
The Thronos

Two kingdoms are given the chance to change their world, one fueled by disgust and hatred, the other guided by love and understanding. In the fight to be the new queen of their soon-to-be blood-filled kingdom.

Elise_Escobedo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

The Console

Once the dust was settled Dendrite and Daitya were taken to a different room away from Rivera, Abaddon, and Titan. Both Abaddon and Titan were enraged.

Abaddon "Why wasn't she locked into the dungeon for treason!"

Titan "I can't believe she tried to kill you! What has your mother thought her all these years, why does she act like this!"

Rivera "That doesn't matter, and she will not be put in the dungeon until all the tasks are over."

Abaddon "The tasks are done. You can not keep doing this you will get killed who is going to protect you every minute."

Titan "The next task will be able to do so."

Rivera turns around and faces her father and says, "what do you mean, what is the next task?"

Titan "This is the task where you find your console, the ones who will serve you and defend you. There are 8 people in your console."

Rivera "Well then, I guess my first question is, Abaddon will you join my console?"

Abaddon "What? You want me in your Console?"

Rivera "Yes, the town of Penduline needs to be protected and after what happened I want to help. I ask you will you join my console." Rivera takes a few steps forward toward Abaddon. Then Abaddon says, "Yes, I will join your console." She says with a smile. Rivera knows just who the next person to ask is. Rivera, Suoh, and Abaddon go into the middle of the fairy kingdom once again stopping at the blacksmith shop.

Rivera said, "Sam are you here, I wanted to apologize for what happened."

Sam came out from in back and said, "it's okay, I am just glad to see you are safe."

Rivera "I have a question to ask you. Will you join my console?

Sam said "Really? You're asking me?" before Rivera could say another word Sam shouted, "yes I will join you I will serve the new queen." Rivera smiled. Her, Louh, Sam, and Abaddon told Titan they will be setting out to find 6 more for her console and she will come home to claim the throne. They all set out but little did Rivera know she would come to regret her decision.

After traveling to many different towns searching high and tow for her new Console Rivera didn't give up even after 2 years passing from her being away. She finally came to the town of Bay-post where all different creatures of big and small came together.

Suoh "Princess look! They are holding a tournament for the town to see who the best of the best is. Maybe we can finish finding your console here?"

Rivera "Great job Louh! Let's go find where this Tournament is being held." They all search and finally heard that it is being held at the top of Fire bridge mountain. They all head there.

Guard 1 "I am sorry, no trespassing beyond this point unless you are in the tournament."

Rivera "IN the tournament!? Damn, how are we going to find people now to join my console."

Abaddon "Looks like we are joining a tournament," she said with a smile. "I haven't had a good fight in years I would love to show what I can do."

Rivera "Do you think this is a good idea?"

Abaddon "Why not, it is worth the shot." Rivera and Abaddon, Sam, and Suoh sign up for the Tournament.

Guard 2 "Groups are called the same day, so you won't know whom you are fighting until the day of. Oh, and you might want to find out who the teams are before you are blind-sighted."

Rivera "Thank you for your help." The guard walks away and she turns around to look at everyone "Well I guess this is a good time as ever to have people join us."

Abaddon "I think the only way we are going to have people join us is if we win a few rounds."

Louh and Sam agreed with Abaddon. Rivera then said, "Well then I guess we should go get our weapons ready for battle." They all set up camp with the rest of the tournament groups, Sam starts to sharpen the blades and hands Rivera a Scythe all gold and red with the Fairy kingdoms crest carved into the middle.

Sam "If you push the button in the middle there it turns into two blades, and you can take it apart in the middle and weld it as a double blade."

Rivera "Thank you, Sam." Sam smiled and said, "what do you think of the compaction?"

Rivera "I do think we have our work cut out for us." Abaddon started to laugh. Then said, "I don't think so I am Abaddon lady of the demons no one can even cut me." Rivera laughed and then started to look around the room from the Adelaide which are scaly swamp creatures that hiss, the Ragon the Rat like creatures with wiry fur and long tail, the tree nymph beautiful on the outside but mean and nasty when provoked. And lastly, the Golem's stone and mud creatures are said to be so strong they can rip a person in half.

Rivera "I can't believe we are going to have to fight these people."

Abaddon "Just don't get hurt."

Rivera "I will try not to" At that moment the announcer sent two teams to the floor for the first fight. The fight went very fast and the fights after that until Rivera heard it was her turn. They walk out onto the battlefield and see her first opponent, Abaddon, Louh, and Sam take their places, Abaddon says, "Rivera are you ready?"

Rivera "As ready as one can be." The bell was rung and as it echoes through the stadium Abaddon quickly turns each player one by one into pieces. The announcer calls the game in their favor. As they leave the battlefield they bump into the next team to fight.

Player 1 "Hey you guys are the plays who just went from the Fairy Kingdom right?"

Rivera "Yes we are!"

Player 2 "Wow you guy killed it seriously!"

Rivera "Thank you, I am Rivera the princess of the Fairy Kingdom."

Player 3 "No way! Well, I hope we can go up against each other." After that their team runs off onto the battlefield.

Rivera then stands there watching their team. Meanwhile back in the Fairy Kingdom, Dendrite and Daitya started to disagree.

Daitya "You need to find a console if you wish to be queen."

Dendrite "I am the new queen! Rivera hasn't come home for 2 years!"

Daitya "Your sister is alive, and she will return with full console, and then you don't stay a chance against her."

Dendrite "Will you shut up about Rivera!! That stupid little bitch is dead! SHE DEAD!!!" Dendrite storms out of the room. She then meets up with Priscilla in the garden.

Priscilla "You don't need to listen to her, do want you think is best."

Dendrite "No shit Priscilla, I am the queen, and she keeps pushing me and telling me what to do! she has got to go!"

Priscilla "You know she is just going to keep pushing, just do it! You make your own decisions; she is just getting in your way."

Dendrite starts moving around, back and forth, she then stops and makes the biggest smile. "Your right! She is in my way." Just then Dendrite goes into her mother's room, where she can see her kneeling in front of the fire.

Daitya "Is that you Dendrite, would you like to pray with me?"

Dendrite keeps slowly walking up to Daitya "I would love to mother, what are you praying about?"

Daitya "I am praying for your sister to come home soon." After Daitya speaks those words, Dendrite grew angry she walks right up to the back of Daitya and starts to brush her hair, within that second Dendrite grabs Daitya by the chin and slices her throat open. Dendrite steps back, and just then Pricilla opens the door.

Pricilla "Dendrite! Is that your mother!?" Dendrite doesn't move then suddenly, she slowly starts to bend down towards her mother's body and grabs the crown from her head, turns around to face Pricilla and put the crown on top of her head, and smiles. Then says, "I am the queen, now clean up this mess."

Pricilla then says, "I will make her into a piece of art for you my queen." Once Pricilla was done with the body, she decided to go talk with Titan.

Pricilla "Hello, my lord, how are you today?"

Titan "I am fine Priscilla, what do you want?"

Pricilla "I do not want anything my lord, I was wondering if you know anything new about Rivera?"

Titan "I haven't heard anything but if she does not come home in a few days I will go out and find her." A few days pass and Titan leaves to go find Rivera. Rivera asks the group she bumped into to join her console total of 9 people in her console and leaves the tournament to head back home.