
The Thronos

Two kingdoms are given the chance to change their world, one fueled by disgust and hatred, the other guided by love and understanding. In the fight to be the new queen of their soon-to-be blood-filled kingdom.

Elise_Escobedo · Fantasia
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10 Chs

The Final Battle

Rivera pulls from the box the last 3 dragon eggs and a red and gold sword with inscriptions and cravings all along the blade, and within the center of the blade was black glass with black swirling mist encased in the glass.

Rivera "This is Abaddon's sword, this has the Penduline crest on it as well."

Sam "These swords are not easy to make, and it looks enchanted with some sort of magic."

Suoh "The blade of the demons. The ledge is said those who possess this sword will have the demons magic and powers of whatever is encased inside."

Rivera looks down at the blade and says, "Thank you Abaddon. I think we should get some rest now; I must pay my sister a visit in the morning."

The next morning, Rivera, Sam, and Suoh all head back to the kingdom. Rivera then confronts her sister with a proposal.

Dendrite "Oh look who hasn't gotten enough of the new queen."

Rivera laughs and says, "You will not be the new queen for much longer. I challenge you to a one-on-one battle, just me and you, no one else, and whoever wins will be queen."

Dendrite "What will happen to the loser?"

Rivera "We will fight until one of us is dead." Once Dendrite heard those words she stood up from the throne and said, "To the death. You have a deal!" Apollyon was not very fond of the idea, but Rivera knew Dendrite would not step down from an opportunity to kill her.

Rivera "Great! We have two days to get ourselves ready. The next time I will see you will be on the battlefield." With that Rivera, Sam, and Suoh left and went back to the blacksmith shop.

Apollyon "My queen I do not think this is a very good idea."

Dendrite "Mind your place Apollyon, this is my fight and I know my sister does not stand a chance against me in a hand-to-hand fight."

Apollyon "If you say so, my queen."

The two days pass and the battle for queen becomes. Rivera and Dendrite are on either side of the field. Rivera's armor was handmade by Sam, deep red and black with highlights of gold all down her chest piece, to the side of her the weapon of choice was Abaddon's blade. Dendrite's armor was all white and silver with an all-white and silver sword at her side. Rivera, Suoh, Dendrite, and Apollyon walked to the middle of the field. The fairies, angels, roots, goblins, and even demons were there to see the fight. Apollyon looks down at Rivera's waste to see Abaddon's blade at her side then turns to look at Dendrite "My queen do you really think this is a good idea?"

Dendrite's face was displeased by Apollyon's comment. "You truly are worthless Apollyon. Are we done chatting, so our fight can begin?" At that moment everyone left the middle of the battlefield.

Dendrite and Rivera stood silently staring at each other to see who would move first. Rivera moved her foot back and Dendrite darted at Rivera, Rivera drew her sword, and within that clash, the magic from Rivera's blade grew the dark form grew around her blade bursting Dendrite backward. Back at the Castle Titan finally came back home and entered the throne room to see her wife standing encased in the black glass. He let out a shriek in pain at the sight, he fell to the floor and began to cry. Just then he hears the fight and people yelling and chanting. He runs outside to see both of his daughters fighting and everyone in the kingdom was watching. Dendrite and Rivera's fight grew more violent as time passed, giving each other gashes left and right. Suddenly the battlefield filled with big dust clouds the towns folk started to see less and less but the sound of the battle continued. Then suddenly everything went quiet. Sam and Suoh started screaming "Rivera, Rivera!" The dust slowly cleared, and Rivera looked down to see Dendrite's blade right in front of her, blocked by Titan's piercing through his chest. Titan looked up at Rivera and said, "Please, please avenge your mother for me." As a tear rolled down his face, he coughed up blood and took his last breath. That moment without hesitation Rivera quickly grabbed her sword and within one motion cut Dendrite's head off. The townspeople were quiet for Rivera didn't celebrate her win. She grabbed her sword turned around and left the field, she didn't stop walking.