
The Time I Became a Dark Queen

Risa Nakagami, an 18-year-old farm girl, is eagerly preparing for her sister’s arrival and the upcoming Christmas season. Living a simple yet fulfilling life with her family and her childhood friend, Aaron, she has everything she could wish for. On Christmas day, just as Risa is about to return home with her sister and new lover during a serene walk, a tragic accident claims her life. Awakening in an unfamiliar world, Risa discovers she has been reincarnated as Stella Bushido, the Princess of Lunia. With her memories of her past life intact, she faces the challenge of adapting to her new identity and responsibilities. In the world of Utalia, where Lunia resides, Stella must navigate palace intrigues, political alliances, and the looming threat of rivalling forces that seek to destabilize her realm. Join Stella's journey as the Queen of Lunia, and her reign as the Dark Queen of Arcania in this ultimate tale. --------------------- This was long overdue, and just like Luscious Ambition, this is the ULTIMATE version of Stella's story coming with an entirely new ending and new world-building! To all the Stella fans, I'm giving Stella a proper story, truly.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

The Farm Girl

I am just a farm girl. I have a long life ahead of me, and everything a young woman like myself could dream of. I didn't live an expensive life, but it wasn't cheap either. It is simple and fulfilling, and I loved every about the life I have now. My name is Risa Nakagami, and this is my story as a simple farm girl!

I stood amidst the golden fields of my family's farm, the warm rays of the sun painting the landscape in hues of amber and gold. As I gazed out at the rolling hills and swaying crops, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. This was home, a home I truly loved.

As I took in the sights and sounds of the awakening countryside, I couldn't help but smile at the familiar sounds of the roosters crowing and the horses whinnying in their stables. The rhythmic beat of hooves against the earth echoed through the air, a symphony of life that filled my heart with warmth.

With a spring in my step, I made my way to the stables, the familiar scent of hay and straw greeting me as she entered. The horses greeted me with soft whickers and nuzzles, their gentle eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Good morning, my beauties," I murmured, running my hands over their sleek coats as I checked their feed and water. "Can you believe it's almost Christmas? I can't wait to see my sister again. She's been away on her modeling trip for far too long."

The horses snorted and stamped their hooves in agreement, their excitement mirroring my own. Tomoka was like a ray of sunshine, her infectious laughter and boundless energy lighting up the farm whenever she was home.

"I know, I've missed her too," I whispered, my voice tinged with longing. "But she'll be back soon, and then we can celebrate Christmas together as a family."

After ensuring that the horses were well-fed and cared for, I opened the stable doors, allowing them to roam freely in the paddock. The animals neighed and pranced with joy, relishing the chance to stretch their legs and bask in the morning sun. Watching them frolic in the open field, I couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness fill my heart.

"Ahh, there you are," A voice said, approaching me.

I turned my head in the direction of the voice, my smile brightening with recognition. "Good morning, Papa~"

My dad chuckled softly, gently ruffling my hair. "Good morning, princess. Your mom finished making breakfast. You should go eat and I'll take care of the barn while you're indulging in her world class cooking."

I nodded my head then hurried over to the farmhouse. Suddenly, I remembered something I wanted to tell my dad, completely halting in my tracks. I turned to face my father, who was leisurely watching the horses frolic about. "Oh yeah, Papa! Don't feed the chickens without me!"

My dad looked at me then smiled, giving me a wave. "Don't worry, I won't!"

I smiled at him before continuing my way to the house. Upon walking in, the delicious scent of biscuits, eggs, and sausages immediately hit my nose and my mouth watered with anticipation to enjoy my mom's delicious cooking.

I hurried into the kitchen, a bright smile on my face as I greeted my mom. "Good morning, Mama!~ Everything smells so delicious in here!~"

My mom looked at me, a warm smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Good morning, sweetie~ Go ahead and help yourself, I just finished cooking."

Without another word, I began to fix my plate and hurried to the table to sit down. I said a quick prayer before starting to chow down on the delicious foods. My mother soon joined me at the table, the two of us making small talk about Tomoka's return and the upcoming Christmas festivities. I could tell Mom was just as excited as I was. I could sense her inner child being released as we spoke on the topic of Christmas.

Soon, my mother leaned forward on the table, her voice filled with anticipation. "So, Risa, tell me, what do you want for Christmas this year? And what would you like for our Christmas dinner?"

My eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of Christmas, my thoughts drifting to the festive decorations and the joyous celebrations that awaited us. "Hmm...Oh, I know! For Christmas, I think I'd like a new saddle for Blanche and some new riding gear since I outgrew my old ones. And for dinner, how about roast turkey with all the trimmings?"

My mother nodded in agreement, her smile widening at my enthusiasm. "Sounds wonderful, dear. I'll make sure to get everything ready for the big day."

As we finished our meal, I helped mom clean the kitchen. Every morning here, it was so peaceful. The girl talks I had with my mom always made my mornings great and I couldn't ask for anything better. After cleaning, I noticed my mom pacing around the kitchen, checking for things that we needed.

After going through everything, my mother turned to me with a small request. "Risa, would you mind running an errand for me? I need a few items from the market place on the countryside. Here's a list of what I need."

I nodded my head, ready to help my mom with any task she needed. I was handed a neatly written list, my mom's expression grateful. "Of course, Mama. I'll head out right away," I replied, tucking the list into my pocket.

With a quick farewell, I made my way to the stables, where Blanche awaited me with eager anticipation. The white mare whinnied softly as I approached, her eyes shining with intelligence and affection.

"Ready for a ride, girl?" I asked, stroking Blanche's velvety nose as I saddled her up. Blanche nodded in response, her hooves pawing at the ground in excitement.

With a final check of the list in my pocket, I mounted Blanche and set off towards the market place, the crisp morning air whipping through my hair as we rode across the countryside.

As we journeyed onwards, I couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration coursing through my veins. With Blanche by my side, I knew that no errand was too daunting and no adventure too grand.


I navigated through the bustling market place, my eyes scanning the colorful stalls and vendors hawking their wares. The sounds of chatter and laughter filled the air as people went about their morning errands.

Lost in my thoughts, I turned a corner and collided with someone, nearly toppling over in the process. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, bowing apologetically as I steadied herself.

The person I bumped into chuckled, a familiar twinkle in his eyes. "No harm done, Risa. But maybe you should watch where you're going next time," he teased, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the teasing, recognizing the voice immediately. "Aaron?" I exclaimed, blinking in surprise as I looked up at the handsome young man standing before me.

"That's me," Aaron replied with a grin, offering me a hand to help me up. "Long time no see, Risa. It's been ages since we bumped into each other like this."

I accepted his hand with a sheepish smile, my embarrassment giving way to amusement. "I suppose it has. Sorry about that. You shouldn't be standing in the middle of the walkway, you know."

Aaron chuckled, his laughter echoing through the market place. "Fair point. But in my defense, I was just admiring the fresh produce. Speaking of which, what brings you to the market today?"

I glanced down at the list in my hand, realizing that Aaron and I were both on similar errands. "I'm here to pick up a few things for my mom. Looks like we're both running errands for our mothers."

Aaron nodded in agreement, a playful gleam in his eyes. "Well, since we're both here, why don't we shop together? It'll make things go faster, and we can catch up at the same time."

I hesitated for a moment, but the prospect of spending time with Aaron was too tempting to resist. "Sure, why not? It'll be nice to have some company," she replied with a smile.

And so, with Aaron by my side, I set off to complete my errands, our laughter and conversation filling the air as they navigated through the bustling market place together.

As Aaron and I moved through the market place, our shopping bags gradually filled with items from our respective lists. The chatter between us flowed easily, each comfortable in the other's presence.

"So, what are your plans for Christmas?" I asked, glancing sideways at Aaron as we walked.

Aaron's face lit up with a warm smile. "Actually, my mom and I were thinking about coming over to your place to spend Christmas with your family. It's been a while since we've had a proper celebration, and we thought it would be nice to join you all."

My heart soared at his words. Internally, I was ecstatic; I mean this aligned perfectly with my plans to ask Aaron to be my boyfriend on Christmas. I kept my excitement in check, responding with a bright smile. "That sounds wonderful! We'd love to have you both over. I've been wanting to see your mom too; it's been ages."

Aaron nodded, his eyes twinkling with genuine happiness. "She's looking forward to it as well. It'll be nice to have a big, cheerful celebration for a change."

After finishing we shopping, Aaron and I mounted our horses and began the journey back. The countryside stretched out before us, the serene landscape providing a perfect backdrop for our small talk. We chatted about our lives, our families, and our shared memories, the conversation flowing effortlessly between us.

As we reached a crossroads, Aaron reined in his horse, turning to face me. "I guess this is where we part ways," he said, a hint of reluctance in his voice.

I nodded, though I shared the same reluctance. "Yeah, I guess so. It was really nice catching up, Aaron."

"Likewise, Risa," he replied with a smile. "I'll see you on Christmas, then."

"Definitely. Take care," I said, waving as Aaron turned his horse and headed down the path leading to his home.

I watched him go for a moment before urging Blanche onward, a sense of contentment settling over me. The ride back home was peaceful, the winter sun casting long shadows over the fields.


Upon arriving home, I quickly delivered the groceries to my mother, my mind still buzzing with excitement. "Here you go, Mom. Everything on the list."

My mom smiled warmly, taking the bags from me. "Thank you, Risa. You're a lifesaver."

With a quick nod, I bounded up the stairs to my room, unable to contain my excitement any longer. I flopped onto my bed, burying my face in her pillow, and let out a squeal of pure joy, my feet kicking in the air. The thought of spending Christmas with Aaron filled me with a mix of nervousness and anticipation.

This Christmas would be different. This Christmas, I hoped to take a step towards something new and wonderful. And the thought of Aaron being there, of possibly sharing my feelings with him, made my heart race with excitement.

After I finished gushing over the thought of Aaron joining my family for Christmas, I remembered my next chore. I bounced off my bed and hurried downstairs, excitement still bubbling within me. One of my favorite tasks awaited me: helping my dad feed the chickens, especially since my loyal golden retriever, Daisy, loved to join in the fun.

Stepping outside, I found my dad already by the chicken coop, a bag of feed in hand. Daisy wagged her tail excitedly, prancing around me as I approached.

"Hey, Dad! Ready to feed the chickens?" I called out, my enthusiasm infectious.

My father smiled warmly at me, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Always ready for some help from my favorite farm girl," he replied, handing me a scoop of feed.

As we worked together, scattering feed for the eager chickens, I glanced at my dad. "Oh yeah! Dad, I forgot to mention earlier, Aaron and his mom are planning to come over for Christmas. Isn't that great?"

My father's eyebrows shot up in surprise, pausing in his work. "Really? It's been a while since I've seen them. Last I heard, Aaron took over as Countryside Sheriff after his dad passed."

I nodded, my voice softening. "Yeah, it's been tough for them. But I think spending Christmas together will be nice. You know how close Aaron, Tomoka, and I have always been."

My father's expression softened, a mix of fondness and sadness crossing his face. "I'm glad they'll be joining us. It'll be good for all of us to be together, especially for you kids. You've all been through so much."

I smiled at my dad, leaning my head against his shoulder. "Yeah...I know Tomoka will be so happy to hear that Aaron's coming over."

My father chuckled softly, continuing to scatter the feed around for the chickens. "I bet she would.."

We continued feeding the chickens, Daisy darting around our feet, her playful antics bringing smiles to our faces. Afterward, my dad and I moved to the barn, where I loved spending time grooming the animals. I chatted animatedly about my day, Aaron and Tomoka, and the upcoming Christmas festivities, my father's presence providing a comforting backdrop.

I took special care with each animal, my hands moving deftly through their coats, making them shiny and clean. My father watched me with a proud smile, occasionally helping out but mostly enjoying seeing his daughter so happy and at ease.

As the day went by, the bond between me and my father deepened with each shared task and conversation. The warm, golden light of the setting sun filtered through the barn's open doors, casting a peaceful glow over the scene.

I felt a sense of contentment wash over myself. Surrounded by my family, my loyal dog, and the animals I loved, I felt truly at home. Little did I know that this simple, joyful life was about to change in ways I could never have imagined.



I looked around, hearing faint voices in my head. I looked over at my dad, who was busy tending to the cattle nearby. I looked down at my brush then shrugged the strange feeling off. "Must've been nothing..~ Like I was saying," I giggled, brushing the coat of Daisy as she panted happily, sitting in front of me and enjoying the brushing.

For now, though, I cherished the moments I had, savoring the peace and happiness that filled my days on the farm.