
The tribrid prince novel

Have you heard the saying "sometimes you have to run to fight another day", that's exactly what my father had to do. My name is Asher and my kingdom was attacked by wizards, a coven of witches and a pack of werewolves when I was just about four years old and before you start wondering if they exist, yes they do at least in the world where I come from. I just found out last week when my father was drawing his last breath after being sliced in the guts by a werewolf, and it turns out that he was a king and our kingdom is being ruled by a group of witches, wizards and a pack of werewolves. After my dad fled with me, the witches sent warriors after us to kill my father and I. They didn't want me returning when I am grown to reclaim the throne hence, the reason for the warriors. Well, it turns out that their worst nightmares will soon be their reality because even if I wouldn't have done it before I am definitely doing it now that they killed my father and almost killed me. With that in mind my adventure begins and justice will soon prevail.

HemTyohh · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter nine

(Asher's pov)

       When we came out of the throne room, Isabella and I started  walking down an hallway... to be honest the castle is beautiful and grand... the wall of the castle is coated with white then there was designs on them made with gold paint... when we were coming here I thought that the vampires will be into black and red but seeing this, I never expected it... "I thought you vampires will be into red and black" I asked Isabella "yeah that's what everyone thinks, they think that vampires are savage predators and the only thing we know how to do is drink blood but we are more than that, we have a sense of humor you know" she replied sounding a bit sad and offended, seeing this I felt bad because she didn't choose to be born as a vampire, it just happened and she is trying to be better and clear her peoples bad name "I am sorry I didn't mean to offend you" I apologized "no, it's okay I have gotten used to it" she said with a sad smile... "I mean it, I'll also like to get to know your people better and get to know you better" I said "you don't have to do this because you pity me" she said looking outside the window to hide and hold her tears... "I am not doing this because of I pity you or something, I am doing this because I want to" I said with a smile... "well, my father says that we are descendants of the fallen angels, we have existed for as long as anyone can remember" she paused to take a breath then she continued "vampires didn't drink human blood or the blood of mythical creatures at the beginning but it all changed during the Great War many years ago"... "do you mean the war between the angels and demons?" I asked and she nodded "yes, you've heard about it?" She asked with curiosity in her voice "I read about it but I thought it was a made up story to scare little kids" I answered... "it is real, with the vampires being the children of the fallen angels they were recruited to fight along side the demons, the demons sent the vampires to feed on humans just to annoy the angels and get them to fight back"... "the demons used the vampires as a distraction to keep the angels busy so that they and the fallen angels could take over the heaven but their plans failed when the vampires notice that they were only being used as tools, we stopped attacking the humans for the demons and the angels were able to defeat the demons" she said then sighed... "if the demons wanted to take over the heavens why didn't the vampires help them?" I asked her "the demons didn't want to share the heaven they wanted it for themselves, they used us as tools... their intentions was to kick us out when they had succeeded" she said... "then why do the vampires still drink human blood?" I asked her choosing my words wisely so that I don't offend her "when vampires were drinking the blood of humans they found out that it tastes far better than animal blood war so they didn't stop feeding on human blood even after the war, but the rulers of the vampires has made feeding on human blood a crime punishable by death, that's why we live at the far end the the kingdom so that the vampires won't be tempted to drink any other creatures blood except from the blood of animals" she said then looked back at me to see if I am following "can you take me to see my friend?" I asked her "of course" she answered then she started leading me towards the sick bay.

When we got there what I saw frightened me to my soul, Evie looked really pale like paper, her wound had been bandaged and she was no longer bleeding... but she still looked horrible, the only thing that indicated that she was alive was her faint heartbeats, I froze at the door not willing to go further because the closer I am to her the more my heart will break... "what's wrong with her? Why isn't she recovering?" I asked almost like a whisper "what creature is your friend" Isabella asked "she is a siren" I said while lifting my head from Evie to look at her, the look on her face told me that something was wrong "what's wrong?" I asked anxiously "I don't think she will be recovering under our care" she said

"What do you mean" I asked "sirens are children of nature and their life force is their blood that's why they can control water and it's properties" she paused to look at my face to see if she could read my expression but at the moment I just starred blankly at Evie "so when the vampire was feeding on her he wasn't only feeding on her blood but he was also taking away her life force" she said with sympathy... "what can we do to save her" I asked "you will need to take her to a healer" she answered "where can we find one?" I asked with my eyes still fixed on Evie, "You are an elf right?" She asked and I nodded "then you can heal her, you can draw power from nature to heal her"... "I can't control my Elf side and I don't know anything about being an Elf" I answered, "you can find a witch to heal her but the witches are not in good term with the sirens so I doubt that they would want to help you" she said "isn't there any other option?" I asked, she thought for a while then she said "the only other option is to take her to the village of Elves"... "but it will take us like a week to get there even on house back and we don't have that much time" I replied "but it will take only two days on a dragon" she said while grinning from ear to ear "oh right, how come I never thought of that, I'll take her there the first thing tomorrow morning" I said then turned around and was about to leave "can I come with you?" She asked "hell no, the last time someone joined me on my journey this is what happened" I said then pointed to Evie "but you will be flying not walking so it won't be dangerous" she replied, I knew that I won't be able to win this argument so I let her come "okay you can come with us" she squealed. I turned around and started moving towards the exit then I remembered that she hasn't shown me my room "em you haven't shown me my room" she blushed and said "oh you're right" then she started making her way across the sick bay.

Author's note: how do you see the chapter? Leave your comments in the comments session. Please don't forget to vote because the votes are what encourages me to keep on writing ✍️.

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