
The Transhuman CEO

To those in the 31st Century, I say this, you must not trust The Owner. He is evil, he may appear good, he may appear to be a hero, but he is anything but a hero. I know this will be difficult to understand but I need you to, if you don't he will win, and the future of the human race will be bound to his evil power forever. Read and discover the truth, uncover my journey into a different time, uncover the secrets at the heart of the Ultracorporation, and maybe then we can defeat The Owner...

TheCyberHuman · Ficção Científica
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The Beginning of the End

I can't stress enough the importance of my story, the history in this book needs to be understood. I write now in the 31st Century, the year is 3032 to be exact. My story is one of friendship, brotherhood, adventure, war, paranoia, distrust, evil, and finally betrayal. The truth is, I'm not even sure this book will be allowed in corporate space. You won't know my name, in fact, I am more likely to be able to distribute this book if my name is hidden, but I write from the planet Akikon, my paradise world. Many will know its name because of me. Once I was quite famous, most of you are alive because of me and more importantly the work of my former friend, a man I had such a bond with, I called him my brother.

The Owner was once my friend, my brother; he is the one who owns it all, the one who manufactured our corporate "utopia". What is most frightening about him, is not necessarily the dark evils I have seen him commit, but more that in all my 10,030 years, there has not been another individual, or group, that has been able to rival his strategic genius, deceptive ability, improvisation, and his ruthless indomitable will to achieve whatever he desires. The Owner is the most powerful man to have ever lived, and probably ever will live. So, let us begin, we shall start on the day I met him, but not in the way you'd expect.

The narrator will describe events in his past, and I apologise if the timeline of it all becomes confusing, but this will not be the only book in this story, so as you read more it will become clear. The narrator's words will take time to fully comprehend with regards to the story. So read on enjoy the chapters and I hope when I come to the next books to continue my narrative, you will all come with me.

TheCyberHumancreators' thoughts