
It happened

I was so pressed during the maths class so I decided to wait till it's break since break is just few more minutes to go.

It was break already so I went to the schools restroom to ease myself, coming out and arranging my shirt I bumped into Vincent.

Ohhh, and sorry ' I said'

No problems it's fine . He replied.

Vincent has been asking me out for up to a week or more than now, but am still adamant. Suddenly he came closer to me, held my face closer and kissed me.

I was angry at first, but I don't know what came over me it's just like a spiritual ginger woke up in me and I drew him closer and deepened the kiss...

Oo my!!! It felt like heaven, I didn't stop because the spark kept rising until we hurried into the restroom.

Guess what happened??
