
Megan's accusation

The girl then went into the house and sat down near Scott. 

"Would you like something to eat?" Luka asked, 

"No thanks, maybe another time" she responded then looked at Raiden who got up and was about to walk away then she grabbed onto his wrist and he looked at her. 

"Let go," he said, 

"Keep your attitude for yourself, it won't work on this me" she replied then Luka swallowed deeply.

"I came to tell you that we need to talk but when you are free, when you are ready stop by the house, have a good day, jerk," she said then released his hand and walked out of the house and he left staring at her. 

"She is some problem, damn it" Raiden said to himself with a sigh then walked away. 

"Did something happen between you and Emi, something that we don't know about?" Luka asked, 

'Yes, I told her I hate the best bone in her body" he responded then Scott started coughing. 

"Man you fucking dead," Scott said.