
A Suffocating Thing I Call MY LIFE

I'm Bly Tomilsom an average grade 18 year old girl that goes to a normal boring highschool, Riverdale High. I'm the popular girl and by that I mean the most popular girl nerd. I'm known for my not so hot face and smarts okey the popular kids know me for my not so hot face and my friend knows for my smarts. Now enough about my sad reputation at school and more about the hell I come to at home. I live with my dad and little brother Jase who is 4 years younger than me so his fourteen. After our mom left us my dad has never been the same, now he drinks (alot). I have a problem with that because after a night of drinking he comes back late and drunk.

When he's drunk his a different person even a devil, he comes home angry pulls my brother out of bed and gives him a whopping for no damn reason and me...well...I get something else. He chains me to my bed and has his way with me. I hate him. He abuses my brother and I and doesn't work so you're maybe thinking how my brother and I have lived up to this day well that's because of me. After school I make money by illegally street fighting and I know that's kinda more of a male thing to do but I prefer it rather than using my body in another way of getting money. Street fighting helps me develop my fighting techniques that maybe I'll one day use to stand up to the spawn of Saten back at my house one day very soon I'll have enough money to create a better life for my brother but that won't happen if I stay here...no