
Chapter 27: Daniel, Part 1

I feel really bad about the article in the newspaper. Quincy is taking it like a champ and doesn't seem all that fazed by it, even though I know she's annoyed that several of her new clients seem to be fans. One actually had the nerve to ask her for tickets to a game.

Most times fans are great. But in general, people really suck.

I was relieved to find out that most of the "source" information came from that Hailey girl at Chance's day care. Quincy said she called a meeting with the director of the facility, and Hailey ended up confessing to the whole thing. She was given a final written warning for her job.

That was good enough for Quincy. She didn't want the girl to lose her job but needed to make sure the point about privacy was made. Frankly, I agree with her. And it makes me trust her friendship that much more. Not that I didn't trust her to begin with. It just drives the point home to me again.