
The Time I Became a Dark Queen

Risa Nakagami, an 18-year-old farm girl, is eagerly preparing for her sister’s arrival and the upcoming Christmas season. Living a simple yet fulfilling life with her family and her childhood friend, Aaron, she has everything she could wish for. On Christmas day, just as Risa is about to return home with her sister and new lover during a serene walk, a tragic accident claims her life. Awakening in an unfamiliar world, Risa discovers she has been reincarnated as Stella Bushido, the Princess of Lunia. With her memories of her past life intact, she faces the challenge of adapting to her new identity and responsibilities. In the world of Utalia, where Lunia resides, Stella must navigate palace intrigues, political alliances, and the looming threat of rivalling forces that seek to destabilize her realm. Join Stella's journey as the Queen of Lunia, and her reign as the Dark Queen of Arcania in this ultimate tale. --------------------- This was long overdue, and just like Luscious Ambition, this is the ULTIMATE version of Stella's story coming with an entirely new ending and new world-building! To all the Stella fans, I'm giving Stella a proper story, truly.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Family Reunion

The morning sun cast a warm glow over the Nakagami farm as I stretched and yawned. I could hear the familiar sounds of the farm waking up—the roosters crowing, the horses neighing, and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze.

"Rise and shine, Risa!" my mother called from downstairs. "We have a lot to do today!"

I groaned lightly, laying back down on my bed as I was still tired. I turned my head to look at the calendar on my wall then my eyes widened with joy. I jumped out of bed, my excitement propelling myself forward. Today was the day my sister, Tomoka, would return from her modeling trip, and I couldn't wait to see her.

Downstairs, the kitchen was already buzzing with activity. My mother was busy preparing a special breakfast, and the smell of freshly baked break, her world class eggs and bacon, and the smell of her famous pancakes filled the air.

"Good morning, Mama!" I greeted cheerfully as I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, dear," my mother replied with a smile. "Could you help me and your father with the decorations? We want everything to be perfect for Tomoka's return."

"Of course!" I said eagerly. I grabbed a box of decorations and started to head outside where my father was. The festive atmosphere made me feel even more excited.

My dad noticed me walk outside, looking down at me as he stood on his ladder to hang up a few lights. "Good morning, Risa! I see you're here wanting to help your old man out!"

I noticed a cigarette in my dad's mouth, frowning a bit and thumping my foot down. "Papa! I told you to stop smoking, it's bad for you!"

My father chuckled softly, taking his final drag of his cigarette before putting it out. "Alright, alright princess. Some habits are hard to break, y'know."

I smiled at him, nodding my head. "Better~ Now I have some more lights for you!~"

I hurried toward him and held the box up for him. He climbed down his ladder, grabbed the box from my hands, and climbed back up to hang up the rest of the lights around the house. As he moved around, I followed behind with his tool box like a helper or an assistant for their boss. We talked about Tomoka's return, my father sounding even more excited than I did, and I was through the moon to see my sister again.

With the house decorated and breakfast prepared, my dad and I walked back into the house. We were both enticed by the smell of my mother's cooking to the point where we couldn't hold out on our hunger anymore.

My mom turned around, noticing us and smiled. "Oh great, I didn't have to call either of you knuckleheads to come inside~"

"Yeah, Risa and I let our stomachs lead us," My father chuckled softly.

"Plus, we couldn't resist the smell of your cooking any longer!~ We needed you breakfast as soon as possible!" I said, giggling softly as I hurried to the table.

We all gathered around the table, which was laden with fresh bread, pancakes, eggs and bacon, and fruit. The scent of coffee mingled with the aroma of the food, creating a comforting atmosphere.

"So, Risa," my mother began, pouring herself a cup of coffee, "what are your plans for the day?"

"Well," I said between bites of bread, "after we finish decorating, I need to finish my chores. And then maybe I'll take Blanche out for a ride."

"Sounds like a good plan," my father said. "I'm sure Blanche will appreciate the exercise."

I nodded, smiling at the thought of spending time with my beloved horse. "I also wanted to talk about the Christmas party," I added. "Since Tomoka is returning, I was also thinking about going to the market and getting her a gift."

Her father's eyes lit up with jot and delight. "Really? That would be wonderful. I'm sure she'll love the thought you put into her gift."

My mother nodded in agreement. "We'll also need to make sure we have enough food and decorations. And maybe we can plan some special activities."

"I'm just happy we'll all be together," I said, my heart swelling with warmth at the thought.

As we continued their breakfast, the conversation shifted to memories of past Christmases and stories about Tomoka's modeling adventures. The kitchen was filled with laughter and the comforting sense of family togetherness.


With the house decorated and breakfast finished, I headed out to tend to my chores. I hummed a cheerful tune as I fed the horses and brushed their coats. Blanche, whinnied happily, nuzzling me affectionately.

"You're excited too, aren't you, Blanche?" I said, patting my horse's neck. "Tomoka will be so happy to see you again."

My golden retriever bounded over, wagging her tail. I looked at her, giggling softly as I pet her head.

"And you too, Daisy," I said, scratching behind her ears. "We're all going to have such a great time together."

As I worked, my mind wandered to the upcoming Christmas party. I could hardly wait to see Aaron again and to have everyone I loved gathered together.



I grunted softly as I held my head, hearing the fragmented voices again. I shook my head lightly, looking around for where the voices were coming from. I sighed softly, standing up and trying to brush off the voices once again.

"Maybe a ride around the countryside would help clear my mind.." I muttered, standing up and opening Blanche's gate.

I saddled up Blanche and led her out of the stable. The crisp morning air was refreshing, and the sun was just beginning to warm the countryside. I mounted Blanche, feeling the familiar comfort of being on horseback, and urged her forward.

As we trotted along the familiar paths, I let my mind wander. I thought about Tomoka's return, the upcoming Christmas party, and, of course, Aaron. The thought of him coming over for Christmas filled me with a warm, happy feeling.

Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't notice the other rider approaching until they were nearly upon me. Startled, I looked up to see Aaron on his horse, a chestnut stallion named Rusty.

"Fancy meeting you here," Aaron called out with a grin.

I giggled softly, feeling a flush of happiness at the sight of him. "Aaron! I didn't expect to see you here."

"Same here," Aaron said, guiding Rusty to fall in step beside Blanche. "I figured I'd take Rusty out for a ride before finishing my chores."

"Great minds think alike," I said, smiling. "How's everything at your place?"

"Busy," Aaron replied, a soft chuckle escaping from him. "Mom's been planning for Christmas too. I told her about your invitation, and she seemed really excited. I've never seen my old lady move with such speed since the day my dad took her on a vacation to Sanctuary Islands."

I chuckled softly, feeling a rush of excitement. "I'm glad she's in the spirit..~ It's been too long since we all spent time together."

We rode in comfortable silence for a while, the rhythmic sound of hooves on the path creating a soothing backdrop. The countryside stretched out around us, a patchwork of fields and forests, with the distant mountains providing a majestic backdrop.

"So, what are you planning for Christmas?" Aaron asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, you know, the usual," I said with a shrug. "Lots of food, decorations, and hopefully some fun games. I'm really looking forward to it."

"Sounds perfect," Aaron said. "I know Mom's excited to see everyone again. And I'm looking forward to spending more time with you."

I felt my cheeks warm at his words, and I hoped he didn't notice. "Me too," she said softly. "It's been too long."

We continued riding, talking about our plans, our families, and our hopes for the future. The morning passed quickly, the two of us enjoying each other's company and the peaceful beauty of the countryside.

As we reached a crossroads, Aaron reined in Rusty. "I guess this is where we part ways again," he said, a hint of reluctance in his voice.

"Yeah," I said, feeling a pang of disappointment. "But I'll see you soon, right?"

"Absolutely," Aaron said with a smile. "Christmas is just around the corner."

We exchanged a final wave before heading in opposite directions. I urged Blanche into a gentle trot, my heart light and my mind filled with happy thoughts of the upcoming reunion and the holiday celebrations.

"Stella... wake up..."

I held my head, grunting loudly as the faint voices began to grow more clear. I shook my head, this time a bit more aggressively as my head began to throb. I couldn't feel myself fading in and out of consciousness, but I remained strong. Maybe it was the excitement getting to me? I couldn't tell...but I knew I was going to let something like this ruin my day. Tomoka was going to be here soon and I wanted to give her my best for her arrival.


My father and I were busy at the barn, the familiar routine bringing a sense of peace and contentment. My father was scattering feed for the chickens, who clucked and pecked eagerly at the ground. I, meanwhile, was checking on the cattle, ensuring each one was in perfect health. Daisy, happily wagging her tail, followed my every step, occasionally barking at the chickens and kept them in their area to avoid being trampled by the cattle.

"Blanche is looking well, Dad," I said, patting the horse's neck as I passed by.

"She sure is, sweetheart. You've done a great job taking care of her," my father replied with a proud smile.

As we worked, the sound of hurried footsteps reached their ears. We turned to see my mother hurrying towards us, her face alight with excitement.

"Risa! Dear! She's here!" my mother called out, practically glowing with joy.

My heart skipped a beat. "Tomoka's here?" I exclaimed, barely able to contain my excitement.

"Yes, she just arrived," my mother confirmed, beaming with excitement and joy.

Without a second thought, I dropped what I was doing and sprinted towards the house, my heart pounding with anticipation. I burst through the door and there, standing in the living room, was Tomoka setting down her luggage looking tired from travel, but radiant as ever.

"Tomoka!" I cried out, my voice filled with emotion.

Tomoka turned just in time to catch me as I tackled her into a hug. Us sisters clung to each other, the long months of separation melting away in an instant. My eyes filled with tears, and I buried my face in Tomoka's shoulder.

"I missed you so much," I whispered, my voice choked with tears of joy.

"I missed you too, Risa," Tomoka replied, her own eyes glistening. "It's so good to be home."

We held each other for a long moment, the warmth of our embrace filling the room. The rest of the family gathered around, smiling and sharing in the joy of the reunion.

I pulled back slightly to look at Tomoka, my face still glowing with happiness. "You have to tell me everything about your trip! I want to hear all about the places you visited, the people you met, and the shows you did."

Tomoka laughed softly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I will, I promise. But first, I want to know what I've missed here. How's everything been?"

"It's been good," I said, leading Tomoka to the couch. We sat down, and I began recounting the events of the past months. "We've been busy with the farm, of course, and we're getting ready for Christmas. Aaron and his mom are going to spend Christmas with us this year."

"Really? That's wonderful," Tomoka said, her eyes lighting up. "It'll be like old times."

I nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, and I've been practicing some new recipes. I want everything to be perfect for when you and Aaron are here."

Tomoka smiled warmly. "I'm sure it will be amazing, Risa. You always make everything so special."

As we continued talking, our parents joined in, sharing stories and laughter. The house was filled with the warmth of our voices and the joy of being together again. We all talked like we've never been apart, our conversations flowing smoothly like coffee being poured into a mug.

Later, as the sun began to set, the family gathered around the dinner table. My mother had prepared a feast in honor of Tomoka's return, and we all sat down to enjoy the meal together. The room was filled with the delicious aroma of home-cooked food and the sound of happy chatter.

I couldn't stop smiling. I felt a deep sense of contentment and gratitude for the family I had and the moments we shared. As we ate and talked, I glanced around the table, taking in the sight of my loved ones.

In that moment, everything felt right. I knew that no matter what challenges we faced, we would always have each other. And for now, that was more than enough for me.

Later that evening, Tomoka and I were upstairs in our room, the soft glow of their gaming console illuminating our faces. We were engrossed in a racing game, the room filled with laughter and playful banter.

"Take that!" I exclaimed, my car speeding past Tomoka's on the screen.

"Oh no, you don't!" Tomoka retorted, her fingers flying over the controller as she tried to regain the lead.

The race ended with me narrowly winning, and I threw my arms up in triumph. "Yes! I win!"

Tomoka laughed, leaning back against the pillows. "Alright, you got me this time. But I'll get you next round."

As the excitement of the game settled, Tomoka turned to me with a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, Risa, have you made a move on Aaron yet?"

My cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, and I stammered over my words, "W-What? No, I haven't."

Tomoka raised an eyebrow. "Really? Not even a little hint?"

I shook my head, the thought of me and Aaron in a romantic relationship making my heart race. "No, I just… I uhm... don't know how to bring up the fact that I like him..."

Tomoka grinned, leaning in closer. "Well, if you don't make a move soon, I might just have to steal him away."

I knew Tomoka was joking, but the playful threat still made my eyes widen. "You wouldn't!"

"Of course not," Tomoka said, laughing. "But seriously, Risa, you should tell him how you feel. You never know, he might feel the same way."

I sighed, my mind swirling with possibilities. "Maybe… I guess I'm just nervous."

"Don't be," Tomoka said softly, giving my hand a reassuring and gentle squeeze. "You deserve to be happy."

We shared a warm smile before diving back into our game, the conversation lingering in my mind. As the night wore on, we played game after game, the room filled with the sounds of laughter and sibling rivalry.

Eventually, the excitement began to wane, and we found ourselves lying on the floor, on a mat and wrapped in a blanket, just like we used to when we were kids.

"Remember when we used to do this all the time?" Tomoka asked, her voice drowsy with sleep.

"Yeah," I replied, a soft smile on my face. "Those were the best times."

Tomoka yawned and snuggled closer. "They still are."

Before long, we both drifted off to sleep, our breaths steady and calm. Downstairs, our mother quietly made her way up to check on us. She opened the door to find her daughters asleep on the floor, looking just as we did when we were little girls.

A wave of emotion washed over her, and she wiped a tear from her eye. Seeing us like this, so close and so happy, filled her heart with a deep sense of joy and contentment.

She softly closed the door and went back downstairs, feeling grateful for the precious moments that made our family whole.