
The Time I Became a Dark Queen

Risa Nakagami, an 18-year-old farm girl, is eagerly preparing for her sister’s arrival and the upcoming Christmas season. Living a simple yet fulfilling life with her family and her childhood friend, Aaron, she has everything she could wish for. On Christmas day, just as Risa is about to return home with her sister and new lover during a serene walk, a tragic accident claims her life. Awakening in an unfamiliar world, Risa discovers she has been reincarnated as Stella Bushido, the Princess of Lunia. With her memories of her past life intact, she faces the challenge of adapting to her new identity and responsibilities. In the world of Utalia, where Lunia resides, Stella must navigate palace intrigues, political alliances, and the looming threat of rivalling forces that seek to destabilize her realm. Join Stella's journey as the Queen of Lunia, and her reign as the Dark Queen of Arcania in this ultimate tale. --------------------- This was long overdue, and just like Luscious Ambition, this is the ULTIMATE version of Stella's story coming with an entirely new ending and new world-building! To all the Stella fans, I'm giving Stella a proper story, truly.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

New Era

{Month: Moondust}

{Date: 14/30}

{Time: Afternoon}

The grand throne room of Lunia's palace was bathed in the warm glow of the late afternoon sun. Tapestries depicting the kingdom's rich history adorned the walls, and the air was filled with an air of anticipation. I sat beside my mother, Queen Isolde, in an ornate chair, my heart fluttering with excitement and a sense of responsibility.

Queen Isolde smiled warmly at me. "Stella, the Moondust Festival tonight will be the perfect prelude to your coronation. The people are eager to celebrate and look forward to the dawn of a new era under your reign."

I felt the weight of my mother's words, mixed with a swell of pride. "I'm honored, Mother. I want to make sure Lunia continues to prosper and that the people feel secure and happy."

Victoria, who stood nearby, couldn't contain her excitement. "You've always been a natural leader, Stella. This is just the beginning of something truly amazing. The people adore you, and they will follow you with unwavering loyalty."

Queen Isolde nodded, her expression a blend of pride and affection. "You have always had a special connection with our people. Tonight, as we celebrate the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, you will see just how much they believe in you."

My heart swelled with determination. "Thank you, Mother. And thank you, Victoria. Your faith in me means everything."

Queen Isolde reached out and gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "Tonight, we celebrate. Tomorrow, we prepare. And on the first day of the new year, we will crown you as the new queen of Lunia. Let's make this festival unforgettable."

I nodded, excitement coursing through my veins. The festival was just hours away, and I couldn't wait to join my people in celebration.

As I exited the throne room with Victoria by my side, I began to feel jittery as if I couldn't sit still. The thought of being the new queen of Lunia excited me, but I couldn't help but to feel a hint of nervousness course through my body.

"I can tell you're quite happy, Princess~ I too am excited for you! Not only will I become your true Advisor, but I'll be your Retainer and Personal Knight!~" Victoria exclaimed, her excitement bubbling to the surface as mine did.

I looked at Victoria with a smile, nodding my head. "It's been a long time coming. Also when I become Queen of Lunia, Leo will be promoted to High Prince of Lunia. We're all being promoted coming the first of Sunflare."

"I'm really happy for Leo in that regard because with that promotion, I'm sure he'll be more determined than ever to get stronger. I, for one, believe he will make a great future king when he comes of age," Victoria said, her voice filled with pride as she talked about Leo.

I nodded, smiling at her words and praises for my brother. "I do too. After our recent sparring match earlier, he's got what it takes to lead Lunia when he turns 18."

The two of us made our way out of the castle, walking toward the main square of Lunia to help prepare for the festival with Mira, Leo, and my father. The two of us were really excited for the festival, neither of us able to contain our own growing excitement.


The bustling streets of Lunia were alive with activity as preparations for the year-end festival reached a fever pitch. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, stalls were being set up with an array of treats and trinkets, and the air was filled with the cheerful sounds of laughter and music. Victoria, Leo, and I were right in the thick of it, helping Mira and my father, King Alden, coordinate the final touches for the grand celebration.

"Alright, Stella, you and Leo can help with setting up the decorations around the central square," Mira instructed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Victoria, you can assist Alden with the food stalls."

"Got it, Aunt Mira," Leo replied, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. He nudged me playfully. "Come on, sis, let's make this place look magical."

"I'm coming," I said, a soft smile tugging at my lips as I followed Leo.

As we worked, we noticed a familiar face among the townfolk. Izumi, a girl with long, flowing hair and a radiant smile, approached us shyly. She had always harbored a crush on Leo and dreamed of becoming his retainer one day. I saw the opportunity and couldn't resist a bit of mischief.

"Hi, Princess Stella and Prince Leo!~" Izumi greeted, approaching us with a sweet, inviting smile.

"Leo, why don't you show Izumi around?" I suggested with a teasing grin. "She looks like she could use a guide for the festival."

Leo's cheeks turned a shade of pink, and he stammered, "U-Uh, sure, I guess. If Izumi wants to…"

Izumi's eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly. "I'd love that, Leo!"

"Great! Have fun, you two!" I said, giving Leo a little push toward Izumi. I then hurried toward Victoria. "Let's go check out the market area. I bet we can find something fun."

"Wait, Stella, what about the food stalls?" Victoria questioned, looking over at my father.

"It's fine, Victoria. I can handle things here by myself. You girls just go have your fun," My father chuckled as he continued to help the vendors set up their stalls.

I smiled at Victoria, gently grabbing her hand then pulled her with me. As Victoria and I wandered off, Leo found himself alone with Izumi.

He looked at Izumi, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. "So, Izumi, where do you want to go first?"

Izumi smiled, her eyes shining with happiness. "Let's start with the food stalls. I've heard they have some amazing treats."

The two of them strolled through the market area, trying various foods and laughing together. Leo's initial nervousness melted away as he found himself enjoying Izumi's company. They sampled sweet pastries, savory skewers, and refreshing drinks, sharing their thoughts on each one.

At one point, Leo spotted a stall selling beautifully crafted jewelry. He picked up a delicate bracelet and handed it to Izumi. "Here, I think this would look great on you."

Izumi blushed and accepted the gift with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Leo. It's beautiful."

As the day went on, Leo and Izumi grew more comfortable around each other, their laughter blending with the festive sounds of the market. Meanwhile, Victoria and I found ourselves at a stall selling colorful masks.

"These are perfect for the festival!" Victoria exclaimed, picking up a mask adorned with intricate lunar patterns.

I nodded, trying on a mask with feathers. "Absolutely. Let's get a few for everyone."

The festival preparations continued, and as the sun began to set, the excitement in the air only grew stronger. It was going to be a night to remember, a celebration of the end of the year and the beginning of a new chapter for Lunia.

{Time: Evening}

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the streets of Lunia transformed into a magical wonderland. Lanterns hung from every stall and archway, casting a warm, golden glow over the bustling crowd. Music filled the air, a lively blend of flutes, drums, and string instruments that set feet tapping and hearts racing.

Leo, Victoria, and I stood at the edge of the central square, taking in the vibrant scene before us. Villagers, nobles, and travelers alike mingled together, their faces hidden behind elaborately decorated masks. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation and joy.

"This is incredible," Victoria said, her eyes wide with wonder. "They've outdone themselves this year."

I nodded, a smile playing on my lips. "It's perfect. Just the way Mother and Father envisioned."

Nearby, a group of children ran past, giggling and shouting as they chased each other through the crowd. Street performers entertained with feats of acrobatics and magic, drawing delighted applause from onlookers.

"Look, there's Izumi," Leo pointed out, spotting her near one of the food stalls. She waved at him, her mask adorned with delicate floral designs.

"Go on, Leo," I encouraged, giving him a gentle nudge. "Enjoy the festival with her."

Leo hesitated for a moment, then nodded and made his way over to Izumi. I watched him go, a warm feeling of contentment settling over me.

As the evening wore on, the festival reached its peak. The central square became the heart of the celebration, with dancers twirling in the middle and musicians playing lively tunes. Victoria and I joined the throngs of people, losing ourselves in the joy of the moment.

"Shall we dance, Your Highness?" Victoria asked, holding out her hand.

I chuckled softly and took her hand. "Why not? Let's make the most of tonight."

The two of us danced together, moving in time with the music and the crowd around us. Laughter and cheers filled the air, a testament to the happiness that had enveloped the kingdom.

Amid the revelry, I spotted my parents standing at the edge of the square. They watched the festivities with proud smiles, their eyes reflecting the warmth of the lantern light. I felt a surge of love for them, grateful for their guidance and support.

The night wore on, and the energy of the festival showed no signs of waning. Fireworks lit up the sky, their brilliant colors painting the darkness with bursts of red, blue, and gold. Each explosion was met with gasps of awe and rounds of applause.

As the final firework faded, my father stepped forward to address the crowd. His voice, strong and commanding, carried over the din.

"People of Lunia, we gather here tonight not only to celebrate the end of the year but to look forward to the future. A future bright with hope, unity, and prosperity. As we enter this new era, let us do so with hearts full of joy and minds set on the betterment of our kingdom. Enjoy the festival, and may the coming year bring us all great fortune."

The crowd erupted into cheers, the sound echoing through the streets. I felt a sense of pride swell within me. This was my kingdom, my family, and soon, I would have the honor of leading them into the future.

As the applause died down, I heard a faint, unsettling noise—almost like a low hum—cutting through the celebratory atmosphere. I glanced around, my brow furrowing with concern, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Pushing the feeling aside, I turned back to Victoria, ready to continue our night of celebration.

The festival had reached a crescendo, with laughter, music, and the warm glow of lanterns filling the air. Victoria and I were in the midst of a lively dance, our faces flushed with excitement. Leo and Izumi joined them, the young girl's eyes sparkling with delight as she held onto Leo.

As we twirled and spun, I caught sight of my parents near the edge of the square, their faces illuminated by the soft light of the lanterns. King Alden and Queen Isolde watched the festivities with proud smiles, their love for their kingdom evident in their expressions.

Just as I felt a surge of contentment, the faint hum I had heard earlier grew louder, becoming a deep, resonant vibration that seemed to pulse through the ground beneath my feet. I stopped dancing, my eyes scanning the crowd for the source of the disturbance.

"Victoria, do you hear that?" I asked, my voice tense.

Victoria nodded, her own smile fading. "Something's not right."

Suddenly, a blinding flash of light erupted in the center of the square, accompanied by a deafening roar. The joyous sounds of the festival were abruptly replaced by screams of terror and confusion. I shielded my eyes, my heart pounding as the light began to fade.

When I looked up, a figure stood in the middle of the square, shrouded in a dark cloak that seemed to absorb the light around it. The figure's presence exuded a chilling aura, one that sent a wave of fear rippling through the crowd.

"Who are you?" King Alden demanded, stepping forward with a protective arm around Queen Isolde.

The figure raised a hand, and a dark energy crackled at its fingertips. "I am the harbinger of change," the figure intoned, its voice echoing with a sinister resonance. "Your time has come to an end."

Before anyone could react, the figure unleashed a blast of dark energy that swept through the square, knocking people to the ground and sending the festival decorations flying. My heart sank as I saw my parents caught in the blast, their bodies crumpling to the ground.

"Mother! Father!" I screamed, rushing towards them. Victoria, Leo, and Izumi were right behind me, their faces pale with shock and horror.

I reached my parents' side, my hands trembling as I knelt beside them. Queen Isolde's eyes fluttered open, and she reached up to touch my face.

"Stella…," she whispered, her voice weak. "You aren't hurt...are you..?"

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I held my mother's hand. "No, Mama...but you can't leave us. Please, stay with me."

King Alden coughed, his eyes filled with pain as he looked at me. "Princess, we love you. Always."

With a final, shuddering breath, both King Alden and Queen Isolde fell still. My world shattered in that moment, the weight of their loss pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. Flashes of my past flowed in my mind and I gently squeezed my mother's hand, tears welling up in my eyes.

"No!" I cried, my voice raw with grief. "No, please!"

Victoria knelt beside her, her own tears falling freely. "Princess, we need to move. The figure… it's still here."

The mysterious figure approached us, their crimson red eyes glowing amidst the shadows of their hood. I looked up, my vision blurry from my tears. The cloaked figure removed their hood, revealing themselves to being my older brother, the man who was exiled from the kingdom because of his attempt to murder me in the past.

"Zhang Li..." Leo said in disbelief, holding Izumi close to him with protective arms.

Zhang Li stood unmoved, his dark energy still crackling ominously. Anger and sorrow welled up inside me, and I rose to her feet, my hands clenching into fists.

"You...You! Why did you do this?! Why?!" I screamed, my voice trembling with fury.

Zhang Li tilted his head, as if he was considering my question. "Well, I wanted to send a message. This is only the beginning. Once I kill you, Lunia will belong to me. And I will harness Bushido's grand power.."

I stared at Zhang Li in disbelief, my anger building up inside me even more. I grit my teeth, memories of my past rapidly flashing in my head. I already lost my first family because of a reckless driver...now I lost my new parents because of a jealous brother.

I began to break, softly laughing and covering my face. My body trembled with so much hatred and anger that I could barely even control my own energy. Dark energy began to crackle around my body, a voice starting to whisper in my head.

"Why..? Why can't I just be happy..? Why am I being punished?!" I screamed with rage, my dark energy surging powerfully around my body. Cursed marks began to form on the left side of my body, my pendant glowing brightly with power.

Victoria grunted as my energy knocked her away. She crashed into the broken statue, falling to the ground. She coughed lightly, her gaze slowly turning toward me. "Princess..."

Zhang Li watched me then smirked, placing a hand on the handle of his katana. "Well well, I haven't seen that power before.."

I looked at Zhang Li with wrathful eyes, holding my hand out then purple lightning crackled in front of me. A sword began to form from the lightning, the blade as black as the night sky, the hilt crafted into the shape of a crescent moon, and the sword began to emit an ethereal glow.

Victoria's eyes began to widen, her expression full of recognition of the blade. "Vesper...Argentum,"

Leo's gaze shifted between me and Zhang Li, his protective hold of Izumi strong as he backed away from the area. "Sis..."

"Leo...get Victoria and Izumi out of here," I said, my voice low and dangerous.

"But, I can't leave you alone with him! Let me—"

I grit my teeth and stomped my foot down. "Get out of here now before I lose what little sense and self control I have left! This isn't a request, this is an order!"

Leo flinched at my words, feeling the true weight of the situation. He complied with my command, despite his internal protests, he escorted Izumi and Victoria away from the ruined city and back to the castle.

My heart raced as I faced Zhang Li amidst the chaos of the ruined festival city. The once lively marketplace was now a battlefield strewn with debris and flickering lanterns. With an angry step, I launched myself toward Zhang Li with a battle cry that echoed through the destroyed city. The clash of our swords echoed through the night, mingling with the distant cries of the wounded and the crackle of flames.

Zhang Li, his eyes burning with determination, pressed his advantage. He lunged forward with swift, calculated strikes, forcing me to defend myself with every ounce of skill she possessed. I parried his blows with my black-bladed sword, Vesper Argentum, its crescent moon hilt glinting in the faint moonlight that filtered through the smoke.

I knew I was outmatched. Zhang Li was a seasoned warrior, driven by his relentless ambition to conquer Lunia. Each strike he delivered was precise and powerful, pushing me back step by step across the cobblestone streets.

"Kill..." A voice whispered in my head.

"I won't lose to you!" I bellowed, swiftly dodging each of his jabs and thrusts.

I rushed forward and landed a slash at his midsection, forcing him to jump back. I yelled as I pushed on the offensive, launching a flurry of slashes at him, forcing him to be on the defensive.

"Yes! This is what I like to see, Stella!" Zhang Li laughed as he blocked each of my attacks, his dark energy growing stronger the longer the battle dragged on. "Show me that power you were gifted with!"

"You no longer have the right to speak my name!" I yelled, my voice cracking with emotion.

My emotions ran high as I fought against Zhang Li, my desire to kill him gradually growing. Because of my emotions, I wasn't thinking rationally, throwing out attacks I knew would never work. Zhang Li parried each of my blows, countering with a right hook that disoriented me then knocked me away with a kick.

With a fierce battle cry, Zhang Li launched a final assault. I blocked his strikes, but his strength overwhelmed me. The force of his blade knocked Vesper Argentum from my grasp, sending it skidding across the blood-stained ground.

As Zhang Li raised his sword for the decisive blow, I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the inevitable. But before the blade could descend, a sharp clang echoed through the air—a sound of metal meeting metal. I opened her eyes in astonishment.

Mira stood between me and Zhang Li, her naginata raised defensively. "Not today, Zhang Li," Mira declared, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

Zhang Li narrowed his eyes, his gaze flickering between me and Mira. "You dare interfere?" he growled, his grip tightening on his sword.

Mira stood firm, her stance unwavering. "It is my duty to protect the princess, my niece," she stated resolutely.

With a furious snarl, Zhang Li retreated, his dark silhouette melding into the shadows of the ruined city. "This isn't over, Stella," his voice echoed ominously as he vanished into the night.

I took a deep breath, my hands trembling as the adrenaline subsided. I retrieved Vesper Argentum and turned to Mira with gratitude in my eyes. "Thank you, Aunt Mira," I said, my voice hoarse with emotion.

Mira offered a reassuring smile. "It is my duty, Princess Stella," she replied, her gaze unwavering.

Together, we made our way back towards the castle, our steps heavy with the weight of the night's events. I knew that Zhang Li's threat loomed over us, casting a shadow on the future of Lunia.