
Brandon Agrea (1)

Aureus, Tarin, Johan and Edward strode down towards market square. They headed right after entering and soon entered an alleyway. Aureus headed to the middle of the alley and knocked on the door.

A valiant looking man carrying a spear sphere opened the door.

"Who are you?" he asked in a gruff tone.

"I am looking for Brandon," Aureus replied.

"What business do you have?" the man asked while shifting the position of his spear.

"Xynos, it's fine. I expected this guest to come knocking. Just not so soon," A hale voice sounded out.

"Brandon, you sure? This bunch looks dangerous," the man replied without taking his eyes off Aureus.

"It's fine, I recognize that voice," replied Brandon.

Aureus and his party stepped inside the shop. The shop was small and neat. Behind the counter stood a blond man whose eyes were twinkling as they caught sight of Aureus.

The hands which were polishing a monster core stopped, and he stepped up to Aureus.

Aureus and the man than locked arms.

Aureus's face had a lightness that was seldom present before as he looked at the other man in the shop.

"Brandon, how nice to see you again. I heard you ran away from home after selling most of your personal stuff."

"Caused quite the uproar in the capital. Your father was kicking up a fuss about it when I asked him about it but I swear I could see a gleam of pride in his eyes as he related the story. Perhaps it was due to your mother being in the room that he was kicking up a fuss about it."

"Your Eldest brother was going on and on about how a fourth son should act appropriately while your second sister and third brother were having a good laugh about the way you left."

Brandon appeared rueful when Aureus mentioned his family.

"Well, I miss them too but this is the path I've chosen. House Agrea does not need a fourth son that is unable to spread his wings."

Aureus's grin grew deeper.

"Indeed, when you related your childhood ambition of striking it out on your own and leaving House Agrea , I must confess I thought it was a passing fancy. Imagine my surprise upon returning to the capital and finding out you have enacted it."

Brandon grinned, "My childhood ambitions are nothing compared to the burdens of House Astrea though. Long have I admired the men of House Astrea. Well, perhaps not all of them, but well, you get my drift."

At the side, Xynos started as he realized who was speaking with Brandon.

"I am a little remiss with my introductions, Xynos. This is Prince Aureus Astrea, 7th Prince of the Astrea Empire."said Brandon as he noted Xynos's reaction.

Xynos cupped his hands towards Aureus and bowed his head.

"An honor, highness."

Brandon then continued "Highness, this is Xynos. A damascus tier mercenary whom I had the great fortune of partnering upon arriving at the outer realm. He is the reason my neck is yet attached to me."

"No ordinary ranked Damascus then if you can keep Brandon alive for this long." praised Aureus in a rich voice.

"Not at all your highness, Brandon has saved my life during our stay at Everdawn too. I count him as a brother." Xynos's voice got fainter as Aureus's voice increased in volume.

"Brandon, allow me to introduce. This is Augustus Tarin, Johan Hans and Edward Williams."

"House Agrea has long since kept up with your exploits. Tarin and Hans are known to me by name. Is Williams a new retainer?" Brandon peered in the direction of Edward.

"Yes, he has just entered my service," Aureus replied while his face took on a more severe cast. "Brandon, I have important matters to discuss with you."

At the side, Xynos straightened "Highness, Brandon, I will be outside guarding the entrance."

As Xynos left, Aureus took out a bronze orb and depressed a button on it. A buzzing sounded as if sound could not be transmitted beyond a certain area.

"Something so serious that you have to use the Ranin orb?" Brandon asked as his brows arched.

Aureus nodded and related to him of his plans to unite the outer realm.

"The burden of House Astrea follows them everywhere even to remote frontier cities it seems."

"Brandon, I understand you left House Agrea due to wanting your own freedom."

"I will be blunt, as scions of House Astrea, Boudoin, Agrea and Varus. It is unlikely any of us will have the chance to choose our own fates."

"I am in need of your skills, for the path ahead," Aureus said as his lips curved a little. "Will you join hands with me?"

"Aureus, you need not try so hard to convince me," Brandon said as his teeth gleamed. "Ever since I found out you were being posted to Everdawn, I thought this day may arrive."

"It is true that I did try to delay it but I am a scion of the Empire as well as of House Agrea."

"I will not shirk my duty. However understand this, the fourth son of House Agrea standing behind a son of House Astrea? There will be a price to be paid upon our return to the core realm." Brandon's brows slanted as he stood straight and looked Aureus in the eye.

Aureus's pupils glittered, "Well do I understand the price."

"I take it that the first task will be to monopolize the monster core trading in Everdawn? Xynos and I will move to the castle later." said Brandon. "I expect the monopolization to be completed in two months. I will discuss the various pertinent details with you at a later time."

"Is this Brandon reliable? His Highness seems to have high expectations of him," Edward asked Tarin as they headed back towards the castle.

"Brandon is of House Agrea, The second most powerful house amongst the three great houses. Their specialization is in commerce and managing economic policies. It is said their wealth is equal to the combined wealth of the other two great houses."

"As the fourth son of House Agrea, he has been raised to take over the various commercial empires of House Agrea. However, it appears that this generation of House Agrea are blessed. Brandon's three elder siblings are all born with prodigious abilities and charisma. The Eldest, Hyron is already the president of Agrea Enterprises and making waves in the development of Spheres. Suffice to say, the other two are no slouches either."

"It is common knowledge amongst the nobility that had Brandon been born in a different generation of House Agrea, he would have been considered a prime candidate for the seat of House Head but in this generation, it can be counted as his good fortune if he could eke something out for himself that is comparable in achievements with his siblings."

"The head of House Agrea is well aware of the situation. However, he has no choice in terms of allocating resources and opportunities for grooming as the various Elders of House Agrea has formed factions behind the other three siblings. I imagine he was relieved when Brandon struck out on his own."

"Looks like being a scion of the great houses is not a simple matter." Edward whistled as he spoke.

"It is the burden they bear for their names. There are plenty of wastrels and good for nothings amongst the nobility too."

"How good is Brandon then?"

"That is an unknown quality, he has been overshadowed by his siblings since birth. Well, judging by the fact that he managed to keep his throat from getting cut despite arriving in a frontier city for over a year, I would say he is doing very well."

"Sage Mynir, the grand tutor for House Astrea and the great houses once mentioned Brandon before. He said in terms of ability, he may not surpass Hyron but in terms of vision he is in a different league." Aureus spoke up from the front.

"When I asked Sage Mynir what he meant, he shook his head and sighed in pity. I do not possess his depth and breadth of vision but I always thought there was something different between Hyron and Brandon despite many acclaiming Brandon to be in Hyron's shadow."

"Me and Brandon always got along well, whenever House Agrea visited the palace. I always felt a degree of pity for him. When I set off to battle outworlders with House Varus, he came to send me off. I always thought it unfortunate that he had no talent for the military arts."

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