I will go with the original plan of giving you 3 wishes, but I will also allow you to choose your own world and appearance for free." After the ROB finished speaking, Feng Wei was filled with delight.

"In that case, I would like to know the limits for the wishes." After saying this the ROB raised his hand and sent a stream of light into his forehead. "Those are all the limits on the wishes. We ROBs have learned a lot over our years of reincarnating, and now we have too many rules to say out loud." ROB explained.

"These rules are very limiting, but I can work with them. Give me a while to think." Feng Wei said as he began to ponder the usage of his wishes. 'I can't ask for anything too op, but I can ask for things that allow me to gradually become op. So things like asking for peak cultivation would be impossible; however, I can wish for the best talent.' Thinking of this Feng Wei settled on the world he wants to go to as well as his first wish.

'Having the best talent is good and all but I need to make sure that Rob doesn't play any games, so I will make sure to word them all very well. Now for the second wish maybe I should wish for a system. With a system I can get stronger much faster but systems are very limited, so I will have to make a system with only 1 function. But what one function can make me op? Quest can get me killed so that's out. A store is also impossible without any way to get points, so that's also out. A sign-in function is clearly the best option. If I get the best talent I wouldn't need to look for opportunities, so I can just stay and sign-in in one place until I am op.'

'For the third wish I really don't know what to wish for, I can already become very op with just these two. Maybe I should wish for something to make my new life better like a loving family, or true love.' Feng Wei pondered on what to use his last wish for, but after a while he decided that he would just wish for true love.

"Hello ROB, I am ready to make my wishes." Said Feng Wei, very confident in his choices. "Alright, say them" Replied Rob. "For my first wish I want the best talent in all aspects, without anything bad coming out of it." Said Feng Wei "Well it's not an ability that makes you instantly op, so it's allowed. Next wish." Said ROB as he flicked his finger at Feng Wei.

"For my next wish I want a sign-in system that rewards me every time I sign in. The function allows me to sign in every day and claim a reward." As he finished speaking ROB nodded slightly and flicked towards him again. "Ok, and now for my third wish, I wish for my true love to find me when I turn 10,000 years old in this new life." Upon hearing the last ROB was slightly stunned but he soon recovered.

"You spent your 3rd wish on your true love finding you after 10,000 years? This is a new one, but carry on with your world and appearance" Said ROB. "For my world I want it to be a cultivation world with many cultivation realms and people. As Well as immortal and mortal worlds, like in the novel Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years. As for my appearance, I want you to make me look handsome and yet slightly scary. I don't want to look the type of scary where people will seek trouble with me, but the kind of scary where people will naturally avoid me." Upon hearing the request ROB flicked his finger towards him once again.

"You are an odd person to reincarnate, but I wish you the best of luck." Said ROB as he sent Feng Wei away with the flick of his wrist. "He was really interesting, I hope I don't meet him again too soon" ROB continued after Feng Wei disappeared.

Upon seeing that he had been sent away, Feng Wei was extremely happy. 'I am actually getting reincarnated with these amazing wishes. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me! However, I can't help but wonder if I made a mistake when asking for my wishes. Will ROB purposefully target the loopholes in my wishes just to make my life harder? Oh my ROB did I mess up?' Feng Wei thought about this for a while but decided that he would just pray for success. "ROB please don't pull one over on me." Feng Wei prayed to ROB very seriously until he found himself in a confined space, and felt an inexplicable pushing force. "We're already starting, I see." Said Feng Wei as he stopped resisting the pushing force and allowed himself to be born for the second time.


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