
The Time When I got summoned to a fantasy world

This is a story about a person who got summoned to another world but unlike other legendry tales of summoned hero adventures, our Main Character is an emotionless character who doesn’t want to do anything with Emperor or the Gods, but things never go the way you expect them to be! Let’s see what holds for this person.

Fcatilizer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs



No matter if you are God or just a person. Everyone needs someone else in life, there is no way a single person can carry out everything all by himself.

We all need help and Gaia also felt the same, when the God of Death disappeared. She searched everywhere in hopes of finding him but at long last, he was nowhere to be found.

Eventually, all the orders between the two different worlds start to break. People go berserk as they fought for more power and status. In this chaos, only one type of person gets targeted the most.

The one who doesn't possess any mana/magic, one who is completely normal. They were the ones who were trying to keep orders and also the ones who got targeted first.

In the end, Gaia separated both worlds to live to their own accords.

Does that solve everything?

As time passes, the world with no mana/magic got isolated from other gods, in that world, everyone also forgets the very concept of mana/magic, and later it becomes a fantasy or a fairy tale.

But this was the only beginning of the pain.

As people from this world didn't have any expectations to evolve either. They forget about science as they found it meaningless to create any groundless discoveries as they were drunk on their ego.

At this point, both worlds were on their own set of tracks to the destruction. No matter how much they try to ignore but they both need one another. Just because one world has mana/magic-like gods and the other got the gift to create anything for mankind doesn't mean any one of them is superior to another one.

This is the reason Gaia took it upon herself, no matter what she will get both worlds together even if she has to lie in the process.

Soon, she started lying to every summoned people and tried to use them to bring Earth and Arld(the world where Alvin and others are.) together.

She lied again and again but no one was strong enough to fight for her and if they are strong then they are fearful.

The system was initially a part of Gaia herself but at this point, the system has also given up to find a suitable person.

But, was it a coincidence? Or a complete fluke that system found someone with the potential to even surpass Gaia. A person who avoids troublesome situations yet deals with them more perfectly than others.

A person, who can achieve something if he has the right motivation and power to do so.

That's what Alvin is, a boy with the mindset of gods while still being a human. The system risked everything to get this boy even if the system has to give complete control over that boy.

Alvin is the only one who can think of both humans and gods.

[Next Morning.]

Nick arrived at the manor where I and the girls were staying.

"You asked me to come to the palace but it's you who came instead. That's weird!"

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize and help you for all the misunderstanding at this point.", Nick pouted as he enters the manor.

"Anyway, looks like you guys are finally feeling like settling here?"

"I don't know what you are trying to say but I guess we are relaxed for the moment."

Not only relaxing, but this place also made girls feel a home.

"Anyway, I heard from father that you are from another world. Is it earth?"

"Yes. Is there a problem with that?"

"No, no… it's just according to the records people from earth don't possess any mana. So, how are you this strong?"


What should I say? If I'm summoned by Gaia, then she is the one who provided me with mana. right?

But, there is also this system that wants me to turn off my level limiter.


"I don't know, ask Gaia."

"Gaia? Wait, don't tell me this artifact you were finding because she asks you to do it?", Nick looks at me with a crazy shocked face.

"What's with that face? You didn't realize it earlier?"

Is he really a prince? You should have figured out that by now.


"Anyway, we might not be staying in this world for long as well. The sole reason for our summoning was to find this artifact for the Gaia."

"Then you leaving? Won't you stay for a while longer?"

"I'm afraid, I can't! Girls also want to go back."

Last night, After the feast I talked with everyone. It might be weird to say we are comfortable here in this world, but it wouldn't be fair for people who are still searching for us back on earth.

Either way looks like girls were way too distant from the technology that they want to go back just to use their smartphones at this point.

I guess, I also want to play my games and listen to music all day.

"Let's just go back to earth."




"Welcome back, you certainly didn't try to waste any time.", Gaia once again appeared from the shadows.

"I just wanted to be done with this. What? you don't need this artifact anymore?", I pull out the Arc Stone from inventory as I speak.

"Oh my, I do need it."

I handed over the artifact to Gaia, completely aware of what she told me till now was all suspicious as hell. There is no way anyone will believe that nonsense, but I guess I can't be immature and stay in this world anymore.

I have to understand that back on earth my parents might be searching day and night for me for over a month now.

"Now, I believe you will send me and the girls back on earth."

"Yes, tonight when you all will sleep again, I will make sure to transfer every one of you back on earth."

"Very well. I will trust you on this."

*System ping sound

"Then, I will be taking my leave, and once again thanks for helping me."

Everything is done for the good now. Now, I just have to think of something to tell my parents as to why I was missing from the past more than a month.

As I opened my eyes, this time I saw everyone there staring at me. Looks like Emma and Sakura also got this bad habit of staring at someone's face while they are asleep.


"We can all go back home now. Tonight, when we will be sleeping we will be transferred to that world."

"Really? I guess I can't wait to get back to my performance", Sakura got excited after hearing me.

"I guess I will have a lot to do as well. I can't believe I was away from home for over a month."

"Yeah, maybe we should come up with something that we need to say about the disappearance."

As Emma and Cho – Hee were talking, I felt like maybe I will miss this time here.

Will we forget each other again after getting busy in our old lives?

"Anyway, I need to get your phone number, you guys. I want to meet whenever we get the chance.", Sakura stands up while asking for our contact information.

I was stunned,

I didn't know that these girls weren't planning on forgetting each other. That was completely unexpected.

Sigh, these girls proved me wrong once again.

[Later at night.]

"Let's sleep in this bed for the last time."

Looking back, I think I prefer my own bed at home more than this one.

Hmm… Interesting, so I also have a preference for my bed…


Suddenly the door of my room opened, and girls were standing outside with pillows in their hands.

"Don't tell me what I think it is."

"Ahem, what do you mean? We just came here because I think it will be easier for the Gaia if we sleep together.", Cho – Hee speaks with a hand on her mouth.



"Never mind guys, don't ruin the atmosphere. It's our last day here so just sleep soundly as you wake up the next day at your house.", Emma enters while changing the subject.

Well, let's just sleep.

As we lay down on the bed, I muttered

"Good night everyone!"