

A very compelling and suspenseful novel about, a young boy named Lucas who lost his parents of the age of six. and taken into a foster home. a foster home, called. kids are special foster home in Canada. growing up, gradually in this foster home Lucas sees his fellow peers at the age of seven, eight and nine. speaking and their words were law in the foster home. These kids are very rich, and influential. No one, dared to do other wise. They had power in their lips. They sold their souls to the devil in exchange for money, influence and power. Through this kind of power is so intoxicating, and attractive. Lucas refuses to be tempted by such power, money or influence. but growing up under this difficult circumstance of no parents. Lucas knows, that his life would be like hell on earth due to the fact that no one is watching, over him.” growing up till the age of ten Lucas was been tempted, by the devil on several occasions sometimes through dreams, realities like his fellow peers persuading his to embrace the devil and all his wishes in life will be granted Lucas ignores them and avoids them. This cult was called the Illumstro led by a very powerful man. possibly the devil himself, he was seen in physical form by his followers and they felt his presence but sometimes he shows himself to them. They called him the dark prince, he had captured one trillion youngsters Who kept trying to deceive, Lucas yet Lucas stood his ground at the age of 18 when he was to graduate from the foster home to A foster high school, he is given a large amount of money in cash to further his high school he escapes from the school, with the money to Canadian streets and lavished the money carelessly when the devil saw that Lucas was now frustrated as they say when the devil wants you he comes with something you wish for he does not dare come with something you dont wish for Lucas was frustrated, confused and stranded he wished that any good proposition would come his way he does not care if it would be killing as long as it pays him its better than been idle The devil is cunning and evil he now knows Lucass mind and uses this slight opportunity to lure him into his trap he sends his followers, (or goons) to go deceive Lucas now and lure him into the cult indirectly by stating to Lucas that they have proposition for him which will earn him on point fifty thousand dollars each politician he kills. All he gotta do is getting a sniper and kill all the politicians in Canada. Each politician he kills will earn him that amount of money when Lucas heard this he accepted it instantly. Ignorant of the fact that these people were the same people who tried to deceive him when he was in the foster home. Lucas in person had a bright future which he was ignorant of. the devil wanted power and also Lucass soul and this was the only way he wanted to seize it.

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Lucas Williams dressed up on a black suit and he put on a mask as he took his second car key he drove off lending his house open. He shouted Who gives a suit what I own now I am probably a dead man walking anyway unfortunately for Lucas Lucas Blackwood (the devil) had other plans for him as Lucas was driving so fast a portal to his future opened Lucas drove into the portal. Though the portal was made invisible So he will not see it as he got there he began to see crowd of Canadian government New Elected President Lucas was shocked when he saw his foster mate Peter M C. Lein, who was now the president of Canada Lucas fears were now haunting him but this was just the beginning. It was a glass or glimpse of his doom Awakening him Lucas was scared to come out of his car he was breathing heavily he was almost suffocating as he saw himself coming close to his car he became afraid his dapple ganger came to his car down and hit the gloss of his car and it sheltered instantly. Lucas dapple gang shouted you dont have to be scared of me I am you the possible future of who you are gonna be four years from now in your world In year 2010.

Lucas (the real Lucas) was speechless he whispered Lucas dappled gang shouted oh I ain't no dappled ganger ponder on what you have achieved so far you see that we ain't that different (telepath) Lucas shouted how did you feel my mind) Lucas dapple gang replied. On you dont know that you belong to the dark prince now he will give you unlimited powers So like it not your future is all here for you now Heres just a glass or your doom You have seen nothing yet. Lucas Williams was so sacred and angry as his dapple ganger brought out a big gun and shouted you are a gunslinger You shoot those in power you kill for power. You dont kill for Anyone but the dark the prince he made both of us who we are today. So run to wherever you think you can run to remember you can run but you cant hide Lucas Williams shouted at his dapple gang You imposter you keep your stupid mouth shut you are just running your freaking mouth better shut it or I will shot it for you his dopple ganger shouted. You cant hurt me You are only hurting yourself if you do so. So listen to me while you still can Lucas Williams shouted whats that suppose to mean?` Lucas, dopple ganger replied Oh you tell me As he said this. He pointed his hand and showed Lucas. All the Canadian victims he has killed and all the Canadian voters He has right now in this universe (future) Lucas dopple ganger shouted well Lucas bruh you are the senator of Canada. Four years from now in your world like it or not Your destiny, has been closed. Now you gotta face the reality of your fate Lucas was speechless, as his dopple ganger opened as portal and said go see for yourself Lucas drove his car into the portal as he arrived he saw himself standing in front of a great crowd. All he could hear was Mr President what have you go to say about the rival gangs parading the Canadian streets Lucas was speechless on seeing his dapple ganger in this position All he had seen now was glass of doom awaiting him in his future Lucas drove out of the portal and out of fear and anxiety. To leave Canada He decided to go the United States of America. And spend the rest of his life but unfortunately for him Lucius Blackwood (the devil himself) and his followers were waiting for him in America Lucius was not aware, that they were here on the Aero plane he whispered oh is this the road of destiny. Oh no I made this choice now I am gonna face whatever is coming for me Destiny is optional for every human being and a crown of power feeds on the mind of the corrupt and erasing its purity, and poisoning it with evil.

Lucas in tears remembered how his parents struggled to save him not themselves in that storm. was their sacrifice really worth it? Oh no the glass of doom have showed me all that awaits me in the coming future which I cannot escape from oh Im ready for whatever comes