
The Triwizard Tournament (from a different view)

Frank, a 16 year old Ravenclaw student enjoys all the traits of being a wizard at hogwarts. His sixth year has yet again a new adventure for the wizarding world. The Triwizard Championship. How does a young and capabel Ravenclaw student see the upcoming event and what has the Goblet of Fire to offer for him...

DanielKing · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

1. The first of September

Frank was sitting in the back of the old Renault his parents bought a few years ago. His father, a muggle, liked to buy old cars and fix it up. His mom, a witch, thought this was very time consuming and frequently asked to give her husband a hand in the fixing proces. Frank and his mom both knew that, with a little quick reparo-spellwork, the car would be as good as new in less than a minute. His father always thanked her for the offer, but kept on working by himself. Frank sometimes thought that he did it his way, because it was one of the few things that reminded him of the wizard-free past. His parents met about twenty years ago, at a neighbourhood barbecue. As his father always said: "She bewitched me right from the start, maybe even with a love potion...".

'Are you excited dear?' asked his mother. 'Sure, it's always good to go back to Hogwarts.' was his quick, but truthfull response. 'I hope I'm not to rusty at my spells.' he added. 'It's been a while.' His face made a small smile. It has, in fact, not been a while. Frank wasn't born yesterday and the summer before this he found out that his parents were the ones that should check if he used magic, because the Ministery of Magic didn't. The Ministery can only remotely detect where the magic was used, so when Frank used his wand around the house they wouldn't bother to check it. 'That's going to be just fine my dear.' said his mom. 'Everybody has the same problems after the summer break.' Frank looked at his dad, who was looking stirnly at the road. Since he got his letter from Hogwarts when he became 11, every trip to Kings Cross his father was a bit sad or even grumpy. Frank knew what was going on. He had no brothers or sisters and every time they would make the drive to Kings Cross, his father was being confronted with the fact that he didn't have a child that wasn't a wizard. Frank always thought that his father would like to have a son who wanted tot fix the car with him, or go on a fishing trip. Of course he always knew that there was a possibility that Frank was a wizard. And there were signs that he was from when he was six years old. But from the moment Frank got his letter, he knew for sure. He knew that Frank would spend most of his time at school, studiying to be a wizard. So every first of september, the first day after the summer break, he was driving his old Renault to Kings Cross. Knowing that his son was off for at least half a year before he could spend time with him. 'You ok dad?' asked Frank. 'Sure son.' he said. 'I'm just going to miss you. You know how I am.'

'We're almost there!' his dad said after a few moments of silence. The tripp has been taking almost one hour, although it felt like a lot more. Frank was excited to go back to hogwarts, mostly because of his friends and classmates, but also becaus he heard a rumour about an event that was going to take place at Hogwarts this year. His closest friend, Dean, wrote him a letter that he had overheard his mother, who was working at the ministery, and father talking about "something that was going to happen at hogwarts this schoolyear". Dean and Frank were constantly speculating about wat was going to happen, but they didn't found out. The writing between the two friends has been upgraded this summer, because Frank's belated birthday present, he had become 16 on the 9th of may, had been an owl. He named her May, after his birthdaymonth. 'I see the station.' said his mother. 'I'm missing you already.' she added. 'You're going to be just fine mom.' Frank said. 'Just like every year.'

'So, you want to walk or run?' his father asked. 'Let's walk.' answered Frank, who wasn't in the mood for running. With his trunk and owl on the platforms cart and with his parents right beside him, he walked through the barrier seperating platform 9 and 10. The sight at the platform always amazed him. There were owls flying around, kids waving their wands, parents talking to their kids or friends from the past, trunks were loaded in the train and of course the Hogwarts Express itself. The gigantic red train was bursting out smoke, like it couldn't wait for the students to step inside and depart for Hogwarts. 'Come on dear, we have to find you a nice compartment.' his mom said whilst she was dragging his trunk to the open door. A few minutes later Frank was sitting in an otherwise empty compartment, saying his goodbyes to his mom and dad. 'Is that Harry Potter?' his mom whispered, when the darkhaired boy walked past them. Frank nodded. He wasn't that impressed by Harry, mostly because he didn't know him. 'Wow.' said his mother. 'I've never seen him before.' His father looked at Frank with a face that only he could make. Frank shrugged. He wanted to tell his mom that he didn't know Harry, or his friends Ron and Hermione, but at that moment he saw his friend Dean coming through the barrier. 'Dean!' Frank shouted. 'I have a compartment for my own, come quickly.' Dean laughed and ran to the train.

'Well, thanks for the drive and everything.' Frank said. 'See you around Christmas.' He grinned at his parents. 'Yeah...' said Dean. 'Same here.' Both their parents laughed and gave their kids a final hug, before leaving the train. 'It's only five minutes till our departure.' said Dean. 'I overheard the driver talking to a parent.' They said in silence, waiting for their parents to leave the train and the train to get moving. Finally they heard the whistle blow and the train began to move slowly. They were waving at their parents, who were shouting their last goodbye's. After a few seconds they couldn't hear them anymore, and a little later they were completely out of sight.

They were off to Hogwarts.