
The Troubled Paradise

Gustav_Renbach88 · Guerra
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4 Chs

Chapter I : General Hafiz

Going to work is always same everywhere. And the dissolution of Republic Of Indonesia into smaller or medium independent states hadn't changed much well. The failure handling Covid-19, Post Covid-19 crisis period and failing to conduct a fair and peaceful general election in 2024, has caused a serious dissent among the people. The people get Angry and run Amock. It later turn into chaos and the old orde ended just like that. The situation turn into a little chaos...perhaps.

General Hafiz Abdul Halim is the supreme commander of the so called "Pasundan Army" And the Chief Of State "Pasundan Military Council". Literally the mainstream media describe himself as a Warlord, a person who exercises Military, Economic And Political Control over the region of area he hold. There also similar leadership in a smaller-medium States across the region that once called Republic Of Indonesia, some rule with Military power or political power, the other rule with the influence of their money, but some ruled with the influence of Religiouism. And some of them fighting each other like a lunatics to fight over resources or just misunderstanding.

General Hafiz is riding his black Toyota Camry Sedan. Of course he is not driving his Car, but his Chauffeur Undan that drove the cara. The traffic at the street to his office is as usual, deserted and not congested. Common people cant afford to buy a car since the price is doubled and expensive, meanwhile the military government has banned the motorcycle because its caused traffic jam and street disorder. In order to fullfill the citizens mobility demand, the military government has done its best solutions by importing old Buses from China, the buses do great job providing public transportation for all citizens in the area where Pasundan Military Council held.

Its only took half an hour to go to his office, Bogor Palace from Hafiz Home in outskirts of Bogor city. The car arrived in the Bogor Palace, The Guard gives a military salute to him and opened his door car. Hafiz Gives back military salute and walks into his working office. Bogor Palace was builded and established during the Dutch Colonial Era. During the Republican Era, it was used as one of Presidential Palace. But now the Palace became the official office of Pasundan Military Council Leader.

While walking through room corridor towards his working room. He passes a bunch painting, the paintings contents is about Girl, mostly the girls on the painting have good looking and have good shape of body. These paintings are the relicts of Sukarno president from the Republic era, Sukarno are known as a womanizer and idolizing Women, in his life he married Nine women in his entire life and gossip says he have unknown several mistress that still a mystery until today. and he also shows it by creating bunch of these beautiful woman paintings. Hafiz thought that Men have many weakness, and Women are the criticical weakness for every men.

"Good Morning Sir" Says Liska. Liska is Hafiz secretary.

"Good morning too Liska. Is there any important reports from my Colonels or from the Ministers? ".

" There is a report from your Colonels from Karawang Councils. I put it on your Table sir". Says Liska.

Hafiz nodded. "Thanks Liska".

" Can i make a coffee for you? "

"Yes please. Thankyou".

Hafiz sits in his working chair. First in a routine working day, he usually read the International Herald Tribune Newspaper. He screened the front page News.

" The Allied Nations councils are hold meetings in Tokyo-Japan. The main topics is talking about the Re-Stabilization plan in the region of Former Indonesia Republic".

"Sumatra become the nest of pirates. Causing serious disruption of global supply chain in Malacca Straits".

" In parts of Java island. Some smaller and medium States entity gained stabilization. Now they seeking International recognition as requirement to be recognized as independent country".

He put down the newspaper. And starts reading reports from His Colonel Aceng Azwarudin, the Council military leader of Karawang area.

"Yesterday. The Army of Pasundan Council exchange small firearms firefight with the Army from Heavenly Kingdoms of Dermayu Al-Maytun, the firefight lasted for a five hours. From our side one soldier K.I.A and two W.I.A".

The Heavenly Kingdoms of Dermayu Al-Maytun is a self proclaimed Kingdoms by a Religious cult leader name Panca Gemilang, the Kingdoms holds area part of Northeast west Java with the Capital of the Kingdoms in Indramayu city. Panca said that the Western Java should submit in His Kingdoms, he also added that God has told him that he destined to rule and spreading his belief Al-Maytunism to all Western Java people.

The heavenly Kingdoms is not only self proclaimed States entity beside the Pasundan Military Council and the Heavenly kingdom in west Java area. In the south lies a Soviet Republic Of Banten-Sukabumi, A communist Maoist government led by comrade Yoga Pratama, in the center of West Java established Bandung Republic which the President is Yunus Bakhtiar, on the East to southeast area of West Java there established a Islamic States of Pasundan led by religious fundamentalist Imams Ahmad Jabar. Jakarta, that once was the capital city of Republic Indonesia. Now became an independent City-States Republics governed by councils of wealthiest person.

Not every States are hostile towards his own States Pasundan Military Councils. The Pasundan Military Councila maintains Good Relationship with the Bandung Republic and Free City States Of Jakarta. Even personally Hafiz maintain good relationship with Mr.Hashfi Tobing, an influential bussinesman and member of ruling oligarchial body of Free City Of Jakarta.

A few moments later. Liska brought a Warm cup Black Coffee in a tray. She put the coffee on the Hafiz Working table.

"Anything you need sir? " Says Liska.

"Ah yes. I want you to type my daily order to the General staff. I will dictate it to you" Says Hafiz.

Liska nodded. She sits on the secretary desk where a computer and printer machine there not far from Hafiz.

"To the General Staff. Sent Two Battalion infantry to strengthen the Karawang Council. Position. Also sent the medicine and ammunition supplies for the Karawang Council. Send it ASAP".

Liska typing on the keyboard. Later she sounds put a few clicks on the computer. Later a printer machine printed Hafiz daily order in a paper.

"Give this to the courier. You mau go. Thanks Liska". Liska then walks out from Hafiz working room.

To Be Continued