
The Titan's Heir: Chronicles of Ezekiel's Quest

In a world of divine tyranny, Ezekiel rises to challenge the gods, igniting a rebellion for justice.

osas_airen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 7: Confrontations and Revelations

Ezekiel strode into the Great Hall of Camp Half-Blood alongside Chiron, his gaze sweeping over the impressive round table that dominated the room. Thirteen chairs along with an unidentified wheelchair encircled the table, Eleven of those chairs there each represented one of the divine houses, with only a handful of seats remaining vacant.

Among the assembled demigods, Ezekiel noticed the two empty seats among the 11 seats of the divine houses. Likewise, the seats designated for Dionysus which was at the head of the table and the seat for the leader of the satyrs remained empty. The satyrs are mystical creatures half man half goat which serve as guides to their respective demigods.

As Chiron approached the wheelchair positioned at the head of the table, Ezekiel's brow furrowed in confusion as he wondered what a half man half horse was planning on doing with a wheelchair as Chiron gracefully sank into the chair leaving him lost for words However, before he could voice his shock, Chiron called on the attention of the members signifying the beginning of the meeting.

The room fell into a hushed silence as all eyes turned towards Chiron. Without a preamble, the centaur who currently appeared as a disabled old man cleared his throat and nodded to Ezekiel, urging him to take a seat, for some reason Ezekiel found himself pulled towards a pitch-black yet shiny chair that possessed skulls at the corner of the hand rest.

As Chiron spoke 'We have a newcomer here. You guys would do good by Introducing yourselves'. One by one, the heads of the divine houses rose to introduce themselves, their voices echoing through the hall

Percy Jackson (Poseidon House): Percy Jackson's introduction carried an air of confidence, tinged with the easy charm of someone accustomed to being in a position of power. In all honesty, Ezekiel just felt he was rather playful although looking like the strongest among the other demigods, and was rather shocked that he had a cousin he had never heard of.

Annabeth Chase (Athena House): Annabeth Chase exuded intelligence and determination, and her introduction was delivered with a cool, collected demeanor that hinted at her strategic prowess. Although Percy seemed like the strongest Annabeth looked like their leader.

Aiden (Apollo House): Aiden's introduction seemed tinged with annoyance, his eyes briefly flickering with envy as he glanced at Ezekiel, the newcomer. He couldn't care less about him

Leo (Hephaestus House): Leo's introduction was accompanied by a wry grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he sized up the others gathered around the table. Ezekiel found this guy rather strange for some reason

Head of Ares House: "Damien," he growled, his voice laced with spite and anger causing Ezekiel to glare at him which was rather assuming to the rest of the members.

Sophia (Demeter House): Sophia's introduction was warm and welcoming, her expression reflecting a sense of nurturing and compassion. No comment

Marcus (Hermes House): Marcus's introduction was delivered with a quick wit and a mischievous twinkle in his eye, betraying his penchant for cleverness and trickery.

Serena (Aphrodite House): Serena's introduction was graceful and poised, her demeanor radiating beauty and elegance as she spoke. Ezekiel blushed a little who could blame him like there were pretty girls in the underworld as he controlled himself this left sophia pained

Lucas (Dionysus House): Lucas's introduction was accompanied by a playful grin, his eyes dancing with mischief as he glanced around the table.

As everybody had introduced themselves remaining Ezekiel, he decided that he might as well get on with it ' Ezekiel Gehenna Son of Hades'

As the introductions drew to a close, the head of the Ares house spoke up, his voice thick with disdain. "The gods are breaking the rules," he declared, his words carrying a weight of accusation. "This camp was founded on the principle of balance, yet now we have three demigods with direct ties to the Big Three who had apparently decided to stop having children first it was Thalia then Percy and now this dull-looking bastard has popped up they basically threw their agreement out the window ."

Ezekiel felt a flicker of annoyance at the accusation, but he kept his expression neutral as he considered his response at least he had decided to do that until Damien called him a Bastard. Before the head of the Apollo house could voice his agreement, Ezekiel interjected, his tone nonchalant yet laced with a hint of defiance.

"At least I spent time with my father, between the both of us who's really the bastard" he remarked casually, his words cutting through the tension in the room. A ripple of murmurs and stifled laughter followed his statement, causing Percy and Annabeth to exchange amused glances.

Annabeth couldn't help but swat the back of Percy's head in response, a playful reprimand for his amusement. Despite the gravity of the situation, Ezekiel couldn't suppress a smirk at the exchange, his confidence unwavering in the face of scrutiny. Everybody except Damien kept laughing while he turned red out of rage until Chiron intervened 'Silence everyone, although there was no need to add that last part Damien is correct now that there are 3 children of the big three we don't know how this may affect the prophecies to come'

Ezekiel was rather confused ' Why can't father and his brothers have children they are gods just like the rest of them' , this left Chiron astonished not only did he not refer to the 3 most powerful gods alive by their names but he also compared them to the rest of the other gods, pushing this aside Chiron explained 'Every time a child of the big three appears there's always a big event about to occur and that child is either the cause of the event or the solution to it but there has never been an event where the three children exist at the same time this means something truly catastrophic is about to happen'.