
The Template:RWBY

a boy name Stynz woken up with a strange panel in front of him, what is he going to do? {I honestly have no idea what to put here except, this, soooooo}

Just_A_Creature · Videojogos
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10 Chs

Chapter 7 Rainy Day.

while on the infirmary bed, Stync look at all his... things, and acting like an insane person while touching the air.

"should... we go in?" Ruby ask her sister, who seem to be amused by the situation while recording with her scroll, but....

"heeee~ it not register him in at all" Yang, while trying to record Stync, realize that he cannot be record, for some reason, rather, it seem like he become a blur.

she is, curious on how he manage to do it, since it will be nice for her to have it to do, you know, stuff, seriously, she knew the camera seen her, but, just not enough to point it at her... as if the blonde hair isn't obvious enough.

"sis? should we go in?" Ruby ask again, when she saw how her sister seem to be checking her scroll for a little funsy.

"hm? oh sure rubes~ let go to your boyfriend~~" she won't turn down an opportunity to tease her cute little sister, even if it mean to forgot about something she wanted... temporary.


Stync was looking out of the window when they were talking and Yang was thinking to herself... he really wonder where the crown come from... it not like he was a king in his life, nor was he ever have a accesory with this shape either, it was quite, uncomfortable for him to have something place on top, and not at the front of his head.

while he looking out of the window, he realize that the reflection in the window, is not him, but a girl with silver hair looking at him, smiling.

*knock knock!*

a sound of knocking, his attention is grabbed by the immediate sound of knocking, he look and see, Ruby and Yang, Yang was smiling while Ruby is... blushing? huh, he wonder if it have anything to do with him... nah, they know each other for just a little bit, the most they could be is, Friend, if he push it, if it anything else he might assume it him.

"how ya doing, handsome~?" Yang ask him the first thing they do, while Ruby is still blushing though, she seem to be trying to ask the same thing.

"a little headache, if anything, I felt like there was a thoudsand to million of voices screaming in my head" he answer truthfully, maybe it the adrenaline or he was confused on just waking up not long ago, he answer without thinking before he realize it, "Of course, it just my exaggerration"

he added, though that not gonna let the strange look the two of them gave him disappear.

"that... not oddly specific but a bit strange for a joke..." Ruby spoke up, not really know why he use the word, voices instead of something else.

"joke never specific nor was it normal" Stync shrug, not really gonna explain anymore, he look at the both of them before asking them a question of his own, "so, what did you two come here for?"

"Oh! right, here! it a video!" Ruby excitedly told him before pressing play on her scroll that she gave him, the scroll start to play something, the headmaster is giving people their own team and team leader and team name.

--Sadness said, begone, but greed seek deep, deep eternal----

the video is about how the headmaster talking about thing, like, well, team name, team leader, and team member.

"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, and Blake Belladonna, the four of you make, Team RWBY, and Team Leader is Ruby Rose" The headmaster annouce, looking at a lot of people seem to be raising an eyesbrow at his well, decision.

"Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing, Sky Lark, the four of you make team, CRDL, read Cardinal By the way, lead by, Cardin Winchester" he annouce the another one, this one gain a bit of a nodded of understanding from people, however.

"Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyra... rie... Valkyrie, Piera... Pyrra Nikos, and Lie Ren, is the Member of team, JNPR! Lead by, Jaune Arc! please gave a round of applause to my bl- I've meant, the new team" the headmaster, trying to lighten the mood up by, pretending to be spelling their name wrong.... right? he trying to lighten the mood right?

"ahem, and, well, this is not a team, but rather, a special situation per se, however, we won't let them roam around alone, so, we are in a state of decision, but, we do, have one team that we want him to learn and teach them about how he have fight... two of them actually... Make that 3! you all might be wondering, "wow, how special is he, to be given a privilge, he must be suuuuueer rich," and to all those who think like that, they isn't even that rich, they just, manage to get by, oh, look at me going on and on... for those who skipped to read here, they are the one who manage to get a grey pieces, though, I don't even intend for those to be collected..... however, he manage to collect one, those are implemented with special effect of not able to see or even recognize it... I won't say anything more, as we would like to make his identity a secret, for now" the headmaster who go on and on about a certain someone in the room, seem to be think highly of the man he speaking about.

Stync, who see the video just... look at it, for a long amount of awkward silence, before he sigh.

"that damn headmaster... oh well, what done is done" he speak up shaking his head from what he just saw, he sigh, he really can't deal with that old fox.

"you really are a special student now you know~" Yang told him who nodded, as if just accept her thought.

he make a side glance at his system window.

[you have gain an large amount of fame due to something that have happen

the public have recognize it as "special"

you are granted a new Template.

you are granted a new ability from Keter

please recieve it when no one is around]

he now understand how it work... there seem to be a grade for thing like, recognization, fame, and ability.... he wonder if the system told him to become famous... however, he still gain things even though his identity have been hidden, does that mean that as long as some people knew it is him, it would work out? no matter who did it? or did the system have something like, Reality checking? he doubt it, at the same time he also doubted his own doubt that have stem from the doubting of his own system doubt....

he sigh.

"are you okay?" Ruby ask, her eyes sparkle... he knew what she want to ask, she probably, maybe, wanted to ask him more about his gloves, he look at his hand, he didn't have any gloves on, probably in his, well, so called Inventory right now.


{AN: ah ya ya, ah yayayayaya, anyway, hint for the next template~ so, in the time I've been gone, I decide something, The voices should be ability instead of Template, you know how OP they are, they have a literal satan playing god, also, his Aura is a special case, it more of those Korean swordmaster thingy than normal Aura, basically, it won't support his body unless he want it... anyway.

hinted: "Lone Tree cannot stand alone you say?", or "I will burn it all down.... Even my life too", maybe "…At least, I could do something for my own sake till the end."

however, I might change my mind since I have like, 10 or so direction I could go to, maybe I will just gave Ruby or Yang something, you know? since Yang also a Chinese reference, her name probably have something to do with Dragon.

Ability hint: Magical Girl of Happiness{you guys might think it too, idk, girly?}

WRYYYYYY, the reason I didn't finish it at like, 3 days ago, was due to a simple reason of, "I'm farming the other Femboy", I've meant, they're both OP, I'm gonna go to sleep now, tomorrow I have some work, cya!

also the template doesn't need to be a PMverse reference, anything is fine, you guy can suggest to me, I would think about it.

blow pancake with.... mind.