
The Time Modifier System: Getting Rich in No Time

Time is money. Richard, a poor yet hardworking youth, lived by this creed after surviving falling over a cliff just after getting his wedding proposal snubbed coldly by his girlfriend and her family. Successfully bound to the Time Modifier System, Richard could now freely manipulate the production time of everything. Chateau Lafitte 1787 costed you over $150,000? Just bought the cheapest Lafitte and backdated it, got 10,000 times the profit! Scavenged scrap Ferarri 250 GTO and backdated it into a brand new Ferarri 250 GTO! His enemy threatened his life? Don't worry, just added 100 years of experience to gunmanship, and any rookie could become Billy the Kid! With the Time Modifier System, No one could hinder Richard's path to greatness!

Titing21 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

First Quest: Earn $100,000 in a week!


Name: Richard Smith

Age: 22

Total Asset: $1,550 (cash+saving)/ $0 (no property)

Strength: 7 (Ordinary people, including athletes, peak at 10)

Intelligent: 7 (Ordinary people, including scientist and researchers, peak at 10)

Charm: 9 (Ordinary people, including celebrities and model, peak at 10)

Luck: 5 (Ordinary people peak at 10)

Skill: Art Appraisal Lv.1, Cooking Lv.1, Driving Lv.1

MC: 100 Credits

Evaluation: Handsome dude, slightly better than hobo. Why don't you just munch up to rich cougars?


'Fuck off, dude!'

Richard couldn't help but curse inwardly when reading the system's vicious evaluation. Though he didn't deny that he was handsome, but he didn't want to be a gigolo just to live more comfortably. Not that he had personal grudge against them, but considering his slightly more conventional value due to his family upbringing he couldn't view those money diggers in a positive light.

He could swear that if the system had a face, it might be sneering right now. It was definitely not just his imagination!

"Anyway," Richard tried to change the topic, "It kinda reminds me of a game, so I can understand about the stats easily, but what about MC and buyback value? And how come I already have 100 MCs?"

[MC or Modifier Value is a necessary resource to modify the production years or product age of any object. You'll consume 1 credit for every attempt, and you can only modify an object once.]

[You have an option to sell any item you want to the system for the amount of money displayed in Buyback Value, you'll also have a random chance to get a skill from the system buyback.]


Richard couldn't contain his amazement as he listened to the system explanation. He could already imagine many ways to take advantage of this function to earn a quick buck for himself. No, he might be able to become a millionaire in not so far future! And even if he somehow couldn't make money from legal channel, he could always sell them to the system. It might come in fixed price, but it had almost zero risk for him. Furthermore, he might be able to get a skill too!

"Wait… can I used the time modifier function to myself? Will there be any unwanted side-effect?" Richard voiced his question in somewhat timid tone.

[You can use it on yourself, whether its your body or your skills. But the basic rule is still the same you can only modify each of them once. And there wouldn't be any side effect, in fact your body had already modified once when you fall from cliff, host.]

"So that's what happened!" Richard exclaimed, pounding his fist on his palm. That was why his body was still completely intact without the slightest trace of wound or bruise. But then, his expression turned into regret. "Then, does it mean that I can't modify my body anymore?"

If he were to suddenly meet with accident, the ability to set her body time prior to the accident could become his ultimate life-saving trump card, even if it could only be used once!

[Your worry is unnecessary, host. The previous modification wasn't counted because you didn't use it on your free will but be forced upon by the system.]

"That means…" Richard's eyes lit up, sly smile on his face.

[The system could only interfere with your life once and it has already done, so don't try to test the loophole, host if you want to live a long life ahead.]

"Ah, bummer…" Richard's shoulder dropped in disappointment, but he quickly bounced up, leaving the small regret behind. "Anyway, what should I do to replenish the MC?"

[You can replenish the MC by converting $1,000 for 1 credit.]

"So, expensive…"

Clicking his tongue, a black line appeared on his forehead knowing that he had to spend not a small amount of money just to top up one credit. You know, he currently only had a little bit more than one and a half grand in his pocket, it meant that he could only refill one credit at most.

"Wait!" Richard quickly changed his thoughts. "It's definitely not expensive! Rather, I might think that the system is very generous! Only with 1,000 bucks I could turn a trash into gold! This absolutely amazing!"

"Is there any limitation to how far I can modify the object?"

[No limitation is imposed on how you modify the object except for the number of attempts which is one. Hypothetically, you could resurrect a mummy just by backdating it to when he/she was still alive. Or you could also forward date an object to the future. It's all under your discretion.]

"Oh Jesus… It's absolutely amazing!"

Richard drew a sharp gasp at the potential of the system. As long as he had the money to exchange for MCs he practically could do anything! Only this once he seemed to understand Stella and her family's materialistic view. Not that he'd forgive them, though. He'd definitely payback the life lesson they gave him a thousand-fold!

"Wait doesn't it mean I can cure grandfather?" A thought suddenly flashed in his mind, but he quickly shook his head. "No, it's too wasteful. I could only use my ability for grandpa once, if I use it only to rewind the time before Grandfather collapses, I'll lost any possible option that would yield more desirable outcome such as making him young again! But if I do that, I won't be able to explain my ability to other, and Grandfather might need to live with different identity later on, which I believe isn't something that he wishes for. I might also risk exposing the system which definitely bring danger to myself! It seems that I could only think of another way for now, let used it only as the last option."

After giving it more thoughts, Richard felt that he still had to find a better way to help his grandfather. His musing suddenly interrupted by the system's cold indifferent voice.

[That is the general knowledge about the system, host. You need to slowly explore another feature of the system by yourself. Now for the tutorial quest.]



Tutorial Mission: Earning $100,000 in one week using system's ability.

Reward: Permanent bond to the system, 1,000 MC, 1 lottery draw

Penalty: Removal of the system from host body forever.

