
(Meeting Ash.)

Chapter three:

Trip had finished his jog and returned home covered in sweat along with partner Arceus. Trip had taken a cold shower and went downstairs to be greeted by his mother and little sister. His dad had left to deal with some criminal organization's so that they would be safe and unarmed. Trip's sister was only eight years old, so she wasn't ready for pokemon yet. His mom had placed down the food in front of them both and Ash and what has awaited Trip was worth a pokelin star. It was Trip's favorite food. Trip started drooling and hoard down his food. Ash and Trip ate as Ash's Greeninja just chewed on pokemon gum. Ash had said to Trip. You're gonna get an official starter aside from Arceus? Ash asked him.

Yeah I suppose, but instead of talking so much we should have a battle some day. Besides, I'm going to beat you in our pokemon battle. Trip said as he stuck his tongue out at Ash. They then started to grab each other by the shirt's.

Now Ash, no fighting on Trip's big day or else I'm going to have to get the spatula... Trip's mom said. Trip smirked in victory and Greeninja just rolled his eyes and continued chewing on his gum.

Oh yeah Ash I heard you have yourself a girlfriend. What was her name Serena? You also kissed her huh? Trip's mom asked him. Trip rose his eyebrows with interest Ash perked up and got flustered because of this.

Hey well, at least I don't like Arceus and kissed her. Said Ash. Trip stiffened. He had remembered it. Trip had went to a pokemon camp with Arceus and found her scared so he kissed her and took a liking to her and Arceus did to him.

Trip set his plate and cutlery in the sink and waved. Well, no matter. I should get going now. Said Trip. Trip got out of his seat and went towards the front door. Bye mom! Bye Ash! He said. Trip waved as they said their goodbyes. Trip then ran towards the pokemon center and opened up the door. As he entered the pokemon center Arceus looked at him as she blushed at the sight of him.

Ah, Trip you came. Thank you for coming... Nurse Joy said.

No problem Nurse Joy, and thank you so much for taking good care of Arceus for me. Replied Trip.

Trip then received his four pokeballs from nurse Joy, that held the two Dittos and the two legendary pokemon Arceus and Girantina. Trip was about to leave the pokemon center whenever nurse Joy pulled him a side. She had given him a mega evolution that was specially made for Arceus. Trip then thanked her for the mega evolution and told her to send his regards to Audino.