

A very compelling and suspenseful novel about, a young boy named Lucas who lost his parents of the age of six. and taken into a foster home. a foster home, called. kids are special foster home in Canada. growing up, gradually in this foster home Lucas sees his fellow peers at the age of seven, eight and nine. speaking and their words were law in the foster home. These kids are very rich, and influential. No one, dared to do other wise. They had power in their lips. They sold their souls to the devil in exchange for money, influence and power. Through this kind of power is so intoxicating, and attractive. Lucas refuses to be tempted by such power, money or influence. but growing up under this difficult circumstance of no parents. Lucas knows, that his life would be like hell on earth due to the fact that no one is watching, over him.” growing up till the age of ten Lucas was been tempted, by the devil on several occasions sometimes through dreams, realities like his fellow peers persuading his to embrace the devil and all his wishes in life will be granted Lucas ignores them and avoids them. This cult was called the Illumstro led by a very powerful man. possibly the devil himself, he was seen in physical form by his followers and they felt his presence but sometimes he shows himself to them. They called him the dark prince, he had captured one trillion youngsters Who kept trying to deceive, Lucas yet Lucas stood his ground at the age of 18 when he was to graduate from the foster home to A foster high school, he is given a large amount of money in cash to further his high school he escapes from the school, with the money to Canadian streets and lavished the money carelessly when the devil saw that Lucas was now frustrated as they say when the devil wants you he comes with something you wish for he does not dare come with something you dont wish for Lucas was frustrated, confused and stranded he wished that any good proposition would come his way he does not care if it would be killing as long as it pays him its better than been idle The devil is cunning and evil he now knows Lucass mind and uses this slight opportunity to lure him into his trap he sends his followers, (or goons) to go deceive Lucas now and lure him into the cult indirectly by stating to Lucas that they have proposition for him which will earn him on point fifty thousand dollars each politician he kills. All he gotta do is getting a sniper and kill all the politicians in Canada. Each politician he kills will earn him that amount of money when Lucas heard this he accepted it instantly. Ignorant of the fact that these people were the same people who tried to deceive him when he was in the foster home. Lucas in person had a bright future which he was ignorant of. the devil wanted power and also Lucass soul and this was the only way he wanted to seize it.

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As Lucas Williams and his new recruited gang all dressed in black and masked Lucas was driving so fast that no other car saw his back. They devised to attack the Dark Princes lair and kill all his followers including him Lucius Blackwood, Lucas himself knows that, it is so impossible to kill Lucius Blackwood he was the devil in flesh and blood disguising in human flesh to deceive the people of the world.

Lucas Williams had just made up his mind, that he was gonna kill anyone who stands in his way starting by eliminating Dark Prince. "Lucas whispered I dont give a fuck you gonna die by my bullets Lucas shouted to his new recruited gangs load em bullets Load those guns make sure gun is fully loaded yall feel me They all echoed yeah we feel you boss as they arrived at the dark princes lair Lucas shouted to his gang yall shouldnt restated to shoot whoever stands in your way. all. Waste em all. They are all rotten to the fucken core remember mercy is sign of weakness. mercy is for the weak Merciless rise is for the strong. If they all come at yall kill em all Yall feel me They all replied in a very loud voice Yeah we feel you boss. Now lets bounce Immediately they all bounced out of the cars and began to shoot unfortunately, Lucius and his followers werent there the people who circled round him Lucius lair were clones made by very cunning those clone were having similar features with the Dark Princes followers also they also was looking exactly like each other as Lucas and his gang and gunned down all the clones." Willis ran to check the bodies. unfortunately he found out these fells were not humans. They were crones he shouted oh fuck no! boss we were set up. they fucking knew we were coming Lucas shouted what? Oh no! fuck! No turning back now! What am I gonna do he became so confused and furious he remember a book that quoted."

The devil is a master minder, crook, and a clever son of bitch you can\t our smart him he is the Prince of all liars and also the giver of the lying tongue the only way to deal with him is to resist him Lucas Williams knew that something dangerous was coming for him and that there was no escape no matter what he does. Theres no way out. As Lucas and his gang who were all scared to death all breathing fast Lucas whispered you should be careful we are up against something so dangerous Willis Stein shouted hey boss you led us to this trap what are we gonna do now? He asked in confusion: Lucas Williams was speechless he couldnt utter any other word Before Lucas and his gang could know it. The Dark Prince Lucius Blackwood the (devil himself) and his followers. Edmund Edwinson, Peter Mclein, Davis Viller, Michael Davis, Davis Stein, Elvis Huise, Arnord Severson Emmanuel Ellis, arrived all dressed in black and black holding big guns. Lucas Williams was so scared he whispered oh no theres absolutely no turning back now he began to release countless bullets from his gun Willis, and the other gangsters joined in shooting. But their bullets seemed to be bouncing and hanging on the air. The Dark Prince was using his telekinesis power to hang their speeding bullets on the air Lucas knew that his end was near he shouted yall lets bounce lets get out here before we all die. Willis shouted boss we ain't gone nowhere these mother fuckers die. You brought us here we ain't go in till we finish the job you told us to finish Lucas was so pleased at Wills He ran away in fear Willis and the other gangs kept shooting their gunshot. They ran out of bullets Lucius Blackwood and his followers who stood fearlessly, all smiled and Lucius Blackwood shouted man is weak, man is foolish he thinks he is wise but he aint wise he is just stupid As the Dark Prince. Lucius Blackwood said this he use his Telekinetic powers to redirect the speeding bullets back to Willis and the other gangs the bullets fired each of them They all died instantly. Tragically locally Wills and the gang were all murdered by their own bullets. This is to how deceitful and dangerous the Dark Prince is he ain't human Hes the devil what do you expect Lucas Williams kept running till he was almost naked He was only putting on his pants with no singlet he was so scared Little did he know that Lucius Blackwood had other plans for him. Lucius Blackwood wanted Lucas to grab the power in Canada and at the end take his soul. Lucas Williams Had ignorantly, lost his guns, bullets and his car key. But he was only worried for his safely his fear were now haunting him seriously It was like his spirit was about to leave his body Lucas Williams kept running till he got to a restaurant he was breathing heavily in anxiety and fear. As he got to the restaurant, he had no money on him and he was almost naked He was putting on his underwears and singlet. It was like he was a psycho that got out of the Canadian psychiatrist hospital as he came to the restaurant. The people who were eating in the restaurant all became so terrified. Some began to feel disgust on seeing this teenager almost naked and dirty meanwhile Lucas was looking so dirty and disgusting. Some of them could be stinch of Lucass smell left the restaurant. the owner of the restaurant the own of the restaurant instantly lost his tempers and shouted hey pig get outta here! Before I roast you Lucas out of fear ran away, he kept running till he became so tried and weak. he fainted after some minutes. after Lucas Passed out his subconscious began to notice spiritual and possibly diabolical manipulation as Lucass spirit let his body after some minutes. Lucius spirit stood up and saw Lucas Blackwood (that the himself) standing in front of him Obstructing him Lucass spirit shouted get out my way you piece of shit Lucius Blackwood never uttered a word. Lucas at first wasnt exactly scared but he was summoning courage within him he actually knew that he was in between life and death. Lucass spirit was quiet. As he kept looking, Lucius kept staring at young Lucass eyes. As Lucius (the devil himself) disappeared Lucas spirit was now working slowly as a heavy wind from nowhere began to blow Lucas spirit then pushes his subconscious both of them entered his body instantly Lucas bounced up from the floor he looked straight to the skies and whispered on thank God! As he saw himself in the middle of the street he shouted is this how my lifes gonna be for the rest of my God damn years. Oh no I gotta stop all this bullshit once and for all. He asked himself, How am I gonna stop all this? What am I gonna do now? that I lost all my men as Lucas stood for a while, he then summoned courage and began to run till he accidentally got to the dark Princes lair As he got there he was so scared he wanted to get in Without been noticed by any one but how is he gonna get by the security guards there. He thought for a while till he came up with a good idea. He whispered I think I gotta find my way to my house cause going in there is gonna be a very bad idea Lucas ran past the Dark Prince lair and kept running till he got to his house he was breathing heavily as he got there he remembered he had lost the key to his house alongside his car key, he broke the lock of his house and went in as he got in he went to his secret room where he keeps his weapons he brought out Five lethal guns and whispered now its time for payback. that son of bitch is gonna regret killing my gang hes gonna regret using his stupid satanic powers on my guards I swear he gonna regret having me as one of his followers damn him!.