

I met Nox's eyes. I couldn't even tell what color they were. His features were like shifting sands in a desert, but for some reason I could remember his cold, ugly grin.

"What level are you? And, what level are each of the other Fae?" I asked, deciding on a more productive course of questioning.

"Each Fae's level varies," said Nox in a smooth voice, "Samart, The Human Fae as he's called by his followers, is the highest level at 1624. He might have leveled up again since I've last seen him, though. From there they descend until the lowest, Argyle, who is only level 1152."

I almost cursed aloud. 1624? According to RED, the experience needed for each subsequent level doubles. Just how many times over could he reach level 1000 with that much experience?

"But," said Nox, "You don't need to be too worried about reaching that level. Once you Ascend you'll better understand that the differences between levels begins to thin considerably. If you reach level 1200 and team up with others who have also Transcended, you should be able to handle Samart."

1200 was still a big hurdle, but it was far more reasonable. I don't know if my new body would be long enough lived to reach level 1624. In fact, I don't even know if my body ages at all for that matter.

[Solution: The user ages like a normal human would. Royalty Demon lines have shorter lifespans than most of their brethren. This is to permit a change of rule often. The user's current lifespan will, at most, reach 150 years. If the user is to surpass level 1000, though, the user's lifespan will essentially become infinite so long as the body is sustained.]

"RED's right, toy," said Nox, showing he could hear RED's voice, "When you ascend a lot of things will change. For one, you'll regain memories of your past lives along with fractions of the memories from those whose souls you've absorbed. That will probably overwhelm you for a bit. It's a unique feeling, really. After that you will gain the ability to traverse the Outer Plane without your soul being shattered. I once called it the 'free space between dimensions'. It's essentially a giant mass of energy where the planes of reality float. You'll also come to gain an intrinsic understanding of souls."

Wouldn't I lose my sense of self if I suddenly gained memories like that? I started to sweat and my eyes lost focus. The implications of it all were coursing through me. I had come to the conclusion that some bad men deserved to die, but if by killing them I made them a part of myself… There was an old quote from my last world that went along the lines of: 'When one fights monsters for too long, they eventually become one.'

"Will I still be me?" I involuntarily asked.

"That depends. You always have the option of just living out your life without leveling up if you're afraid of it. Of course that means I'll have to shatter your soul and return it to the mass of energy between worlds," replied Nox.

The way he nonchalantly threatened me felt absurd. Did I have any other options?

[Solution: The user might be able to escape Nox if they do ascend, but without breaking level 1000 fighting Nox is impossible.]

"Yes, you do have the ability to run away if you break 1000," said Nox, "But if that happens I'm certain you know what waits you is nothing but a life on the run. My comrades don't know I plan on betraying them. If I tell them a soul managed to ascend, they'll help me hunt you down. I could also hunt down your loved ones. You seem quite attached to the fourth princess of Gransus, let alone the family you left behind in your last life. You don't really have any other options here, toy. Evolve. Become an instrument to my slaughter. Help me free this universe from the persecution of the Gods."

"I could find your comrades first," I said, trying to reason my way out of this, "and I could tell them everything you've told me here."

"Are you trying to threaten me?"

My heart stopped beating. My skin prickled and it felt like my blood transformed into boiling water. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

"N-no!" I choked.

"I forgot to tell you one important detail, little toy. Samart may be the strongest, but I'm no pushover either. My level is 1616. I hold all the cards here. Every single one is in my sleeve. Even if you ascend you don't know where your original world is. I do. I know where your mother lives and where your father works," Nox leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk as the swirling black mass in his eyes formed into a demonic shape, "If you try anything, I will destroy everything you love."

Nox's voice was hard, but he quickly transformed into his laid back form again.

"For now, you need to begin training my army. I'll be monitoring you. I'll even unlock RED's classified knowledge. Endyrion's dead, but his school is still there. I suggest you use it. The students are, as far as I know, clean. The younger and malleable ones are easier to train. You should take about two or three years to ascend on your own, I think. I'll give you 200 years. Deliver at least three soldiers, including you, in that time. If you can't do that much, I'll probably be better off getting rid of you."

As soon as he finished talking, Nox vanished. It was as if he was never there. Endyrion's body shattered into dust and disappeared too. My head was pulsing, and RED didn't make a sound. There was no reincarnation cycle in this world. Everyone who died had their soul absorbed by the killers. I didn't know how a natural death would play into that, though. Perhaps if someone died of old age they'd be able to enter the reincarnation cycle anyways…

Every person or beast you killed eventually became part of you. That thought plagued me. I looked down at my own hands, realizing that they had been shaking the whole time. For a moment, I thought I could see the blood of those I've slain on them.

RED, I don't know if I can do this…

[Solution: The user can do anything. This guide will be there for the user, too.]

In this world, killing others was akin to killing yourself in a roundabout way. I wondered just how many of those I've murdered will have memories of me.

"I have no choice," I mused aloud in a quiet voice, "RED, if I want to protect my own soul then I have to take the souls of others. If I want to protect my family and friends then I need to fight against Gods… I might become a monster."

[Solution: Then I will still be at your service, monster Calliope.]