

Jinns are made up of 🔥 that is niether black nor red but a blackish blue. they are made of fire and had characters exact of fire.such as greedy, ambitious, feeling proud of themselves.

Shaytan had thought he is the best creature among all,but not after Adam was made.

They have the ability to change their form into any non living thing or living thing.they can also disappear in fraction of seconds.they cannot be seen by human eyes.only few people have the ability to feel thier presence.

they can travel in speed of light ,they live for many thousands years.they also reproduce such as human beings do.

Among them there are good Jinns and Bad.

Good Jinns have more power than Bad Jinns.

They are in more numbers than humans ,they have more population than human beings.Most of the Jinns are bad and trouble humans as they had been promised to thier God father Shaytan.Shaytan have asked most of the powers from the God such as to live in the world till the day of judgement.

He has been by God to testify humans as Adam(1st human being) was tested.And they all powers such as they have control on fire,light,things,disappearnce,changing form.

with all these powers they trouble human being as they have promised.