
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasia
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144 Chs

Chapter 107 20 th dead-anniversary

" I didn't think it, sometime before I had made it as Jae and now I crying why did it all happen to me." Alin thought in mind.

When he saw his inward figure, he had gone.

" If couldn't improve my mistakes but I try to proofread it. What am I doing here, and I have made good of my object. Jae was my obstinacy not love... " Alin said in his mind.

Alin had come out of his guilt, and with his heart, a new start with a new destiny.

Knock, knock, knock, knock knock... A person knows the door.

" Xavia, open the door," Adia called,

Xavia was sleeping in a room, she was sleeping deeply as she doesn't want to get up.

" Xavia, Xavia, Xavia why are not opening the door? It's 9:00 am and you are sleeping yet! " Adia said,

Adia was shouting loud, so Adia's loud voice ruptures Xavia 's sleep.

" Who's bloody hell shouting so early! Why are yelling so early, who'll die if I were not wakeup. " Xavia answered,

" That's an arrogant girl! It'll be hard for to me take her advantage Adia thought in mind.

" Xavia, open the door. I have something to tell you. " Adia said,

" Door is open, come in. " Xavia answered,

Adia pushes the gate and enters the room; she said, " Xavia, today's Vin's parents dead- anniversary

so... "

" So what'll I do of those dead persons? Why are you telling me? " Xavia asked,

" I was saying to you, that every year Vin does worship to his parent's peace now you are his wife so you have to attend on their dead-anniversary.

All relatives come here become, it's their 20 the years. " Adia explained,

" I don't know anyone, then there'll not some avail of me so I'll not come. " Xavia said,

" Xavia, you are a very good girl. Your parents gives you a good rite, you'll come. " Adia said,

" Stop this emotional trauma to talk over, it'll not work on me! " Xavia said,

" Then you have to answer to Vin. " Adia said,

" I'll give him retorted! " Xavia uttered.

" Aryan, do you know? " Lusi said,

" Lusi, I am busy with my business so don't disturb me! I am working on the necessary process. " Aryan replied,

" Aryan please help me, go market with me to get some stuff. " Moira said,

" No mom, sorry! I can't go with you. You can take Lusi with you because she is eating my brain with stupid news. " Aryan answered,

Aryan point out afore Lusi, Lusi stares at him and she was saying in sign language that a day you'll get even with.

Aryan smiles to prod her.

" Lusi gets ready, you are going with me. " Moira said,

" Mom... I don't wanna with you. Always when I went with you then always your friends find there and you spend lots of time in your talk and it's just out of mind. I'll not go, you can go with Samantha mom. " Lusi said,

Lusi gives off therian.

She get an update on the news; she read " Say Ronald is injured and admitted in a city hospital. Doctors are saying She has not timed left, she can die anytime. "

"What! " Aryan shouted and stand-up. , Aryan was looking alarmingly. His faces obfuscate, lines of

depression hang around on his head.

" Aryan you're looking pale and you are looking depressed! What happened to you? " Lusi asked,

He picked up the car key and leave his documents as treble.

" Aryan, where are you going? " Moira asked,

Aryan didn't answer, he went.

" Where did he go? " Moira asked,

" Mom, I don't have any idea that where did he go!

But isn't Aryan go to Syria? " Lusi asked,

" But what's between Aryan and Say? No! No! We are making air's Castile. " Moira said,

" You are right! How are Aryan and Sya together in a relationship? If he made a girlfriend then surely he told me. " Lusi said.

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