
Dawn of a New Man

His body reformed cell by cell blood vessels, bones and all. 12 hours passed he remembered nothing when he awoke. He was naked and in his bed for some reason.

"Was last night a dream." He went down stairs after he redressed.

"Ah im thirsty"

He began to drink from the tap in his kitchen. "glug, glup, glup, glup",

What the hell why am so thirsty he thought as he continued to drink.

"What are you doing.",

Said a middle aged woman as she looked at him.

"Ah mom um I'm thirsty so im just drinking some water."

"You've been drinking for like 4 minutes now"

"Uh i dont know im just thirsty for some reason"

He then turned the water off and began getting dressed for school.

"Mom im leaving"

"Ok dont be late for school"