
The Template:RWBY

a boy name Stynz woken up with a strange panel in front of him, what is he going to do? {I honestly have no idea what to put here except, this, soooooo}

Just_A_Creature · Videojogos
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 Truly Raining.

I change my mind about the Magical girl of Happiness.


Stync smile when he saw Ruby be overly excited, but he show his hand, no glove. he don't have it on him, is what he try to say to Ruby.

"oh....." She is, a bit disappoint by it, though, she don't let it pull her down to much, and if she too down, Yang will tease her again, which, is something she do not wish to happen, or wanted to happen... but her sister is really get at teasing her.

"Aw, look at you being so disappoint~ if someone didn't know better they would thought that you are being ghosted by your lover~"

Yang of course, teasing her sister, it like, one of the thing she felt genuine joy on doing, she look at Stync and notice that he doesn't seem to mind her sister energetic behavior, which, is a plus for her, she nodded.

"alright I would leave you two together~" although she said that she probably end up eavesdropping on the door anyway.

she left Sync and Ruby alone, absolute silent, that what they were left with, making Ruby a bit anxious now that she don't know which topic to be talking about with Sync... though he is a nice person, however, something about him just seem... if you hit the wrong button, you won't be able to hit button ever again, feel.

"hm... so, do you play Piano?" he ask Ruby, breaking the silence, which, confuse Ruby a bit... Piano? why? and so sudden too?

"uhhh... no? why though?" she ask Sync genuiely curious about it, he just chuckle and smile, which confuse her even more.

"oh it was nothing, I'm just curious, very curious..." his smile seem to go wider for a moment, before Ruby blink and she him smiling softly again, not... unnaturally wide.

"I see... uh, can I ask a question?" she ask him.

"you already did, however, go ahead" he answer her question with a bit of a sass, and gave her, her answer.

"Thank you, do you have aura?" she decide that the best question she can ask right now, which got a nodded from Sync.

"of course I do, energy of a soul and all that." he answer her honestly, this, have turn into a Q&A did it not? truly, what a strange scene this is.

"then, why did it not protect you the moment you were being hit by an attack?" she ask, overly curious about the nature of his Aura, considering that the moment he was being attacked, his aura did not show any sign of protection to him.

"ah... that because mine is a bit special... it only focus on attacking you see..." he chuckle and told her what she want to know... though, not all of it, making Ruby smile in understanding.

"I see, Thank you! now next! about your weapon! specificallyyourgloveshowdidyougetit?howwasitmakeandcanyoustoreeverythinginitoronlyaweaponcanbeinit!?" Ruby, when on a topic of a weapon or anything relate to it, becoming overly excite... to be honest, Sync, is... annoy by it a bit. he does put up with it though, knowing that she is still young.

"I am afraid I cannot answer any of that" he answer her question with absolute deny, refusing to answer anything regarding his weapons, making Ruby go out like an air have been blow out of her body.

"aw... I thought I was gonna get answer... oh well, what that crown on your head anyway? it look pretty cool!" she notice the crown on his head, and ask that question, but... Sync just shake his head... he doesn't know where this come from either.

---Tales say that the moon bewitches man, yet in reality, it is the man that despairs at the moon---

meanwhile, at the headmaster office, a grey hair... old man, with a round glasses was sitting there and pushing his glasses, looking at his coffee mug... behind him is a blonde hair woman with purple glasses dress in what you would assume, "a witch teacher"

"so... headmaster, who is he really? why do you value him so much?" the woman asked the headmaster, whom, is stirring his coffee cup for a bit more before look back at the woman, Glynda.

"you see, Glynda... did you know about the ancient Aura? an aura where you can use it as a substitude for a weapon when you're in a pinch?" The Headmaster, Ozpin, ask her back, making her look at him, thinking that he was talking about a semblance.

"and no, I do not meant semblance, dear Glynda, his semblance is different..." he spoke up, cutting Glynda before she can ask her question.

"if i were to be honest, dear glynda, if he really want to, he doesn't need to be here, he doesn't even need to come here, yet he did, why is that? I want to know too... I cannot say I know what he is thinking... as there no way you would be able to know, one moment he might be friendly... but the moment he activate his semblance... I recommend you one thing, Run. you would be glad to follow this advice" Ozpin, who, is now being fully serious, told her of how deadly the situation can be if she were to see him activate his semblance.

"I understand, so priority the rescue of the student first rather than neutralize him if he were to go berserk, is, what I understand right so far?" Glynda ask for comfirmation whether her thought were right, although Ozpin might be someone who trying to unburden his work... at least, the paperwork, as much as possible, he is a great strategist.

"you are right, yet wrong, if you can, help rescue, then do, if you can't, run" he answer with only that before looking at an old paper, a paper that having what seem to be a painting of a man standing between two orb, the man standing on a tower, a strange tower that consist of many word yet none of it make any sense.

"why did he even come here...." that what was the headmaster of beacon thought about the being called, Stync, or Sync... he wonder what the name he use right now...


AN: well, if i were to be honest, I thought I would just make one about getting new power, but, nah, let go with a bit of wall of texts should we? kinda boring, I agree, though it also mention something about Sync past, not a lot but a bit.

I also got 7 South Section 6 Director Outis now, or as the people name her, Info wife.