
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasia
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144 Chs

Chapter 97 "Did Xavia escape from house? "

Quinn went to his room in furore.

" Mom, you have to stop Quinn! He'll not listen to me, so please go in his room to make me understand him."

Vin said,

" That beast knows to talk with politely to others, I am

startled! But his family doesn't know him that what is he? " Xavia said in her mind.

" Yes, he'll not listen to you. I'll go. " Adia said,

Then Adia also went into Quinn's room and Vin went into his room. Poor Xavia she sticks it out on the doorpost.

" Xavia, you are entering in lion's cavern! Be brave because here you are alone. You have to fight for yourself, none is here to take your stand! " Xavia decided in her mind.

She puts first steps in the house, suddenly! Speedy winds flew, the sky changes its sideways with it a despiteful a light-fingered lighting cracked.

Moira awoke from her bed, she caught her head.

" Why is it grow sickly! Oh god, everything is looking blur. Ah, it's my room. But when I come into the room because I went out of the house to enjoy my victory. How did I come? " Moira said surprisingly,

Aryan comes into Moira's room.

" Mom, I am not feeling well. Ahh...his

headache! " Aryan spoke,

" I am feeling same such as I was sleeping for many hours but still I am feeling tired! " Moira told,

" Mom, I can't hold it anymore. I want a black coffee to overcome this headache. " Aryan said,

" Let's go, I'll come with you. " Moira said.

Samantha was in the kitchen, and she was preparing some cold liquid. Her condition was looking weak.

" Samantha, you are in the ten. Please make two black coffee former's and Aryan. " Moira said,

" Moira, I can't do it because I am feeling tired.

Ok, but what happened to you? you take your diet after a workout. " Samantha asked,

" Samantha, I don't know why I am feeling low! " Moira said,

" You also feeling low! " Samantha asked.,

" I also, that mean you also feeling low, What's this occurred to everyone! " Moira said.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock.... door knocked.

" Who is on the door at this time? " Lusi said, Lusi climbs down from stairs.

" Lusi, go and check that who's on the r. " Moira said,

" Yes, mom. " Lusi and., Lusi opened the door.

" Shall you tell us, why did you do it secretly? " a news reporter asked,

"Yes, we wanna answer. Why did you do it secretly?

Why did you hide it from the world, didn't you know that we'll get all information! " another reporter asked,

The media's crowd came on the door, they were asking some questions to Lusi, but she didn't get what are they talking about.

" What did I hide and what are you all talking nonsense? " Lusi asked,

"Lusi, what is this noise? Who's on the door? " Moira asked,

" Why are you not answering? What is helplessness behind it? " the reporter asked,

"What's helplessness! " Lusi surprised.

When else people heard these sounds, they all come to their door.

" Yes, what happened! Wherefore are you disturbing us so early in the morning? " Moira shouted,

" Oh! You are trying to clamp our voice, But you have to answer us ! " another reporter said,

" Moira, calm down; I talk to them. " Samantha said,

"Yes, what are you talking about? What do you wanna you ask? " Samantha asked in a soft voice.

Aric climbs down from stairs, he was coming down.

" Shall you tell us, why did you keep secret of Your daughter; Xavia 's wedding? " reporter asked,

" What? Xavia 's wedding! What are you talking about these all? " Samantha startled,

" Xavia 's wedding! What am I hearing this? " Moira startled,

" Where is your daughter? We wanna answer from her? " the reporter asked,

Aric came behind Lusi.

" What is this all farce? What are you talking rubbish? " Aric asked,

"Vide, you get some wrong information. Xavia is not married and We didn't hide anything! " Samantha said,

" You all family is again trying to mislead us We won't an answer, public want to answer. e rter said,

" Yes, what was compulsion behind it? And on

which condition Xavia Groeneveld and Vin Ronald get married ! " the reporter asked,

" Xavia get married to Vin Ronald! " Moira shouted,

" From your expression is looking that you also don't know about it! Did you seriously do not get this news? " the reporter asked,

" Yes, did Xavia escape from the house? Were Vin and Xavia both in love and you all did not agree with them ? " reporter que.

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