
The Tower of Babylon

In the Tower of Babylon lies many secret treasures, dangers, betrayals, death, destruction and hope. Will a small team of greenhorns have what it takes to climb to the top? Chapters will be uploaded whenever I finish them. Cover coming soon.

Fernein · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 2-Jacob

Since I was young, I have been avoided like I had some sort of disease. To my knowledge, I have nothing wrong with me, save a few scars.

I am a tanker. That means that I sit in the front lines and absorb damage and aggro.

Being a tanker means that it's almost impossible for me to survive even the first floor without any sort of DPS(Damage Per Second) support.

As I'm walking around the entrance of the Tower of Babylon, trying to find someone to party with, the crowd parted in three places, as if the world was telling me "These will be your new teammates."

On the far left was the woman I would later come to know as Nymphadora. Her cerulean blue skin was traced with bright red and her sky blue eyes were immediately drawn to me, as I was the only person who was not surrounded by people.

She made her way towards me and we made introductions.

"I'm Jacob." I said.

"I'm Nymphadora." She responded. "Care to party up?"

"Sure, but know that I'm probably not the best party member." I said.

"Why is that?" She asked.

"I'm an illegitimate son of a minor noble, so people avoid me." I said. "And I don't really know how to use a sword."

"So you're scorned because of something you can't do?" She asked.

"Pretty much." I admitted. "I'm little more than a meat shield."

She shrugged and stuck with me.

We turned and tried to continue to recruiting to our team of two.

In the center of the crowd walked out the man I would later know as Nick. He was a tall, and his hair was stuck up at odd angles like he had been caught up in an explosion. He glanced around, looking for a party, and his dull grey eyes alit upon us.

He joined us and we all made our introductions.

"I'm Jacob." I said.

"I'm Nymphadora." She said.

"I'm Nick." He said emotionlessly. "I'm a sword mage, if either of you find my practice to be off-putting."

"I can control both fire and water." Nymphadora said. "And I'm a water spirit. You'll fit right in."

"I'm essentially just a meat shield." I said.

He shrugged. "A meat shield is necessary for a team to survive."

To the right, in the crowd walked out an Elf that I would later know as Atlas. He was two meters tall, pale as death, his hair was grey, and his vibrant green eyes easily picked out the group of three.

"Hi. I'm Atlas." He said.

"I'm Jacob." I introduced myself for the third time that day.

"I'm Nymphadora."

"I'm Nick."

"You have room for one more?" Atlas asked.

"Of course." I said.

"Great." He responded. "Do you have any prejudice against half-Elves?"

"Dude." I said. "I am little more than a meat shield, Nick's a sword mage and Nymphadora is a mage who can wield both water and flame."

"She's a water spirit." He said.

"And you're a half-Elf." Nymphadora responded.

He shrugged. "Alright. Shall we?" He turned to me, seeming to think I was the leader.

"Who should be party leader?" I asked.

Both Nick and Nymphadora pointed to me, while Atlas raised his hand. I pointed to Nymphadora.

Atlas didn't seem to mind not being chosen.

"Majority rules?" Nymphadora asked.

We all nodded.

Together, with my new team, we turned and faced thr colossal Tower of Babylon, thinking ourselves invincible with our new team.

We had no idea how wrong we were.

Note that chapter titles will be the character who is narrating.

Ferneincreators' thoughts