
The Three Anomalies

Crisp air, unfamiliar sky, and three sleeping silhouettes mar the scene. Far, far away from Earth, three best friends confusedly wake up in an unfamiliar world. They must venture on a long and arduous journey, experience world-shattering phenomena and face unimaginable challenges, if they ever wish to return back to Earth. In the new world filled with mysteries, the key to exploring the unknown lies in one's strength. Little do they know, they were not alone in this enigmatic world. [Ding] ---------------------------------------------- 4-5 Chapters a week!~

ShadexRay · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs


"Come on, you disgusting motherfucker!" Bryan's taunts echoed through the hall, enraging the creature even though he was pretty sure the creature had no clue what he said.


Since the beast was slow and sluggish, Bryan took advantage of it though he had to be careful of its wide attacks as they certainly pack a punch as experienced before. He knew better than to underestimate its powerful attacks.

Taking advantage of his superior speed, Bryan danced around the creature, delivering a flurry of precise and powerful punches at the creature emboldened by the Phantasmal Fist. His fists grew stronger with each punch he landed on the creature.

As the battle raged on, the creature unknowingly inched closer and closer to the portal, driven by its insatiable hunger to consume the pesky and annoying human who dared challenge it. Bryan, ever vigilant, noticed its gradual approach and smiled as everything was going according to the plan.


The creature retaliated with a sweeping motion of its arm, attempting to swat Bryan away like an annoying insect. But Bryan having predicted that, evaded the attack with a giant leap, out of harm's way. Seizing another opportunity, he channeled his energy into another devastating Phantasmal Fist, and delivered onto the creature.


The impact reverberated throughout the hall as the creature's grotesque form merely trembled under the force of Bryan's attack.

'If its speed was any quicker, we'd be fucked…' Bryan thought as he dodged up and about.

The creature screeched in frustration and opened its slimy mouth out wide at the human in front of it. A gurgling sound echoed from the depths of its body as it let loose a massive yellow cloud, covering an extreme wide area in mere seconds.

Bryan didn't expect a new kind of attack from the creature as he tried to avoid the yellow toxic haze approaching him. However, he wasn't quick enough, and the acrid yellow smoke grazed his leg. Instantly, a burning pain shot through his calf as his skin blistered with a hideous wound under his watchful eyes.

'Ugh, it's same like those yellow orbs...'

Fortunately, the yellow cloud dissipated after a few seconds, restoring the area to its previous state. Bryan took a moment to catch his breath and assess the situation.

At this point, the creature was a mere 3 metres away from the portal.

Bryan had realized this and the others had too.

"Are you two ready?" Ray asked Ash and Selene.

Ash's grip on the scythe tightened and he nodded resolutely, "Mhm!"

"I'm ready as ever!" Selene muttered with a fierce tone; her eyes flickered with a cold glint, reflecting her unwavering determination to overcome the looming threat.

The air crackled with tension as everyone understood that this would be the decisive moment.

Bryan, on the other hand, found himself in a precarious situation. There was not much room for him to dance around the creature's attack as he had to keep the creature's attention solely focused on him.

'Well, it's time anyways…'

Bryan acknowledged the challenging circumstances. There was no more room for evasion or hesitation. It was time to execute their plan and push the creature back into the portal.


With another piercing screech, the creature lashed out its massive hands in a sweeping motion. Bryan leaped effortlessly out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the attack. As he soared through the air, Bryan locked eyes with Ray as he signalled his intention with a single nod.

The timing had to be perfect, and they both understood the significance of this crucial moment.

"Prepare your final move!" Ray's voice cut through the tension, commanding the attention of his comrades.

Closing his eyes, he began to focus his energy and whispered under his breath, "Bloodline Transformation!"


A loud and chilling thunderclap echoed from Ray's body as Selene and Ash looked over to him. Even the exhausted Luna sensed something dangerous and her eyes turned to Ray.

Tiny streaks of lightning danced around his body, creating some sort of protective forcefield. Thick lines of bright purple glowed, tracing intricate patterns across his skin, while a faint black lightning mark materialized on his forehead.

The transformation was a sight to behold. His Lightning Wings unfurled with a majestic grandeur as it grew larger and crackled with raw power. His purple eyes shone with an ancient presence, and thick chains of purple lightning coiled around his body, pulsating with energy.


With a single powerful flap of his wings, Ray ascended into the air, his voice carrying across to the other two, "It's time! Get ready!"

Selene snapped out of her momentary stupor, recognizing the magnitude of Ray's transformation. She swiftly clasped her hands together, quickly channeling huge amounts of energy with an intent to unleash something extraordinary and powerful.

Meanwhile, Ash knew what Ray was doing, as he focused on harnessing the natural energy coursing through his body. The Eternal Frozen Scythe in his hands emanated a chilling aura, as if resonating with his intentions. He channelled his energy into the scythe, ready to deliver a mighty blow that would send the creature hurtling back to the realm from whence it came.

Luna, overcome by awe, watched with wide eyes as Ray's lightning transformation unfolded before her. It was a spectacle unlike anything she had ever seen before even though she hailed from Infinity Lunar Palace. The sheer magnificence of Ray's majestic presence left an indelible impression on her.

"It's as if I'm looking at a divine being…"

In that moment, the stage was set for their final assault. Ray, empowered by his bloodline transformation, Selene, ready to unleash a devastating attack, and Ash, armed with the Eternal Frozen Scythe, stood ready against the creature.

A victorious smirk played across Bryan's face as he caught a glimpse of his comrades, prepared and ready for the decisive moment.

The creature inched closer to Bryan as it prepared to unleash a barrage of yellow orbs at the human. Taking this as a cue, Bryan leaped and soared off high into the air, his voice echoing with urgency as he called out to his comrades.


It was the signal they had been waiting for, the time had come to unleash their combined strength and turn the tides in their favor.

Selene unleashed the full force of her icy energy in a devastating display of power. From her outstretched hands, a concentrated beam of freezing cold energy erupted, surging towards the creature with unstoppable force. The beam cut through the air like a crystalline arrow, leaving a trail of frost in its wake.


With immense speed, Ash burst into action, his figure becoming a blur as he propelled himself towards the creature. Gripping his scythe, he held it poised behind him, prepared to deliver a devastating strike. The gleaming blade of the scythe shimmering with an ethereal frost, radiating an aura of icy power and leaving a trail of frozen mist in its wake.


Utilizing the immense power of his Bloodline Transformation, Ray propelled himself through the air with a single flap of his Lightning Wings. A trail of crackling lightning followed him he streaked across the hall.

Ray knew he didn't have any powerful offensive skills that matched along with his Bloodline Transformation. So, he was relying on the boost from the Lightning Wings and the Bloodline Transformation to deliver a terrifying blow to the creature to drive it back into the portal.


A symphony of attacks orchestrated a harmonious assault on the back of the creature. Ray's piledrive kick struck the creature's head with a tremendous force, generating a shockwave that momentarily disoriented the bewildered abomination. The impact propelled the creature closer to the awaiting portal, its senses temporarily disrupted.

Simultaneously, Selene's icy beam found its mark, landing accurately on the creature's back. The intense cold and concentrated power of the beam further pushed the creature towards its destined fate, as thin layers of frost spread across its grotesque form. The chilling touch of ice tightened its grip on the creature's movements, reducing its resistance.

In perfect synchrony, Ash swung the scythe forward with all his might, channelling the entirety of his energy into the strike. With a swift and forceful arc, the scythe cleaved through the air, releasing a surge of potent energy that slashed across the creature's back. The impact propelled the creature forward, hurtling it uncontrollably towards the portal.

As Luna observed the unfolding clash of attacks, she couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer determination and beauty of their assault. The combined might of their attacks, showcased the strength and unity of the team.


The creature screeched in slight pain and fear as half of its body was in the portal. The creature, by some miracle, quickly turned around and desperately tried to sludge its way back out of the portal.

"Oh no, you don't!"

Bryan saw what was happening and muttered while he was soaring through the air, "Infernal Rage!"


Trails of smoke arose from his body, emanating an aura of rage-inducing power. Numerous black and crimson runes appeared on chest, pulsing with each breath, a testament to the formidable energy surging withing him.

Luna and Selene stood there dumbly as they witnessed yet another one of them transform into a divine-like being, their eyes widening with a mix of awe and curiosity.

The sheer presence he exuded, with his wild red hair and fists enveloped in a crimson hue, commanded attention. His eyes, now completely engulfed in crimson, held a boundless rage erupting from within. Two black lines accentuated his eyes and amidst his transformation, the word 'GOD' faintly flickered on his forehead, alternating between black and red.

With him at the center, a heavy and fiery field expanded around him. The creature screeched in pain as a searing pain assaulted its grotesque body, coupled with the frost spreading across his back.

Two rays of red light emerged from Bryan's eyes as they shot towards the creature, immobilizing it in its place.

Bryan had used Gaze of Bane.



Bryan conjured a massive and mighty Phantasmal Fist that had trails of fire coiled around it. Ray started spinning with his Lightning Wings, intending to bash the shit out of the creature.

"GOOO!!!" Ash yelled with his fist high up.

With a flash, two trails of purple and red collided with the creature.


Ray, fuelled by his Bloodline Transformation, quickly arrived before the creature and delivered a relentless barrage of strikes to the immobilized creature. With each powerful blow from his Lightning Wings, he propelled the abomination backward, driving it closer to the portal.

Despite the excruciating pain coursing through his body, Ray clenched his teeth, refusing to yield to the strain of his transformation.

He knew that victory was within their grasp.



Following Ray's attack, Bryan unleashed a primal roar of rage that reverberated through the hall before he punched the massive Phantasmal Fist he conjured onto the creature's face, delivering a final blow that sent it toppling completely backwards into the portal.

The sight of the creature's form slowly disappearing from their view was met with a mix of relief and triumph by the group of five.


Their united efforts had finally yielded them success. The blood-red portal that stood open for so long finally started to shrink in size.


Ray's transformation wore off as he descended onto the ground in a weakened state. Bryan deactivated his Infernal Rage and quickly caught held onto him. Even though he didn't use Infernal Rage for a prolonged period of time, it was enough to almost deplete his Natural Energy.

Ray coughed lightly and said with a smile, "We di-"


Suddenly, a tentacle shot out from the vanishing portal with the intention to clutch onto Ray and drag him back into the unknown.


However, before it could reach its target, a swift slash sliced the tentacle clean off, causing it to retract into the disappearing portal.

Luna and Selene sighed in relief as they saw the portal disappear into nothingness.


"Nuh uh!" Ash stood with a triumphant smile on his face as he held the scythe in his grasp.

Ray gave him a weak thumbs-up as Bryan's victorious chuckle filled the air.

"We won!"


ShadexRaycreators' thoughts