
The Tribulations of Tsukiyama Shuu

In a world where redemption intertwines with chaos, Tsukiyama Shuu is granted a rare second chance to amend his past mistakes. Will he emerge victorious, or will the trials prove too difficult to overcome? Follow Shuu as he navigates adventures, builds relationships, and discovers romance along the way. DISCLAIMER: This fanfiction is a homage to the original Tokyo Ghoul series created by the talented Sui Ishida. Support the creation of this story, along with others and the development of graphic novels, on Patreon: www.patreon.com/HeavenlyEnel. Embrace the adventure! Feel free to donate on Ko-fi: Ko-fi.com/HeavenlyEnel.

Heavenly_Enel · Anime e quadrinhos
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43 Chs



Shuu trained for three days and three nights in his gym. On the third night, Mairo opened the garage door and an insurmountable amount of steam came out of the gym. Mairo had to cover his eyes for a while a let the cool night breeze find its way in. The gym had fans, but that didn't help reduce the temperature of the space Shuu trained in but only increased it. Mairo saw Shuu's body and muffled a scream.

'What the hell happened to the young master?' Mairo thought as his eyes widened. Steam was escaping Shuu's body at an alarming rate as he was performing situps on a steel rod that was impaled through a wall manually to act as a pull-up bar. His legs were curled around the bar, his hands joined at the back of his head as he pulled himself up from his hanging position to the top of the bar. Soon after that, a lot of steam escaped Shuu's mouth and his body let go of the bar.

'Wait, wait…' Mairo thought but acted faster than he could complete his thoughts as he zipped forward quickly and landed with open arms under his falling master.

'Shi… I am in trouble if anyone sees this. How did it come to this? What has gotten into you this time Shuu-sama?!' Mairo thought as fear and anger were written on his face.

"It's not just the fact that he passed out while working out but…" Mairo said out loud as he analyzed his master's body.

"He burnt himself out again, didn't he? How can one person make this place look like a sauna."

Mairo turned his head back with shock but mostly fear. In a normal situation, he would have heard and sensed this person approaching him but his mind was a rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions right now.

"I guessed that something like this happened to the young master a month ago. There was a time Aliza just kept on serving the young master more food than usual and just chalked it up to his growing appetite." Yuuma said as he turned to lock the garage door with the switch on the wall.

"Shuu-sama? Again? You even look worse than before, much skinnier! It's so hot in here and smelly." Aliza came inside the gym and complained. Mairo at this point looked around for something he could throw to knock her out. But seeing as how she had seen Shuu in a state like this before which validated Yuuma's assumptions just let out a weak sigh.

"Close the door. Let this matter not pass the boundaries of the gym, am I clear?" Mairo asked while looking at the two. He knew there were many A-ranked ghouls out there that would gladly take his place once he was sacked for not taking care of Shuu properly on his day to look after him. Besides he was already getting closer to Shuu.

"Clear." Yuuma and Aliza said together.

"Alright, I think we should prepare to go on a hunt so as not to reduce the quantity we already have in stock by much. You two will come with me. No, I'll go alone and-" Mairo sighed once again and let Shuu down gently on the floor with his hands cupped under Shuu's head. He began to make plans for the current situation at hand but was interrupted by a hoarse voice.

"Just… get.. me some water now!" Shuu said with a hoarse voice. Mairo gestured to Aliza to take his place and ran at top speed to the mansion and back with a six-pack carton of bottled water and a cup as if his life depended on it. He immediately poured out a cup as Aliza adjusted Shuu's position to drink properly while resting on her. Shu drank cup after cup without any change in his countenance.

"Yuuma bring a large bowl and sugar." Shuu said as he looked up with weakened eyes.

Yuuma with his advanced knowledge in the applications of chemistry immediately understood what Shuu was trying to say and do and exited the gym.

'Hold on, won't flesh just be the answer to this predicament? What he is suggesting is a treatment that can be offered to a human in his case, a lot of water with sugar in it to get sucrose! Ghouls and humans have different physiologies but a few similarities as well, this might actually work! The intelligence of Shuu knows no bounds, I am glad to be serving someone like this.' Yuuma thought as he found himself in the kitchen and proceeded to do as Shuu requested.

"Yuuma, have you seen Mairo?"

Yuuma stopped what he was doing as beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Of all people, it had to be the zealous Kanae to ask him this. He knew that he is not to reveal any information about the current predicament, but someone like Kanae would just go the extra mile to confirm.

"Last I saw, he said he would like to be alone to sort things out." Yuuma said with a serious expression as he folded his arms.

"Oh, I wonder if Shuu has stopped his training? I am no longer hearing anything from his gym." Kanae asked once more.

"Well, it so happens that he is indecent at the moment and requested that I bring him some water. I don't think you should check up on him right now." Yuuma said with a smile on his face as he closed his eyes.

'Seriously Kanae, I appreciate your concern for the well-being of everyone in the estate but would you just calm down already.' Yuuma thought as his face showed signs of visible frustration that wasn't intentional.

"Alright then goodnight, It's my turn for the night shift. I'll be off your business then, entschuldigen sie (My apologies in German)." Kanae remarked and left.

Yuuma felt relieved and got a large silver bowl that one could mistake for a bath that a baby could use. He filled it with water and granulated sugar and made his way to the gym in a careful manner o as not to bump into Matsumae or Kanae again.

"You took your sweet time!" Mairo said as he locked the steel door with the push of a button as Yuuma made his way inside.

"Easy for you to say, I met Kanae who kept bothering me." Yuuma complained as he set the large bowl before Shuu's face.

"He asked for sugared water, not a bloody bath full of it!" Aliza commented on Yuuma's choice.

"With the way he is now, he needs a lot of flesh which would make us overhunt outside the boundaries of our scheduled hunting periods which could leave unwanted tracks for the CCG, or we could try this method which actually requires a lot of sugared water for him to take to get his body working properly I hope. And I am sure Mairo would choose the latter instead even if we aren't too sure about its effects on a ghoul, hence why I made a lot!" Yuuma 'mansplained' to Aliza.

Mairo heard this and reasoned with Yuuma. They have a lot to lose indeed with the first option than the second. Mairo simply gave a nod as Yumma administered the sugared water to Shuu by leveling the bath to his lips.

Shuu saw this and couldn't help but smile when he remembered a certain character who did this then opened his mouth to drink without stopping. When Shuu drank a quarter of what seemed to be a twenty-liter bath. His Rc cells went crazy in his body when they felt the first source of external nutrients invading Shuu's body. They had resorted to feeding on Shuu's organs since they had been overworked and stressed over their limit without any nourishment.

By now Shuu's organs had already developed even tougher tissues than before and are much harder to disintegrate, which is why his Rc cells immediately attacked the sucrose before any enzyme in his body could break it down. His Rc cells nourished themselves with almost half of the sugared water in the bath and left the rest to be broken down by his body. Colour began to return to Shuu's face and body when he finished the sugared water. Another wave of steam was released from Shuu's body as he let out a long breath.

"I'll take him to his room, remember not a single word. And as for the both of you, take an extra pair of those weighted bracelets on the floor, I am sure they are the ones that weigh a hundred kilograms. I am sure Shuu-sama would want the rest of us to get stronger since he has already given us a goal… And thank you." Mairo said as he left the gym.

They both nodded at Mairo and picked up a pair of weighted bracelets on the floor.

It was morning and Shuu felt energized and limber. He walked to the mirror and sighed. He lost some mass but still had some muscle definition. Shuu recalled what made him go on a frenzy for the past three days. He remembered that he was reprimanded about the events that happened in Germany by Mirumo Tsukiyama, he knew even his father would have done the same-any reasonable parent would. But that made him remember his home world once again. He has watched many movies and animes about the main characters who get transmigrated to another world against their will and enjoy their stay there and think nothing of their home world.

There were some characters who were orphaned or exiled or killed which led to their migration which made them forget or sometimes even forsake their homeworld but the same was not true for Daniel (Shuu). He had a life, a new girlfriend, friends, duties, family, promises to be fulfilled, and things to do back at home. He remembered that he was brought here through the events of finding himself inside the space of another universe that just happened to open in an alleyway on his way home! He remembered a hand that almost covered his entire being hovering over him and apologized for something only to be granted a wish later on and his wish to go back home couldn't be granted.

Remembering that put him in a raged state he had never experienced thanks to his newfound Rc cells. He took out his anger on various bodyweight exercises and kept doing them to failure which lead to him grunting out loud. He rested in between sets but continued nonetheless because he felt with his current capabilities he wouldn't be able to scratch the one who sent him here. And of all universes, he was sent here he didn't even realize that day had broken more than once in his raged state. He simply shook his head and let out a sigh when he remembered what had transpired over the last seventy-two hours.

He reached for his phone and called Yuuma and Mairo as he wore his bathrobe. They both arrived at the door of Shuu and saw Shuu open it before they could even knock.

"Mairo, Yuuma get seated inside." Shuu said as they looked at each other as they walked in.

"I am leaving the country for a while." Shuu said.

Make sure you read the previous updated chapter okay. Five reviews, five reviews and I'll release the Ben ten fanfic.

Don't forget to drop the power stones, and work out with enough rest if you are training with high intensity. This Heavenly one loves you all, thank you for your patience so far because of the delay, and have a great read.

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