
The Thronos

Two kingdoms are given the chance to change their world, one fueled by disgust and hatred, the other guided by love and understanding. In the fight to be the new queen of their soon-to-be blood-filled kingdom.

Elise_Escobedo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Sisk "I can't believe they are going to try and come here and try to win us over again."

Dags "Yeah! They didn't learn 50 years ago that it was a bad idea, maybe they still haven't learned."

Sisk "I also think it's ridiculous to send their daughters of all people like you couldn't fight your own battles, so you send two kids."

Abaddon "Enough! Do you two ever stop talking!"

Sisk and Dags looked at each other and went silent. Then looked over at Abaddon who has their back to them.

Abaddon "Maybe this is a good opportunity."

Sisk "Opportunity! Are you nuts, you know what they did to us!"

Abaddon "That was 50 years ago, and this isn't them these are two princesses who are trying to become queen and must gain our favor for one of them, they are going to try anything and everything to win us over. That gives us the time to learn who they are and use them to our advantage."

Dags "You had this plan this whole time?"

Abaddon "You always have to be prepared for anything." She said with a smile. Then stood up and said, "let's get ready to greet our newfound guests, shall we?"

Just as Dags, Sisk, and Abaddon go to stand up and leave their room. A guard walks in.

Guard "My apologize for the interruption but princess Rivera firstborn of the fairy kingdom is here."

Abaddon "Great! Please send her in."

The guard bowed his head and closed the doors. A few moments later the doors reopen, and Rivera stands there alone.

Abaddon "Please come in, take a seat."

Abaddon stands and points at the empty chair across the table. Rivera sits down.

Rivera "I am guessing you know why I am here?"

Abaddon "Yes, you are your sister Dendrite are here to win over our hand and whichever one of you who does that will win over the second task."

Rivera "Good I am glad you know. I want to get straight to business."

Abaddon "Oh excellent! I love when another woman is straight to the point and not tiptoeing around the place." She said with a big smile. Abaddon "Why do you want to become queen, and how do you think you will gain our hand in your favor?"

Rivera "To tell you the truth, I don't know why I am fighting to become queen, and I want your kingdom to be understood. All Roots, Goblins, and demons are taken for granted and only seen as evil. I would like to change that."

Sisk and Dags start to laugh.

Dags "You think you have the power to do that? 50 years, Princess! 50 years we are the ones to blame for everything, no one gives a second thought in their mind as to how or why. But the angels and fairies are the ones who said WE are the ones to blame for what happened! And you think one little princess will be able to change all of that!"

Rivera "I do not know what happened 50 years ago, but yes, I do believe I have a chance in making my people believe differently. The first task of winning over the fairies and angels, I won. I do have the advantage to change the minds of my people."

Sisk "Just because you won being most popular! That doesn't mean your people will follow you on this one sweetheart! Best to pack your things and head back home before your hurt."

Rivera "I thought you would say something like that, so I brought someone with me to hopefully change your mind."

The doors to the room open but the rulers do not see anyone, but before they know it Louh starts walking up next to Rivera on her right side. Then sits down beside her. All the rulers are in shock for they haven't seen a dragon in over 50 years.

Louh "Hello, my name is Louh, and I am one of the last of my kind. Rivera is my owner."

Abaddon "A dragon, a real dragon how did you find him?"

Rivera "I didn't find him, he found me. I know 50 years ago it was said that the dragons turned on their owners, and were all killed."

Abaddon "So that's the story they are telling everyone."

Sisk and Dags turn and look at Abaddon she then looks down at her hands when her expression changed from neutral to something more than just sad.

Abaddon "Did you know that the first dragon ever to be bought into this world, was in this very town? 50 years ago, the dragon didn't turn on their owners. The owners turned on them. Fairies and Angels are the cause of the dragon's death and almost extinction. They told everyone it was us! And who wouldn't believe them right!? We are nothing more than spineless, evil, disgusting creatures who dare take up the space of a fairy. You don't know anything! We are the out-casted, vain of evil, but I think of that now as nothing more than a joke. We, creatures, made this town for those who will never be looked at as more than a monster."

Rivera "I am sorry, but I wasn't around 50 years ago. If I was, I would have said the same thing I said just a few moments ago. My words can only take me so far. So how about I ask for you to let me show you that I want to help? Have my actions speak loud and clear. That I do wish to help, and I do wish to change this world we live in."

Abaddon laughs "All right I will give you until the end of this week if you can prove to all of us rulers that you can change and that you wish to help. Then the vote will be yours."

Just as Rivera was about to speak. She hears screaming and loud noises coming from outside. All the rulers and Rivera ran outside to see what was happening. When Rivera saw nonother than a carriage getting torn apart by goblins, roots, and demons. And Dendrite gets backed into a corner by two goblins who are slowly walking toward her.

Goblin 1 "I haven't tasted fairy in a very long time!"

Goblin 2 pushes over Goblin 1 and says, "I love when they scream when their wings are ripped off!" They both start licking their lips.

Rivera yells "Enough! What is this!" All the creatures stop and look right at her. Rivera says "I am Rivera princess of the fairies and the first-born daughter to the throne. I don't know what my sister has caused but I ask you to let her go."

Goblin 1 starts laughing which makes the others laugh as well. Then says, "You think another princess fairy is going to be able to stop us."

Rivera whistles and Louh starts walking up from behind her. "I don't like using force, I like to use my words but if you leave me no choice you will have to fight Louh here."

All the creatures start to talk under their breath when one Creature says, "Is that a dragon? There are still dragons left?"

Rivera "Yes, I am here, because I want to help you, I want your kingdom to be able to finally come out of the shadows, to no longer be seen as evil. I am also here to right the wrong that has been done to all of you. Not all of you may believe me but give me the chance to prove it. I have spoken with your rulers I have until the end of this week to prove myself just, and I ask you all to give me that same chance."

A little Root walks up to Rivera and says, "Do you really wish to help us?"

Rivera kneels on the ground and says, "Yes, I do wish to help you. What would you like to change little one?"

Little Root says, "My mother is very sick and because we do not get very many supplies, the doctor says she doesn't have very long."

Rivera wipes the tears from her eyes and says, "Then I think that is where I will start first." Then gives the little girl a soft smile.

Rivera then stands up looks at Louh and says, "Find me a message bird we send one out at once." Then turns to look at the rulers and states "How many of your kind are sick, and what supplies do you need."

Abaddon "I will take you there myself and you can have the doctors tell you what is needed."

Rivera nods to Abaddon and says, "lead the way."

Abaddon starts walking past the crowd and yells "This mess better be cleaned up before I come back or all of you will be doing chores the rest of the week."

All the creatures quickly started to pick up the carriage pieces thrown everywhere. Soon Rivera and Abaddon are at the sick house. Where Rivera sees just how bad this town is suffering.

Rivera "I can't believe how many creatures are hurting and sick."

Abaddon "This is small compared to what it was before, I can show you that as well if you would like."

Rivera said in a confused voice "What do you mean to show me what it was like."

Abaddon started walking again and Rivera quickly caught up to her. just then Abaddon stopped. Abaddon "Do you see what big hill past those trees?"

Rivera "Yes? What is that?"

Abaddon said, "Those are the men, women, and children that were killed for the sickness in just the last month." Abaddon turns around and faces Rivera and puts her hand on her shoulder. Then says, "Do you understand now? Therefore, my people will be hard to win over because we are not only out-casted creatures but most of my people had to grow up without parents, siblings, or even friends. The creatures in this town around your age most of them watched as they all died."

Rivera starts to make out the bodies that lay in the pile. Just then near the top of the pile she sees a little girl still holding onto a teddy bear. Rivera starts to cry and says, "I am so sorry, I am so very sorry your people had to go through this. I sent out the supplies they should be here by morning." Rivera and Abaddon turn around and start walking back to town.

After all this Rivera stays with Abaddon in the castle and gets some rest for the busy morning ahead of her.

Rivera wakes up from a guard telling her that the supplies for the town have made it there. All the rulers came rushing outside to see Rivera handing out supplies for the town and watch as every town fork thank her. Abaddon makes eye contact with Rivera and nods her head as a thank you.

Rivera walks over to Abaddon and says, "Do you know where the little girl is from yesterday? I would like to give her supplies for her mother?"

Abaddon "She never leaves her mother's side she is still at the sick house; I will have a few guards give you a hand over there."

Rivera "Thank you." Rivera then smiles and walks away with the guards.

Night falls and she is called to the castle by all the rulers for dinner. She arrives with a fruit basket as a gift and sits down in the dining hall with all the rulers. As she sits down and has a great time with the rulers as they thank her, and she talks about plans to make repairs to the town as well. Dendrite walks into the room.

Rivera "thank you for dinner it was wonderful."

Abaddon "I am very glad you liked it, it was the least thing I could do since you saved my people, and the mother is healing very nicely I was told by the doctor she will be able to go home in a few days."

Rivera "that is great!"

Guard "My lords and lady, princess Dendrite of the Fairy kingdom."

As Dendrite walks in she makes eye contact with Rivera and gives a very sour look.

Dendrite "I am very sorry to interrupt, I was hoping I could have a meeting with all of you, well except my sister of course." She said with a smile.

Abaddon "I don't think that to be necessary as we will be given Rivera the vote in our favor at the end of this week."

Dendrite in an angered voice says, "The vote in her favor at the end of the week, how can you do that when you haven't even heard me out or listened to what I have to offer!?"

Abaddon "I don't need to listen to what you have to offer, your sister here has done more for my people than any fairy I have ever met, the last thing we can do to make sure my people are safe and give our vote to the person we know that will fight for us."

Once Dendrite heard Abaddon's words she stopped and looked down at her feet with a crazy glare, then looks up at her sister and says, "I will kill you, even if it takes my life as well." After that Dendrite storms out of the room and disappears into the dark hallway.

Abaddon "Well your sister isn't the nicest I see."

Rivera "I am very sorry about that, she has never really been that nice, I will have her leave tomorrow and go back home so there can be no more issues."

Abaddon "Thank you, that would be most appreciated."

Rivera leaves dinner to go find Dendrite to ask her to leave. Rivera sees the carriage that was ripped apart and finally sees her sister with Priscilla.

Rivera "Dendrite may I please have a word with you?"

Dendrite "A word, no I have nothing to say to you besides leave me alone or I will kill you!"

Rivera "Okay, I am sorry you won't listen to me but the rulers of Penduline want you to leave and go back to the fairy kingdom."

Dendrite stops what she is doing and turns around to look at Rivera, and says, "I am not going anywhere and maybe you didn't hear me the first two times, you have a few seconds to get away from me before I take my blade and kill you and I will not blink or give you another second to change my mind. Mother and father should have killed you when you were a baby and saved us all the trouble of dealing with you."

Rivera with a shocked face takes a step back then turns around and walks away.

Dendrite "Now that she is gone Priscilla" Priscilla stop what she was doing and looks right at Dendrite and Dendrite says, "This kingdom can't be won over anymore, and since they favor my sister this town will burn!"