
The Tower of Babylon

In the Tower of Babylon lies many secret treasures, dangers, betrayals, death, destruction and hope. Will a small team of greenhorns have what it takes to climb to the top? Chapters will be uploaded whenever I finish them. Cover coming soon.

Fernein · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 3-Nymphadora

As we entered the Tower, I couldn't help but wonder at how Jacob seemed to be the most normal of all of us.

He was just an illegitimate son of some noble, while the rest of us are freaks of nature. Despite me reminding him of this, he was unbothered and even went out of his way to cater to our needs.

When they entered the first floor, I watched as Jacob constantly put himself at risk to ensure our safety as back line fighters.

If there were two goblins, he put himself in their way and if he couldn't block both of them with his shield, he would block one with his shield and the other with his body.

I had to heal him incessantly, but for some reason I didn't mind that my fire magic was almost useless when we had a tank as good as him.

I thought he trusted us a little too much, but it was nice to feel trusted so I didn't point this out. He was a nice change from the judgemental water spirits and the scornful puritists.

He even shared his food with us. I couldn't understand how a man so pure could exist.

There were men who shared with me in an attempt to get in my pants, thinking that since I was scorned by my own race I would be easily bought.

But I had never in my entire life encountered a man who shared for the sake of companionship. It made me wonder what he went through for him to sacrifice his own livelihood for companions.

As we sat and ate, Jacob seemed at ease with the silence we held like a prized possession. He focused on his half-empty plate and ate slowly. Half of his food had gone to us, and I was the only one who had given thanks.

Atlas acted like this is how things should be, and Nick didn't react. Nick never reacted emotionally unless it was combat.

He was a combat maniac, but he couldn't fight alone. Nick fought like a firecracker. He was really intense for a little while before rapidly fizzling out.

Atlas, on the other hand, was like a candle. Not intense like Nick, but constant and slow-burning. Every arrow he shot was charged to the maximum with his magic power and every arrow dealt significant damage to our enemies.

It took me a while before I actually realized I hadn't cast a single offensive spell. I had spent a good chunk of my mana purely on healing Jacob. Somehow, that fact made me feel good. Like just being able to support him was good enough for me.

It never occured to me that that was the day I would fall in love.